512 thoughts on “Sticky: 100 (more or less) things that we love about Barack Obama

  1. I love the way that he interacts with people and the history he puts in his speeches.

  2. As someone said in an article somewhere, he doesn’t seem to have any hate in his heart.

  3. And #2 The way world leaders respect and honor
    him — like the Queen of England!

  4. His blinding intelligence, coupled with great values, judgment, and bearing – an unbeatable combination and I’m only scratching the surface.

  5. President Obama’s intelligent leadership . . . not to mention his love of country and family.

    Happy Memorial Day weekend everyone!


  6. His ability to see good in people that I can’t. He never complains, he just keeps working for the good of all people.

  7. The way he gives sensible, clear, thoughtful, articulate answers to questions – whether it be in an interview, press conference, or at a town-hall meeting…#IMPRESSIVE

  8. Agree with all the above. I would add, his laser-like focus on his responsibilities and the unflappable ability to multi-task. He does everything effortlessly. He is as cool as a cucumber as they say…

  9. His commitment to empowering the people.
    This is such a fabulous thing we’re doing here, people. I request that we also acknowledge ourselves for our part in this fabulous presidency and what we are stepping up and doing out of our inspired commitments. All that counts. xoxox

  10. I love his long game.
    I love his determination to save America from its own folly.
    I love his Optimism.
    I love his empathy.
    oh, and
    I love the way he looks in safety glasses.

  11. His self-deprecating nature, despite being the most important person in the world.

  12. I love the way that he lights up the faces of people with his presence alone. It is clear to anyone with eyes to see that these smiles bubble up directly from the heart. Most people become better people in his presence because he sees, respects and draws out
    the good that he believes lives in the heart of each and every person.

  13. I love how he personalizes all of his speeches by naming names of peopl who have expereinced or is associated with whatever he is speaking about. He loves to give recognizion, no matter how large or small.

  14. I am not sure if this the type of comments you are looking for, but during the election of 2008. There were at list 3-4 videos posted where children, mostly toddlers were saying Obama.

    One in particular stock in my mind, the toddler, every time a picture of Obama was on TV/Cable, the toddler would shout out Obama’s name and the toddler was happy.

    However, every time the parents would show the toddler McCain’s picture, the toddler would cry. I thought that was funny.

    Then the pictorial with president Obama bending for a little Black boy to touch his head. I thought that was precious.

    Then, the Little Barack Obama, namesake to the president from Iowa was another that tickled my funny bones. That one was just so cute.

    The one this week in Ireland with the little 2-4 old girl with reddish hair is just fantastic.

    I could go on, but if ‘am on the right track, then, I am happy to play along. But if I have completely messed up what you wanted, please forgive me.

    I will check in periodically to see how far off, I did.

  15. He isn’t self-serving, selfish nor self-centered…

    He gives credit to others not himself!

    He’s BIG, Beautiful, Warm Smile! 🙂

  16. I love how he’s got the guts to do what’s right, not necessarily what’s politically expedient, for example: 1. saved Detroit car makes and 2. stood up to Netanyahu.

  17. I’ll echo what BWD said, but add, especially boys & young men of color. The look in their eye when they look at him and see, as the young man from Booker T. said, “that someone who looks like me can become President of the United States.” That part of his legacy is impossible to measure but will have lasting effects.

  18. I love that he inspires people like all of you/us to post such appropriate comments, and I agree with all of them.

    I love that he makes my heart swell with pride, for my president, my country, and my party.

    I love that even though in my 73 years there have been presidents I respected, admired, and even loved, this is the FIRST president who has ALL of the qualities that make me respect, admire and love him, and yet SO MUCH MORE.

  19. To me, he is by far, the clearest manifestation of that Biblical expression: The greatest amongst you is your servant…the one who serves you.

  20. My Favorite thing about the president and his wife, was again in 2008, after the loss in NH, when all the polls had picked him to win, but he lost.

    Both PBO and MO were so gracious. Mrs. Obama came after the speech and hugged her man from the back.

    The second close was the fist bump in my home state of MN, the day sen Obama, officially captured the nomination. I knew, he was going to be the pres of this nation.

    The night of May 1 2011, the removing of OBL form this earth. I appreciated his way, no chest pumping, just the facts.

  21. All of the above and then some.
    I love the way he makes me feel after he speaks. His positivity, compassion, intelligence, sense of humor, courage, strength, coolness and the way he connects with people. He inspires me and motivates me to take action and be apart of the change I too want to see. I truly believe he does not have hate in his heart. He is good people! 🙂

  22. His mother, maternal grandparents, life experiences, et al taught him well!

  23. There is absolutely no speaker on the world stage like him. So while most everyone now takes his wonderfully inspiring speeches for granted I think President Obama’s speech-making has to be mentioned in the top 100.

    The Republicans attempt to ridicule his speeches because they know that they are a weapon they don’t have; what he says and how he says it moves people to be inspired.

    May I add one more that maybe doesn’t make the top 100 but I just have to mention? Since the first time he glided up to me; gliding so quietly and quickly to shake my hand that I was caught so off-guard I said “Thank you Mr. Barama” (agghh lol!). Since then I’ve been noticing how he physically moves across a room. He does it so effortlessly with a long stride without it looking like a long stride, unlike any other politician I’ve ever seen. I was thinking about it again this week when a lady in Ireland was quoted as saying, “He walks like a Kenyan.” I think that might be it. It is something graceful in itself.

  24. He is always present in the moment, giving each person and each event his undivided attention, and is able to succeed magnificently at all variety of occasions.

  25. I love the fact that he was strong, smart and confident enough to run a winning campaign to become POTUS.

    And I love that he’s lost none of those characteristics as he governs.

  26. As a senior I have seen a lot of Presidents come & go, but never have I see one with the Statesmanship-type qualities of PBO.
    His inner-core goodness, & all-around brilliance…plus his love of family…all add to the reasons why I love & admire this man. He doesn’t “preach” family values…he LIVES them. We are Blessed to have him as our Commander & Chief.

  27. I Love that he never showboats or put other people down. Yes, he will mock your ideas but never the person, lol.

  28. His determination to analyze a situation before making a decision and acting.

  29. I LOVE that he takes his responsibility so seriously. Example: You KNOW that he’s tired after coming home from such a grueling oversees trip – but, he’ll be be there for the Joplin people tomorrow, with his same compassion,empathy and focus.

  30. I’m a grown up old man but when i saw Mr. Obama up close here in New York I acted and felt like a little kid. So i know that feeling.

  31. There is a lot of talk about “values” the President actually practices them.

  32. I do wish he could get some rest but his scheduled is still filled for when he gets back.

  33. Oh, I could not forget, the day his grandma died, he was in Missouri, in 2008, as sen Obama spoke, tears ran down his eyes. I thought, that showed me how much he loved her and how much he cared for Us.

    Then this past January, at the memoriam of those who were shot in AZ, the pres had a caring way of telling the world how we all could relate to the little 9 year, Green. No doubt, the president was thinking about his younger daughter. The tribute to that child was perfect.

  34. He is so even-keeled and even-tempered, it is hard to tell if he is having a bad day or a good one. He is a real trooper.

  35. He and Michelle inspired me to look at relationships differently..date night has been around forever but it took on another meaning when they made a point to do it so they could spend time together.

  36. BWD, I’m so indebted to you for providing a place to ‘share the love.’ and it IS “love”!

  37. All of the above, plus his wisdom in selecting the right person for the right job – starting with his wife, his Veep, his SOS and on down the line.

    We are so fortunate to be a witness to this greatness.

  38. I Love that he treats VP Biden like his equal….he has nothing but respect for him.

  39. I love his humility and his ability to empathise with others.He is the one guy who, if he has any ego, he carries it so well, it does not intrude on him…

  40. I agree with every comment already made. However, I have to say that what I love most of all about our president is that he makes me so damn proud to be an American again. The last occupant of the WH made me ashamed. The night of the election, when he officially became the president-elect, I sent an e-mail to my circle of friends saying how joyfull I was that we, as a country, finally did the right thing. And every day since, this good man has only reenforced that feeling.

    Thank you, BWD, for this site. I read it daily. Keep up the good work!


  41. Made me proud to be an American after many years of “I’m American, but did NOT vote for George…”

  42. Your comment brought me tears because my six year old Grandson is so proud that he is “just like President Obama with a mom born in America and a dad born in Africa.” He wants to grow up to be a “good man” like our President.

    The value of PBO as a role model for our youth of all races and ethnicity really can’t be measured. It is priceless.

  43. I love that his actions shows his values.

    As patient as Job, the good book has thought Us.

    Today in 2011, heck, this century, In my book, the modern day patient man, is none other than, President Barack Obama.

  44. I love his brilliant political skills and the effortless way he ignores the vitriol from the opposition yet ultimately uses it to get the desired result. It seems so effortless that many do not even notice his political successes.

  45. You reach a point where you realize that you like so many things about a person, that you don’t just respect their talents and their empathy, their ability to admit mistakes humbly, their tireless dedication to helping others irrespective of whom they are – you reach a point where you simply love the person.

    That happened for me during his speech in Phoenix days after the senseless tragedy.

    As he spoke, I realized I loved the man for all that he is.

    Other than family, a few very dear friends and the total love of my life, my wife, I have never felt that way about a President or any other leader with the exception of Nelson Mandela.

    And, a big part of how much love he inspires and infuses is evidenced by communities like the one you’ve created here, BWD, and at TPV and The Obama Diary.

    Thank you for asking, BWD.

    Yes.We.Can. … DO.More.Together!

  46. I love everything that all of you have said, but most importantly, I love and respect, the way he carefully thinks through issues before he makes a decision. I also love his skillful pragmatism that enables him to get things done despite the odds. Finally, I love the fact he lets his record of accomplishments speak for itself instead of bragging about it all the time.

  47. I love the fact that he has made me a better person because he truly respects and values what other people say, even though he doesn’t agree with them. I have found myself being less impatient with people who seem to have foolish ideas, more forgiving, less quick to judge because my president has shown by example that understanding and compassion are good values to live by.

    From the moment he was elected, I felt there was a rightness to the world. His smile makes me happy.

  48. BWD: what a LOVELY idea for a thread. The results should be shared far and wide!

  49. No drama Obama – he is wise, intelligent, gracious, humorous, thoughtful, even-keeled to handle this ship of state with dignity and diplomacy. He sees the big picture and never snipes at those who would seek to try to bring him down. We are blessed to have this man lead our country and we better all work very hard to re-elect him and give him a Democratic House and Senate to back his programs. We need to work hard to elect Democratic governors and legislatures at the state level too. I love the way he relates to children and when he tells a joke – gives that little “heh-heh” afterward. And the brushing his shoulders thingie when opponents pile on him – he can handle it with his “I’ve got this covered” 11-dimensioned chess attitude. He really does outsmart and out wait his enemies and lets them make themselves look stupid. No Drama – No problem. Love this guy!!!!!

  50. His game face. NOBODY in politics has it. If anybody questions that, just go review clips of our potus in action the whole week leading up to Sunday May 1, 2011….

  51. I just love how he doesn’t let anyone get to him. This man is the very personification of cool.

  52. Oops I meant “people”, “”experienced” and “recognition”. Guess I was to anxious to give him kudos. 🙂

  53. There are so many things and many have been mentioned. I loved his speech on race in Philadelphia the best. It moved me to tears. l love that he encourages differing opinions on his team and knows that a diverse team reaches better decisions. I love that he values all cultures and religions and shows it with his actions. I love that he pronounces Pakistan the way the Pakistani people do!

  54. I love and admire our President for so many reasons – his vision, his intellect, his steady, competent leadership, his empathy and, yes, his megawatt smile. But I want to add one issue that gets little attention although it represents one of the greatest challenges of our time: his tireless efforts to move us towards a world without nuclear weapons. I remember when he spoke about that in Berlin when he was still a candidate – and the German (and international) press reported condescendingly “Dream on, Obama”. He repeated the message more forcefully in Prague – still without much resonance in the press and the public. But this was an issue he had been working on as soon as he became a U.S. Senator. As President, he brought it before the U.N. Security Council and elevated it to official policy. Of course, everyone knows about the nuclear ambitions of Iran and North Korea. But few people realize the enormous danger from loose nuclear materials left over from the Cold War and poorly secured in parts of the former Soviet Union and elsewhere. It is because of the tireless efforts of President Obama that we are now on track to secure all loose nuclear materials worldwide within a set time to ensure that they never fall in the hands of terrorists. For this alone, he more than earned the Nobel Peace Prize. Thank you, Mr. President! – always thinking, working and caring even if no one pays attention.

  55. Everything everyone has said here plus I just have to emphasize his respect and actually cherishing the strong women around him especially his glowing love for Michelle.

    He and Michelle have true “family values” They are a role model for all of America in their respect, kindness, nurturing of their own family and of anyone who meets them. They share the love with generosity and a beauty of soul that we have not seen in any President and his Lady in my lifetime.

  56. Amen to that, Jackie. I’m learning to be so much more patient as a result of his example. We can all benefit from the mantra What Would Obama Do?

  57. ok – I think I have a few that weren’t mentioned here
    I LOVE that even after all the ugly things her campaign said about him he wisely chose Hillary to be his Secretary of State – I LOVE that he doesn’t harbor grudges and chose the best person for the job.

    I LOVE that he respects women and that he appointed two women for the Supreme Court.

    I LOVE his laugh – the way he looks serious and then the smile breaks across his face and he comes out with that laugh that makes all of us feel that tingle – am I right or am I right?

  58. Awww Bob, what a truthful beautiful comment. You stated exactly how I feel. *wipes tears*

  59. That is what I admire the most about President Obama: is the fact he listens and considers all viewpoints before making his decision.

  60. I love the way he is able to stay focused on a task. His patience to see things thru and the ability to tell a nation in action we are all equal

  61. His empathy.His determination.His reflectiveness.His compassion.His ability to see the vision that we can’t see yet.His love of family.His love of country.His believing in us more than we do.His amazing stamina.His laugh.His wicked smart sense of humor.His kickasstakenoprisoners smile.His sex appeal (sorry..it oozes)His embrace of all people.His brain.His classiness.His respect for the traditions of other cultures.His lack of “cowboy.” His lack “my way or the highway” attitude.His respect.His willingness to give others credit when due.The way he has of sucking his mouth in a certain way when he is concentrating during a speech.His devotion to his girls and Michelle. I said that twice, but it bears repeating.Great husband and dad.His epic slams of those that think they cornered him.His simplicity.His complexity.His mole.His fire/passion/determination. I’ll give someone else a chance now:)Thanks, BWD for taking me away from stupid chores I didn’t want to do!

  62. Yes, indeed! Well said, Bobfr. I have an empty frame for pictures of all the perfect people I know. He is definitely in the frame for people I love!

  63. And your comment brought me to tears.You are sooooo right.Immeasurable.

  64. Me, too. Seriously, who needs to clean the balcony when you can wax poetic about your President.

  65. Love your reply Bobfr – I feel the same way about him – to the point that my husband (who also admires him BTW!) is jealous of my feelings and the time I spend volunteering for OFA!

  66. I don’t know you, Jayne, but I will hazard to say you have never been more right in your life! 😉

  67. I love that he opened up the White House to the people. From the time he was running in the primaries he wouldn’t accept money from lobbyists. He made it clear when he won the election that he works for all of us, the people. He also has made the government more open to the public.

  68. OMG, Aquagranny911, yours made me gasp! This is a priceless and unmeasureable positive about Obama, but we can feel it!

  69. I also LOVE that he and the First Lady don’t spoil their girls – that they have chores and can only watch a limited amount of TV. You can tell by observing those two little beauties that they will grow up with confidence and will set the world on fire!

  70. Thank you for sharing this, Bob. It is so important and refreshing to see this type of emotion from a man.

  71. Our amazing President keeps on earning the respect of the world that granted him the Nobel Prize and working tirelessly to bring fairness and peace to the Middle East, despite the obstruction of less visionary and idealistic leaders.

  72. Because He IS…

    Fully and completely himself…

    Available to others, big and small, like and unlike, old and young…

    Listening to what is NOT said…

    Seeing what is not seen…

    Acting from a well-informed heart…

    Who canNOT LOVE this man?

  73. “…We can all benefit from the mantra What Would Obama Do?”

    Yes, WE Can! 😉

  74. Yes, I love that. He LISTENS when other people are talking.

    NOT a common skill.

  75. His sense of humor!

    And that it seems he still reads all the time, in spite of his crazy schedule!

  76. I don’t mind him running UP those stairs, but I still wish he would hold on to the railing when he’s trotting DOWN them! It scares me every time.

    This is, however, an extremely tiny fault in an otherwise perfect man!

  77. The faces of the people around him, meeting him, or shaking his hand! They all look so energized, and amazed!

  78. I love the way he leads through negotiation and compromise because he never forgets that our country is a democracy. Even though he does not always get what he wants and doesn’t always agree with the other side, he is unwilling to demonize and disparage.

    He is always ready to work out a solution, with friends and foes alike, because he is more invested in solving problems than scoring points.

    I know this is a long post. But this poem (and the theme to “West Wing”) often run through my head when I think of President Obama.

    Rudyard Kipling


    If you can keep your head when all about you
    Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
    If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
    But make allowance for their doubting too;
    If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
    Or, being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
    Or, being hated, don’t give way to hating,
    And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise;

    If you can dream – and not make dreams your master;
    If you can think – and not make thoughts your aim;
    If you can meet with triumph and disaster
    And treat those two imposters just the same;
    If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
    Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
    Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,
    And stoop and build ’em up with wornout tools;

    If you can make one heap of all your winnings
    And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
    And lose, and start again at your beginnings
    And never breath a word about your loss;
    If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
    To serve your turn long after they are gone,
    And so hold on when there is nothing in you
    Except the Will which says to them: “Hold on”;

    If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
    Or walk with kings – nor lose the common touch;
    If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
    If all men count with you, but none too much;
    If you can fill the unforgiving minute
    With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run –
    Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
    And – which is more – you’ll be a Man my son!

    I remember reading this poem in high school and wondering what this person would be like in real life. Obama answered that question.

  79. I love the fact that his life has been filled with different peoples, cultures, and places. I love that he is an internationalist. I love that he has no fear; he will go straight into the lion’s den and stand firm on his ideas and values. I love that he makes people want to be better and to do more. I love how he reacts to the elderly. I love how he loves; especially Michelle and the girls. The way that they offer hugs and kisses and lean all over their daddy and holds his hands, tell you all you need to know about his character. I love that while Michelle is proud of him, she knows that he is just a man, albeit a “useful” one. I love him for helping all of us to stand a little straighter and taller as we say that we are proud to be Americans.

  80. Scares me, too. He takes it a little easier when Michelle is with him…whew, that’s a relief.

  81. When President Obama speaks…
    He fills me with joy and and pride, because I know what is to be true, is, that when he speaks, is coming from his mind and from his heart.

    I am grateful to live in an “Obama Era”

  82. I love how he is with Queen Elizabeth. They so obviously like each other. He is as regal as she is, to my mind. Just love the smile on his face when they are together.

  83. Yes, he’s refused to dumb it down, forcing everyone to come up to his level (or at least try to get somewhere close).

  84. With all his responsibilities he stays rooted and remembers the simple joys of a good hamburger and/or a beer, a good laugh or a HUG!!!

  85. Nena…this is my first visit to this thread and your comment made my day…reminded me of the fact that I loved the same pictures you listed…Thank you.

  86. I love that, with just a few words, he set fire to our imaginations back in 1994 at the DNC in Boston. He still does that–a few words, a look, a smile–and he opens our hearts making us realize we can do and be anything.

    I love that he embodies the Hawaiian aloha spirit and has an ethnicity and background that brings so many people together.

    I love that he is the coolest U.S. president in history.

    Finally, it’s a joy having a president I truly respect and love.

  87. I love his tenacity–his willingness to continue pursuing a goal in spite of all of the roadblocks that may be thrown into his path, all of the criticism from the MSM, and the criticism from the faithless associates in his own party.

  88. BWD…new here today…sure wish you had a “favorite” button! Some of the comments here are so incredible and every single one is touching in its own way…hmmmmm, maybe I don’t need a “favorite” after all.

  89. Oh, I love that he is not drunk with power. He has remained a humble, gentle soul–not arrogant and bombasti like you know who…!

    I love his consistency. Read or listen to his speeches from way back and compare them with what he does or says today! There is no contradiction or inconsistency!!! How many politicians can boast that??

  90. So right – Moose67 said it, too. The way he chuckles at his own jokes, and the timber of his deep voice.

  91. I love that he cares about people and it shows when we see the smiling faces.
    I love that he is the best President in my lifetime.

  92. I love the way treats his opponents. During the primaries I watched him chastise his supporters if they booed the mention of Hillary’s name during one of his speeches. I was very impressed during the bristol teen pregnancy hoopla when he reminded the media that his own mother was also a young mother and that they should mind their own business. When you want to call his opponents all sorts of names, he reaches out and addresses them with respect while calling them out. Some people see it as being weak, I see it as being mature and confident.

    I love that he is so wicked smart and doesn’t deliberately make others feel dumb. I say deliberately because there are some haters out there who can’t handle that fact and will tell you that he’s too cocky, arrogant or aloof or professorial or gives answers that are too long. That’s their own insecurity talking and not because of anything Obama said or did to them.

    I love the way he quietly laughs at the jokes he says during some of his speeches. You know the one. That little chuckle that says, “that was a good one. that was funny.” Am I the only one that notices that?

    I love that at the end of the day, he puts people before ideology. There are pols out there who are more liberal than Obama and yes they demand more people friendly legislation. I appreciate their efforts and wish we had more of them, but their ideology often comes before helping the people. For example, ACA and the tax deal. Obama understands what progress means. He knows that compromising is not weakness. He knows how to get sh*t done. I often hear his critics say that Americans like a scrapper. No, Americans like a winner. Obama is a winner.

    I love his patience. Its unreal. I would have snatched and shook somebody by now. Also unreal? his focus and discipline. I think of him when I don’t want to do something.

    I am proud of President Obama and I am not ashamed to say so. He’s not some celebrity with an image created by his agent. He’s real and he’s done a lot for the American people.

  93. THIS is what I was coming down the thread to say – his full involvement in ‘this’ moment! In whatever is happening, or with whomever he’s interacting. It so impresses me and I hadn’t spotted it yet. 😉 I’ll have to use another when I get to the end.

  94. Fundamentally, i always sum it up in one word: compassion.

    Further: that he’s *real*. Being the kind of Pres that leads the world *properly* — without swagger, but not without pride in himself, his people, and the whole world.

    True that not a very high bar was set by his predecessor, but even going back and comparing to Bill Clinton — PBO doesn’t have the fundamental personal insecurities, nor need to center the world on himself.

    Esp. by now, i feel he’s really got the “groove” of this Presidency thing down, and he plays for the *ages* — knowing that what matters isn’t some claptrap the Repubs will spread tmrw, nor any need to boastfully proclaim his beliefs. That he will be proven right over time (already has, in so many spheres!), and that history alone will have the proper perspective to judge him.

    I could say much more, and know i’m certainly repeating many of the threads above, but this is my take, anyway.

    I am just so glad that after 8 yrs of BushCo, i did live to see what a *REAL* and proper US leadership looks like, again. Phew.



  95. I love this President for showing me that there are so many who live in this country that want us to do better and be better for the future of our children and grandchildren. I love my President and I love my country.

  96. I love that his family comes from all over the world and is multi-racial– white, Asian, and black. I love that he raises the bar for what humanity can be and what we can accomplish.

    I know this is snarky, but I really couldn’t imagine writing a top 100 list of things I love about any other politician in earnest. The rest are just not on his level.

    Also (there are too many things I love about him to mention), I love that he makes government and public service cool again. I am a teacher and alot of my kids want to go into public service because of the President’s example. One of my students said that the good and smart people are in the White House and that she wants to be like Obama, Biden, and Sec. Clinton. I second that emotion.

  97. I love the fact that the respect of the world accorded President Obama the Nobel Prize early in his term of office and that it spurred him to greater determination to make good on that faith in his leadership. We have seen great changes for the better. Perhaps even a two-state solution that helps the Israelis and Palestinians live in greater peace will happen on President Obama’ watch, with or without Netanyahu’s cooperation.

  98. Wonderful stuff. Yes, his focus is awe-inspiring. He is a Jedi Knight that way.

  99. Dang! Now I gotta think of another one.

    Yeah–seeing photos of him gazing at Michelle just melts my heart. 🙂

  100. I love that he can inspire not only Americans but people from all over the world. As a Canadian, I am completely fascinated by this amazing man. The way he forgives, the way he respect people, most of them I would personally punch in the face… I have a lot to learn from him, his behavior. He always looks for the good in people. He’s truly special.

  101. That we can look forward to any speech he makes with anticipatory pride vs. quake in fear that he will say something stupid or stupidly.

  102. I love that he treats everyone as equally deserving of dignity and a chance at living their full potential. And he’s comfortable with everyone at every level.

    And I love that he’s authentic.

  103. I especially like “his epic slams of those who think they have him cornered.” Not just at the recent WHCD. Does everyone remember his performance at the Republican retreat some time ago? He left that room full of republicans whining and licking their wounds. He made them look like the fools they are and in the nicest possible way. He made me proud!


  104. We have a few cuckoos here mainly in one province and of course, the current govt who are way out there but generally speaking, most Canadians love your Prez and your country…lol. They would go crazy if he returned here for a real visit during warmer days and we all had the opportunity to come out and welcome him…!!!

  105. Rememberin’ his long, wide, deerlike strides as he climbed those ‘Lincoln Memorial’ steps… ! ::visualizin’:: 😉

  106. I love his regal bearing. He is natural aristocracy. I’ve never seen anything like it.

  107. ‘I’ll give someone else a chance now’

    Phew! For a moment there I was worried that ther’d be no space left for me at the end. 😉

  108. I love that he dragged me back into loving politics after the 2000 debacle. Seriously, I had never even considered him until I read his book in early 2007. I started to listen to his speeches. And follow him on the internet.
    Hey as a middle-age black woman the idea of a black president was just ….so unimaginable. How he handled himself under pressure – Hillary, Rev Wright, clinging to guns/religion, lipstick on a pig, the debates ….wow my heart is beating fast just thinking about everything.
    As a 16-year old, I witnessed history when my grandmother broke down in my arms when she learned King had been killed. I can still hear her screaming.
    So 43 years later, I am witnessing history again and I love him for it.

  109. What a great idea for a thread what wonderful comments. Ditto 150 times! I was born when Truman was president, and so I have seen a lot of presidents and politicians doing their thing badly and well, and I’ve never seen anything like the presidency and person of Barack Obama. What an amazing man in so many ways, all listed here! I think his ability to be himself, no matter what is said, what the polls say, or what would seem to be more expedient, is astonishing.

  110. I was very proud of him when he just about told the reporters to Leave Bristol alone…something Pailin would not have done.

  111. Everything that has been said expresses my own feelings. I am 71 years old, and he is absolutely the best president of my lifetime. One thing I am thankful for is his effect on my college freshmen AA students, a minority in my college. Many of them are first generation college students, unsure of themselves, blazing new trails. Since his election they have walked taller, worked harder, and feel empowered. For many of them this is a whole new feeling and experience. And for that, I am profoundly grateful….for them.

  112. I love that he is not just a good leader, husband or father, he is a good hoop shooter, a good human being and just a great American! Oh..he is also a fantastic citizen of the WORLD!!!

  113. I love his mind, his insight, his good judgment, his ability to see clearly, his determination, his appearance, his elegance, his dignity, the high quality of his character. I have never known anyone, or known of anyone, with such depth of character, such goodness. He’s a beautiful person.

  114. He is fearless: will tackle any problem. He’s so darn smart but still seeks the opinion of others. His eloquence, elegance and grace. The way he inspires the world to be better. The way the world looks to him for leadership; the people of the world and their leaders trust him.

    He’s all man. And, lord that walk and that velvet voice. Could listen to him and watch him walk all day.

    Finally, I love him because he loves this country and us so much that he’s giving up his life for eight years to lead us out of a nightmare.

    I hope that we can get this thread to him so that he can know millions of people love and appreciate him.

    President Obama, sir if you’re reading this: thank you. I love you, sir.

    His m

  115. All of the above and here are a few more.

    I loved his answer when they asked him about smoking weed. He said “When I was a kid, I inhaled frequently, that was the point.”

    I love that can write. His books are excellent. Of course he has speechwriters like most presidents, but he participates. In fact, Favre has said the Pres. Obama writes most of the speeches. The substance is written by PBO. The speechwriters just add polish here and there, provide style tips, etc.

    I love to watch him walk (especially when he’s walking away…. – wink**)

    I’ve had the privilege of shaking his hand 4 times (twice as a candidate, once as Pres. elect and once as President!) and every time, I’ve mentioned services for children with autism, and every time, he has looked me straight in the eyes, and said, “We’re working on it.” One of my friends even caught it on video. He’s so genuine, so real.

    I love that he’s even better looking in person.

    I love that he goes hard when he plays basketball (and got the stitches in his lip to prove it.)

    I love that he is comfortable with all of who he is. Son, grandson, big brother, father, husband, uncle. Oh, and can you imagine him and Michelle as grandparents!!??

    The way he loves and respects women. He lives with 4 women. WOW!! (I am really scared for the first boyfriends!)

    I love that he quit smoking (I hope and pray that he has totally kicked the habit…)

    I love that he’s left handed. (Yeah, Papa Bush was left handed, as was Slick Willie. Oh well…)

    I love how he touches his wife. Gently, but obviously, quite comfortable with her, and she with him. Even though a zillion people look at him, and take pictures of him, when Michelle is in the same room, none of that seems to matter to him. He has a laser focus on HER! Wow. That’s real love.

    OK, I should stop now. I think I’m starting to sound like a stalker. LOLOL

  116. I love all of the above. I love that he’s the one that picked a souvenir for his mother-in law in Ireland. Michelle chose for the girls…He even loves a mother-in-law. lol

  117. Great Orator!
    I could sit and listen to his speeches all day (if I had time)

  118. I agree with all the great comments above – so well said. He is just the total package isn’t he – exceptional (and that word by itself does not do justice) mind, body and soul.

  119. Because he’s James Bond & John Shaft’s love child, and doesn’t take shit from Somali pirates.

    He is the living embodiment of Class Act.

    He’s sexy as hell.

    His smile should be able to power North America.

    He’s the smartest man in every room he’s in.

    He was the BEST comedian at the White House Correspondent’s Dinner.

    Has probably gotten the best laugh of anyone addressing the British Parliament EVER.

    Is the Jedi Master of the Long Game.

    And I love the way he loves Michelle and his girls.

    And a bazillion other reasons…… 😀

  120. He inspires me.
    Although I have used the computer tirelessly, I have never felt this urge to sit at my computer for HOURS literally reading comments and anxiously waiting for new post of this president especially from BWD and TOD!

    This is what this great president does to me. I ALWAYS want to know what he is doing and what he is saying.

    BTW, we are all here waiting anxiously for him to return and hoping BWD will post his arrival!! LOL!

  121. You’re not alone – I’ve given up trying to explain it or change. 🙂

  122. Ok,here goes.

    1. I love that he is his own person and that he has the courage of his convictions.

    2. I love the fact that he can hold his own anywhere,anytime, anyplace.

    3. I love that he ‘straightens’ everyone out, after they have exhausted themselves with negative input.They in turn simmer down and retreat ..just as if their goodly parent has spoken.

    4. I love the fact that he comes up with terms like ‘shelllacking’ and ‘carnival barker’, ..really descriptive, yet old-school.


    6. I love the fact he is visionary.

  123. The smile is just a killer . . .He makes me smile at my TV when he lights it up like that!!!!!

  124. No, no GoBr @ 5:04pm, that’s mine! Sob! Sob!

    Okay….Okay. I’ll add another dimension to it.

    I absolutely admire the strength of character and confidence the President shows to his opponents by not rubbing their faces in the dirt when they lie or are outrightly rude to him. When they try to ‘show him up’ he doesn’t lash back with vitriol as many of us would. He stands and listens, or sometimes he almost seems to mentally step aside so that their tantrum can play itself out, then when he’s ready he speaks his piece, which is usually truth. And I’ve noticed that in his response he repeatedly seems to allow them some space to save face. That shows tremendous self-confidence and respect for others IMO. Even though the result of his truth may be a decimated opponent, I’ve never gotten the sense that Prez O was being vindictive, or that he was attacking the person.

    President Barack Obama is a wonderful human being and leader whom I absolutely and unconditionally love. I am inspired by him daily. I don’t idolize him, he is a man after all, but I see modeled in his living a lot that I had never seen ‘in real life’ before. I love his family too, though I’ve never met him/them personally.

  125. Candidate Obama sinking a 3 nothing but net first shot in front of the troops in Kuwait- that is Michael Jordan like swagger/confidence.

  126. He has a goal in mind of what or where he wants us /AMERICA to be. He insist that we must be number one…to aim for the highest, to achieve the greatest. He pushes us to be our better selves, even when we are in doubt. He teaches and we listen even when they criticize him for being like a professor!

    He has proven that he loves this country and wants the best for it!

    Thank you President Obama. . . we love you!

  127. How he “keeps his head when all around” him “are loosing theirs and blaming it on” him. He truly is a man, and a great one at that. We are witnessing the life of a great man.

  128. Thank you BWD for this thread! I have copied all the wonderful thoughts and praise for this wonderful President and First Family! I will save them and re-read them when the MSM is going crazy during the next year and a half. Thank you for this love.

    P.S. I also love BO!

  129. So many great observations here. Thanks, everybody.

    What amazes me is that President Obama seems to still be a community organizer at heart. His keen political intuition, unmatched by anyone I’ve ever seen, is informed by enormous intellect, empathy, and patience. It seems to me that he believes that when political issues have their own momentum, he should step back and allow events and resulting policy to proceed without his active influence. I think he understands that political initiative is morally and practically superior when it grows organically from the people. In addition, I think he fully knows that he is often “larger than life” in our political media and pop culture, so he’s careful about using that enormous power. So if it’s detrimental to an issue’s political momentum for attention to be diverted to *him*, he steps aside, letting events play out on their own. For instance, I’m *positive* he intentionally avoided involvement in the events unfolding in Wisconsin, because his active participation would’ve provided fodder for the right-wing noise machine to misrepresent and derail the otherwise clearly defined conflict between Wisconsin’s middle- and working-class and Governor Walker’s/WI GOP’s kleptocratic agenda. Surely he knew his intervention wouldn’t have made the political meaning any clearer or stronger than the force of more than 100,000 protesters in Madison, or the demonstrated solidarity among teachers, firefighters, farmers, and law enforcement as they determinedly persisted in their protests through bitterly cold winter weather for weeks on end.

    In my opinion, President Obama *demonstrates* a great abiding faith in the morality and legitimizing power of self-governing people. And I think the entire world is both witness to and empowered by his confident belief in it. I know this all sounds grandiose *now*, but I’m positive that historical perspective will be clear about this.

  130. I love the fact that he has been able to touch people in global world and that they in turn appreciate him immensely by adhering to his philosophy re peaceful protests etc.

  131. His cool demeanor. He never gets too high or too low.

    I like that he’s inspired me to be conscious of this and try to practice it in my own life, although I find myselffalling short sometimes.

  132. The creativity that he has inspired. What President has ever inspired people to do things about him, because of him? Nobody ever did videos for Shrub, for Clinton. Even with the net, I could only count a few people that did anything on the net for Clinton. Only a few have done anything for Gore.

    Only professionals bothered to do something creative (and only as a memorial) for John Kennedy. Reagan, even now with greater capacity? Daddy Bush? Carter? Songs? Poetry? Anything?

    He has inspired many websites, books, music, videos. He will inspire many more people to follow in his footsteps that will inspire even more feats of creativity. And we haven’t even gotten to Michelle yet….

  133. Only you can make the world smile:-)

    Born to lead was your destiny

    Amazingly you bring comfort when we dispair, even a child knows your heart

    Masterfully you conduct your daily duties

    A Gem like you is rare on earth

  134. (Wisconsin) And…. because what’s going on regarding unions (everywhere) isn’t defined by party. There are union members from every political party, not just Democrats.

  135. Love your observations, gobrooklyn.

    “…but their ideology often comes before helping the people.”

    It’s true! Witnessing this over the last couple of years has been kinda painful for me, I confess.

    “I often hear his critics say that Americans like a scrapper. No, Americans like a winner. Obama is a winner.”

    That’s an important distinction, gobrooklyn. Yeah, Americans love a scrapper IF scrappin’ is what it takes to get stuff done. Frankly, I’m MORE impressed that President Obama gets shit done WITHOUT the scrappin’. I wonder if the majority of Americans (i.e., moderate voters) feel the same way.

  136. He appeals to the better person in us all. He respects women and treats them accordingly.

  137. He has returned, I saw that on TV.

    PBO is comfortable in his own skin. Self assured and just drop dead handsome.

  138. Good point. His broader focus seems to be about more than just maneuvering for partisan or parochial advantage. The people’s desire to self-govern–including the power they coalesce in unions/collective-bargaining–isn’t necessarily limited to political party or even geopolitical circumstance (have to occasionally remind myself that the U.S. isn’t the center of the universe).

  139. I love how he treats everyone with the same respect, prince, pauper, queen — everyone with respect —

  140. His calmness to all the vitriol toward him from both left and right.

  141. Everything everyone else has said. I love to watch him shake hands after he’s given a speech. (I do worry a little). I remember even after his smackdown (done with intelligence and grace) of the Republicans at THEIR conference, all of them, including their families rushed to shake his hand.

  142. How do I say anything withour sounding like a copy cat. I love all those things, but I think the thing that most impresses me is his genuine love for, respect of, and thirst for knowledge. There is no subject he doesn’t want to know about.
    I am always astounded when I see pictures of him as some plant. He is genuinely interested in what he is being shown. He never goes through the motions.
    This almost insatiable need for knowledge extends to everything in his life. He wants to really know what people think, what drives them. He really listens to others because he wants to know them, even when he disagrees with them.
    Like others here, I have been through a lot of Presidencies, staring with Truman. Not only is this man the best of the bunch, IMO, but he is also the most genuine.

  143. OT – How do some of you get a special picture by your name? The site seems to have chosen an image for me.

  144. CD, I wouldn’t have thought of it, but that’s so true. Even the way they celebrate creativity by regularly showcasing different aspects of it at the White House! America has a well-rounded and inspirational president. Niiice. 🙂

  145. I have always associate “scrapper” with loser. I just have this image of some little guy being constantly knocked down but getting back up again – but he never wins. Our country can’t afford a president like that. We need for him/her to come home with something once in a while. You know what I mean?

  146. I love his sincere smile and his intellect. I also love how he looks and touches our First Lady. I love that he is respected all over the world and thus gives our country that glow wherever he visits. I love the manner in which he respects our men and women who are serving us all over the world. I love to hear him speak to us with a calmness but also a firmness. I love our POTUS and I am so grateful to be living during his presidency.

  147. BWD: A great picture of POTUS, he is a rare human being, and that’s why he is a winner of a Nobel Prize,We have invited same of our neighborr over for a glass of wine and show them this great site, so they can read all those beautiful comments about PBO, and they are very impressed so THANK YOU!!!!!.

  148. Go to gravatar.com and register, then upload a picture there and it will appear every place you post comments that use gravitars.

  149. I love him for everything mentioned and more.

    He is honest. I think he will enormously influence the politics of government, guiding them back to the ideals they were designed around, and doing it by example. And signaling to an up and coming generation of public servants that there is a more honest and efficient way to conduct the business of governing.

    His patience.

    His self mastery is of enormous importance and in fact a role model and inspiration to me as I continue to work on the evolution that is me.

    When President Obama sheds a tear I understand both the gentleness and the strength of his humanity.

    The way he treats women, with equality, dignity and respect.

    The way he appreciates differences and obstacles, and always seems to be searching for the opportunities in them.

    His reverance and understanding for the need and purpose of hope, inspiration and imagination.

    I could go on, and on….he is simply the most remarkable person that I have come to know in my lifetime. I truly believe we are witness to not just a transformative period in history, but the individual most influential to that transformation. We are in The Age of Obama, and I believe history will speak of the greatness of our President.

    And having said all that I understand and accept that he is totally human, and not without shortcomings. Michelle says he is messy, likes to leave his socks laying around
    …hey, nobody’s perfect 😀

  150. I love the way he has raised the bar for the Presidency.

    The next President will have a hard act to follow.

  151. I didn’t start paying attention to Obama until he won Iowa. I will never forget what I was doing that day. I was sweeping the floor and there was his face on TV showing that he won the Iowa primaries. I was first shocked that Hillary didn’t win and then I was shocked that a black guy won in such a very very White state. Prior to that night I dismissed him. I thought his attempts were just symbolic because I did not believe I would see an AA president in my lifetime.

    I was never into politics before Obama. I knew enough to fill a page but since that night I was hooked. I was witnessing history and didn’t want to miss a day.

  152. He makes my jaws hurt from smiling at him, or because of something he says/does or when he is with his family; heck, he just makes me smile!

    I am smiling now because I am just happy he is my president!

    I was the 265th person to vote for him on October 13, 2008 at my polling place! I was smiling before then, I smiled when I cast my vote, and I am still smiling!

  153. LOL! I think I’ve got a pretty good visual image–it’s something like Barney Fife!

    Actually, I’m thinking of a real-life example: Dennis Kucinich. He’s a “scrapper” and dear to the hearts of a lot of starry-eyed, principles-loving liberals, but what has he actually *accomplished*, you know, other than getting elected? Is he creating a large legacy of legislative accomplishments? Will the benefits of the bills he has sponsored and shepherded through to passage positively affect Americans in the years to come? No? Really? And he’s served in the U.S. Congress since 1997, you say? Hunh. Well he sure talks pretty, though, don’t he? ::snickers::

  154. Actually, I think it’s that great mixture of pride and lust. 🙂 What more can a woman want?

    The pride says, “I love showing off this woman to the world.”

    The lust says, “When can I get her home and alone….”

  155. That sums it up in a nutshell. He sets an example that we should all try to emulate, although I know I frequently fail.

  156. I love that Barack Obama is president of the whole United States of America and considers what is best for all of us even when we want him to be partisan and hard nosed.

  157. Well said.Really, really perfect.Thank you for that:)By the way, is that your beautiful cat??Beautiful!

  158. Makes me think of the way he looks in sunglasses. Like he should be part of the secret service. He’s cool enough and tough enough.

  159. Okay, now that I’ve started I may not b able to stop. But ultimately, it comes down to this. I love him because he cares about people he has never met, including my little grandaughter, whose picture you see. He truly and sincerely doesn’t just talk about wanting a better world for her, he is trying to make sure that comes into being.

  160. And I love HC seems to be so happy in the job, thrown herself into it completely and working hard as can be. I feel like she’s found her calling and I’m happy for her.

    Really happy for the both of them and how well they seem to get along together.

  161. Thanks japa and yours is the most darling little blue eyed girl – she looks so shy and sweet.

  162. Yeah. Iowa’s about as white as you can get. Before that, I really didn’t think American would be willing to elect a black man.

  163. I completely agree. Back in the primaries he would talk about how they’re not just red states, not just blue states and that he would listen to everyone; not just the voices of those who voted for him but those who opposed his candidacy. So that’s where I got my user ID because he was “for US” –all 50 states.

  164. I love the way he values education for our children and that he gave away his entire Nobel Peace Prize money of $1,400,000 to charities.

  165. His manners. He is old school when it comes to manners. Holding a door open, Pulling out a chair. That says a lot about a person. Love that about him.

  166. I admire the President for all of the reasons that have been described but there is one incident during the campaign that I’ve never forgotten.

    I don’t remember what state it was only that it was raining and people stood out in the rain waiting for him to show up, which he did.

    While speaking to the crowd, he informed them that his grandmother had passed away early that morning and as he spoke tears rolled down his face as he paid homage to her. I was deeply moved by that in a way that I can’t quite explain to this day. Maybe it was his dignity, maybe it was because he seemed so vulnerable…I don’t know so I’m going to stop trying to rationalize it!

  167. He’s playful!

    He’s fun… 🙂

    Until it’s warranted, he doesn’t take himself “too seriously!”

  168. I love how it feels to be in a room full of people who have come to see him speak and to feel like everyone there is your brother or sister because he brings people together so poignantly.

    I love how he doesn’t rely upon charisma to convince people but puts his proposition forward giving us the autonomy to agree or disagree.

    I love his stand up comedy.

    I love how he doesn’t form a clique around him but welcomes all to have a voice and to participate.

    I love how he brings the young people into this process we call democracy.

    I love how protective I feel of him and how proud I am of his actions and demeanor just like a member of my immediate family.

    I love his basketball skills.

    I love his dorky dad pictures.

    I love how he is with his wife and daughters.

  169. I love all the things everyone here has listed! Really this list is just scratching the surface of all the things I love about him. Empathy, generosity, humor, intellect, sense of self, smile, laugh, even swagger, his love of family, his chess playing skills, his humility, his courage, his determination, his north star compass, the respect he garners from those he interacts with and more. He is the whole package. 🙂

    I particularly love all the little and myriad ways he calls on our better angels.

    As a carbon based, bipedal parental unit, I love that he took his community organizing global.

  170. He never takes all those insults personally..even when they’re said to his face. He makes the other person look so small and even those that don’t agree with him, will defend him.

  171. 1. His calm and reasoned rhetoric (that’s amazing in a politician)

    2. His political skills which redefined the term meteoric rise

    3. His work ethics

    4. His family life

    5. His instant rapport with kids (toddlers to teens)

    6. His IQ

    7. His genuine desire to spread democracy (unlike the faked one by war & power mongering shrub & neocons)

    8. His clean image (again that’s amazing for a politician)

    9. His respect for knowledge & education

    10. His ability to inspire people all over the world

  172. I love a zillion things about our President, but I’m going to mention something trivial. I’m a golfer, and I love the way President Obama plays the game by the rules, never takes a mulligan or do over, and good shot or bad shot just accepts his result and keeps moving forward (no drama Obama). They say you can tell a lot about someone’s character by playing golf with him or her. My golfer in chief is a man of impeccable character and comportment.

  173. I love the way he embodies lightness of spirit yet seriousness of purpose.

  174. Michele’s brother said he took the measure of her prospective suitor on the basketball court and thought that he showed the same character traits you are suggesting.

  175. I love that he keeps his promises.
    New campaign video which for me highlights his utter consistency in all things.

  176. I love the way he looks at his wife, as if the only thing keeping him from swooping her off her feet right there is his sense of propriety. He looks at her as if he can’t believe a chump like him landed a lady like her. Lucky, lucky Michelle to have a man who looks at her like that after all those years of marriage. And lucky Barack for having a wife who deserves every bit of the obvious adoration he feels for her.

  177. I agree with all that has been said. I love him for his concern for the future. The way he studies and reads books. I just love him.

  178. I love the way he struggles sometimes to maintain his Spock-like cool, like the time he was talking about the little 9 year old who was killed when Gabby Giffords was shot, or when he was talking to the soldiers a few weeks ago and mentioned the girl who had to say goodbye to her father who was killed in the World Trade Center and called his family in his last minutes on earth. Other Presidents would have let the emotions flow, perhaps even encouraged them, but that’s not his way. He strives always to be in control of himself, which is why when you see those little cracks in his customary equanimity they’re even more impressive than a full-on cry.

  179. I like how he just has to win when he’s playing ball, even though he’s good natured about it. He’s competitive and doesn’t suck up to his competition by rolling over for them.

  180. Yes, reads and WRITES books. Oh and narrates his books! Lots of other people like that about him too with being on the NY Times best seller list for years and winning a Grammy.

  181. Yes, I could see where she would say that. Every once in a while you’ll see a little strut, but when he’s on the world stage he glides, straight backed and graceful, like an African. I lived in West Africa for a while and was always awestruck at the way both men and women would glide over sandy, uneven ground. Most Americans have a bit of a hitch to their git-along. We rock forward, often bent over or slouching, putting our weight full on each foot as we go along. Obama might have picked up that glide in Indonesia and it’s just stayed with him all his life.

  182. Bob – I’m not even half through all these beautiful comments, but had to stop and tell you I just got total chills from what you wrote.

    I, too, love President Obama with everything in me. I’m almost old enough to be his mother, and I often think of him as almost my second son. He means that much to me, and I want him to succeed in the same beautiful way I see my first son (my “real” son!) succeeding in life!

    Could we all be any luckier to be living during this time?

  183. You KNOW that pisses them off, the fact that he has to make room for his Nobel Peace Prize by moving the Grammy on his fireplace mantel. I’m waiting for him to land a Pulitzer one day. That’ll cause strokes all over the right wing nuttosphere.

  184. I absolutely adore him. His intellect blows me away. His compassion, his sense of humor,his love for his wife and the way he looks at her,his brilliance and sincerity…

    I could go on and on.

    I feel truly blessed to be sharing the planet at this time with this truly unique human being.

  185. I like the way he restored HOPE to the nation.

    I believe that before he started to run the nation was in deep despair. He brought us hope. We are all better for it.

  186. Tally – Tell us how you really feel.


    (Of course, I agree with you 100%. I am so enjoying all these comments – great idea and spirit lifter, BWD!)

  187. I love the fact that I feel proud to be an American because of his example. Proud of my fellow citizens for seeing the potential of this candidate. Proud that my son wants to emulate him.

  188. OT. There’s a poutrage piece over at gos on weiner. Anyone know what’s up ?

  189. THIS.RIGHT.HERE. I bet Buckingham Palace will never be the same. WHEW ssssssSMOKIN’ HOT!!

  190. I love the way people around the world understand him, and see his value. From the leaders of other countries, to the average citizen on the street.

    This was epitomized in the photo from Warsaw where a white-haired WWII veteran in his old uniform, who was standing in line waiting to shake his hand, first saluted President Obama. I suppose he was symbolically saluting every American in uniform he knew back then, who helped bring victory to Europe. But he also was saluting the man who now represents America, and he saw how deserving of honors President Obama is. Gosh, that made me so proud, I can barely stand it.

  191. I call it “Obamaing,” as in hiking, dancing or swimming. Obamaing is my favorite new hobby.

  192. Thank you for starting this BWD. I loved reading all these, and seeing that so many other people love about him what I love about him…..so many wonderful tributes from people’s hearts. He captured my heart in 2004 at the Democratic convention, and it’s been his since then. He just grows better all the time. He is amazingly consistent and lives by a strong and tested set of core principles that guides everything he does. He is not tossed about by winds of fashion. How were we ever so blessed!

  193. LOL and Ride or Die Joe’s beautiful, smart, and gracious, & classy wife Dr. Jill Biden; love her too! 🙂

  194. That baby face kid has morphed into our very stunning, fierce, amazing, leader of the free world and best potus of my lifetime….. What a man. 😀

  195. Each and every comment here is in my heart..so won’t repeat them! After eight years of pain and shock during Bush, Cheney, etc., this man has returned everything good back to the presidency and I know he is one of our greatest leaders, if not the absolute best! Bless you Obama for all you give of yourself ….we will work for you always! You light up our world….(the smile always makes me smile and so many others worldwide!)

  196. Oh!! my, I can’t look at this video without crying, my heart was heavy all day, when I first heard that Toot has passed, and was so surprised that he still went on to the rally in VA. I broke down and cried throughout the entire speech, I felt his pain and his strength.

    God Bless him.

    Thanks so much for this video

  197. I love Him for sacrificing himself, his family to make sure we have a better life.

    I thank you Mr. President

  198. Fellow Females: I can’t believe I got all the way to the end of this thread and no one said

    ‘his butt in jeans’

    Oh, and this too:

    “I don’t do cowering.” ~ Barack Obama

    NO FEAR.


  199. I love President Obama, because he makes wish I was an American so I could vote and volunteer for him.
    America you are truly bless to have a such a great leader.

  200. I like how he forgives when he needs to because he plays a long game, and he usually gets what he wants by being the only adult in the room.

    And I also like how he’ll intelligently and subtly slice and dice (look at what he did to Trump at the WHCD) when he needs to.

    Our president is just the best president in my lifetime, and I was born in 1955.

  201. I love that he refuses to allow anyone to take away or diminish his smile, his dignity, his self worth or take out of context who he is and what he has said. I love that he really wants to be everyone’s President. I love… – ok – I’m an Obamacrat, Obot… Oh yeah and I still drink the koolaide. if people really listened to his campaigning he said who he was, what he wanted to do.

  202. Dear Jacjeline, Nena, Jayne, Sue, & Kelly,

    Thank you for sharing your kind thoughts. Much appreciated!

    Yes.We.Can. … DO.More.Together!

  203. My dad used to quotes lines from that poem.

    You are absolutely right.

    This is what he means to me too.

  204. I love the way he treats senior citizens, I love the way he opens or holds the door for people. I love the way he looks people in the eye, I love his smile. I love the way he is working his butt off to find those out of work jobs. I love the way he talks about peace and the economy domestically and abroad. I love the way the sound of cameras click when he’s in a room. I love the way he looks at Michelle with pride and love. I love that he chose to work on my behalf and give up his life as he knew if for me.

  205. That moved me to tears when I saw that during the movie.So heartfelt,and powerful. Truly was an emotional moment for me.I don’t know whether I was thinking of my mom at that moment and missing her deeply, or if it was how he gave that speech and what he said, knowing that she had passed away.It was raw, human emotion that touched me to my core.Thank you for sharing that.

  206. How beautiful and perfect is that poem?! I agree that the President answered that question.In fact, I’d say it was tailor made.

  207. I couldn’t sleep so I came here to read all the comments. What a joy. Thank you BWD for starting this. I agree with everything that has been said. I know that some people will read this and think we are all Obamabots but we all know he is human and does makes mistakes. But we also know he is very special and is doing all he can for this country and everyone of us and even all the people who hate him. And that is why we love him and will do all we can to elect him to a second term. I also want to say how much I love everyone here. This is a very special place.

  208. I love that he truly lives his life according to the Golden Rule. He walks the walk.

  209. I love that he is the first US President who can cogently explain “American Exceptionalism” to me without using those words.

    I was barely 7 years old when JFK was assassinated – besides, we didn’t have telephone or television in those days, so it took a while before we learned about it.

    Ever since that day I either thought the US was a barbarous nation not worth to risk your life for (after the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King) or not worth the economical risks (when Reaganomics took hold).

    The “Age of Obama” is the first time in my life I think it worthwhile to emigrate to the US (although I probably won’t for practical reasons).

    He made the US a great country again.

  210. BWD . . . I think this is one of your best post!

    I have posted the link on my facebook page. Hope everyone did so we can get as much positive energy for our president.

    I cannot see another leader that could be compared to President Obama.



  211. You did it, Ametia. Thank you.

    In a nut shell, compassion. Quiet. To the point. Integrity. Respectful. Loving. Lack of pomposity. Graceful. Honest.

    Stanley Ann Dunham and his grand parents, thank you.

    You raised and bestowed a gift for Us all to love and appreciate.

    Thank you. You did the work and left this world for Us to witness.

    I hope and wish that, from the Above, you 3, can see that your work on earth is paying off.

    Thank you, the 3 person family of Stanley Dunham. Thank you.

  212. Thank you BWD for this wonderful post. I agree with everythng everyone has said. I love our President and our First Lady. I have never been more proud to be an American. I proudly sing the star spangled banner. I proudly pledge alligence to the flag. We have done our country and the world proud by electing PBO!

  213. I haven’t taken the time yet to read every comment, so I’m sure I agree with all of you and that I’ll repeat some ideas. But anyway here it is. What I love in Barack Obama is…

    His INTEGRITY. He’s the most honest and authentic politician I’ve seen in a very long time.

    His COURAGE. He has demonstrated multiple times that he’s willing to risk his political future in order to do the right thing ( Health Care, the rescue of the Auto Industry, the Bin Laden operation).

    His faith and how he expresses it. His speeches at Tucson (“We will be judged by how we loved” ) and at the National Prayer Breakfeast moved me to tears.

    His analytical mind, his sense of nuance, his capacity to see all the facets of a problem and explain them to the people.

    His profound knowledge and understanding of history.

    His understanding and respect of other cultures.

    His international leadership. It’s obvious that many world leaders look up to him and see him as a leader, and it’s not because he’s the President of the United States. It’s mostly because of the sheer force of his personnality, his knowledge and intellect, his calmness, his determination coupled with his optimism.

    The way he works with a long term perspective. His patience and wisdom.

    The way he engages with the young generation not only in America but around the world. He loves them, and he pushes them to participate in the democratic process, to take responsability and work to build a better world.

    The way he interacts with kids. He doesn’t talk down to them.

    His writing.

    His wonderful smile and his warmth. The way he walks, the way he moves his hands when he speaks.

    Michelle, his wife. I adore her. She’s every bit as wonderful as he is.

    I could go on and on. But if I had to sum it up, I would say I love Barack Obama because on top of an impressive intellect, he has a big heart and a beautiful soul.

  214. 1-I love his resilience.

    2-His ability to multi-task with such ease.

    3-I love that he loves his wife, children and family.

  215. “The difference between patriotism and nationalism is that the patriot is proud of his country for what it does, and the nationalist is proud of his country no matter what it does.” Sydney Harris

    By this definition, Barack Obama is a true leader and a true patriot and I love him for it. I can’t begin to tell you what it means to me to be a proud American again. Thank you, Mister President!

  216. LovePolitics2008, that was so beautiful. You have summed up (I think) all we have said in your response.

    I wish the haters could see we we see, but they are so blinded by hate and jealousy. . . how do they sleep at night?!?!

  217. I love him because he allows the results of his actions boast while he remains humble and focused on the next issue of the American people.

  218. I love how he loves his wife Michelle. I love that he chose her. I love how he loves his daughters. I love how he respects and love his mother in law. This man values and respects women. I love him for this…

  219. I love that our President doesn’t give up on us. He sees the good that is inside all of us, even when we can’t.

  220. Ok I see that a few others posted twice so I’m going to too! 🙂 Thanks BWD for this brilliant idea; it seems we may have all been bursting to express and share our thoughts about how much we admire President Obama in so many ways. I loved reading all of the comments and agree with every single one of them (as I would imagine most others do too) That in itself might be a first for any blog on the entire internet!

    I want to mention I love how he pronounces people’s names correctly that are not necessarily common American names. That is the first sign of respect that so many politicians have no sense for.

    The other thing I realized that he has made me stop and think about and try to do (it’s not as easy as it seems for some reason!) is to look people in the eye when I speak to them. I recently became aware that I was not doing this, particularly when greeting someone quickly passing by. Watching POTUS do this with hundreds day after day when he is shaking their hand made me realize how important it is and to try to get better.

  221. I love the way that those who surround him daily love and respect him.

    But mostly I love how a ‘100 (more or less) things I love about this president’ post got over 300 posts in such a short time!

  222. I came late to this party and, after reading up to the 73-year-old’s comment and.bursting into tears, I just had to add one of my own. I love this president more than any other president I’ve ever experienced (since Eisenhower!) because he’s so wise, so compassionate, so articulate, so insightful, so humble, so kind, so committed, so careful, so focused, so hard- working and so inspiring. He’s really a truly superior human being, as far as I’m concerned, and I thank God every day for his health and safety and for being alive to experience his presidency.

    Long live Barack Obama and thank you for your service!

  223. Don’t know if it has been mentioned in this way, but THANK YOU PRESIDENT OBAMA for showing the world what love and family is. You are the personification of love and dedication of and to family – coming from your background!

    Also, this can’t be emphasized enough: thank you for showing the world, and this country in particular, what BLACK LOVE and FAMILY is!! My parents will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary this November 18th and me and my siblings have known only love and respect and dedication. Now this country can see what a lot of us African Americans have grown up with but never seen celebrated. Thank you for this continuing example!!


  224. The way he lights up a room when he enters; he makes decisions because they are right not because they are popular politically;
    and the obvious love and respect he has for his mother, sister, family and the Nation.

  225. I love his sense of community, even all the way in Ireland he displayed an aceeptance of people…just because they are people.

    I love how he holds Michelle and his physical presence with his daughters.

    I love his steely eyed looks when he is concentrating.

    I love his sense of God and who he is in his life.

    I love his appreciation of what people do, big and small.

    I love that he motivates people to think of a better way.

    Me love him lots!

  226. Everything within the poem is Barack Obama. It made me think of another poem that I love that also speaks to everything he is. Desiderata by by the American writer Max Ehrmann (1872-1945).

    Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
    and remember what peace there may be in silence.

    As far as possible without surrender
    be on good terms with all persons.
    Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
    and listen to others,
    even the dull and the ignorant;
    they too have their story.
    Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
    they are vexations to the spirit.

    If you compare yourself with others,
    you may become vain or bitter;
    for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

    Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
    Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
    it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
    Exercise caution in your business affairs;
    for the world is full of trickery.
    But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
    many persons strive for high ideals;
    and everywhere life is full of heroism.

    Be yourself.
    Especially, do not feign affection.
    Neither be cynical about love;
    for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
    it is as perennial as the grass.

    Take kindly the counsel of the years,
    gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
    Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
    But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
    Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

    Beyond a wholesome discipline,
    be gentle with yourself.
    You are a child of the universe,
    no less than the trees and the stars;
    you have a right to be here.
    And whether or not it is clear to you,
    no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

    Therefore be at peace with God,
    whatever you conceive Him to be,
    and whatever your labors and aspirations,
    in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.

    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
    it is still a beautiful world.
    Be cheerful.
    Strive to be happy.

  227. Great observation about looking people in the eyes when he speaks to them.Each person is important,no matter what.I will try, like you, to fully engage with someone from now on.I know that when I’m in a hurry, sometimes I don’t even look up from whatever I’m doing. I always say “thank you” but I don’t always look at them.I feel a bit embarrassed now.If the President can do this simple,but very meaning act,with each and every person HE meets, and give them that respect,if even for that fleeting moment,so can I.It is a small, but not insignificant way,for us to connect.I love your comment.Thank you for letting me share in that goal.

  228. What a wonderful idea, BWD (one of your many wonderful ideas :-))!

    I am late to the party, and I look forward to reading all the comments at leisure. However, I will add a few now:

    Just a few things I love about MY president, Barack Obama:

    –the boundless intelligence. I knew a little about Obama before he ran for president: I knew he was the first black senator in generations, and I knew he had been EIC of Harvard Law Review. That’s about it. However, when I first heard him on the campaign trail in ’07 going into ’08 I immediately knew that this man was a giant intellectually — both in the traditional sense, and also in the emotional intelligence sense. Human beings often downplay their sixth senses, but mine told me immediately that this man was head and shoulders above the rest of the field.

    –the curiosity. Hand in hand with deep intelligence goes insatiable curiosity about people, places and things. I love the fact that he is always learning, always exploring, always listening. I consider myself to be very curious and excited about learning new things, so this resounded with me.

    –the optimism. As I have expressed many times (probably to the annoyance of some): “Optimism is a revolutionary act.” I’m not sure where I heard that first, but I find it to be a Big Truth. President Barack Obama refuses to let things which would bring ordinary people down, bury them under negativity, flood them with anxiety, or freeze them with paralysis, take him out. This requires great mental strength, a history of rising to challenges, and an understanding of human nature. He has all these things in spades, and I believe that his fundamental belief in humanity and in the tendency of hope and love to win out in the end keeps him stubbornly optimistic.

    –his energy. I think related to his optimism is his seemingly inexhaustible energy. When one is positive about what one is doing, feels they are making great things come about, and feels like they are born to do what they’re doing, energy seems boundless. The way he moves, multi-tasks, travels, speaks, delegates, writes, etc., etc., etc. — all this reveals a tremendous amount of vigor and certainty of purpose which affects all of us (both supporters and non-supporters) who are witnessing his Presidency. It’s affecting us in ways we don’t even realize.

    –his confidence, also known as The Obama Swagger. What can you say about true swagger? You either have it or you don’t. Swagger drives your opponents to self-destruction, and makes your admirers swoon. It’s a combination of intensity, accomplishment, being totally present in the moment, and knowing exactly what you have to offer. Put that all in an impressive physical package? Result: swagger off the charts!

    –his humility. I often wonder how in the world I would handle people all over the world chanting my name, looking at my picture, wanting my autograph, giving me a Nobel Peace Prize, watching me take off and arrive, fainting and crying in my presence, creating art because they say I inspired them, writing books about me….and so forth. It’s really mind-blowing when you think about it. He’s the most famous man on the planet. How does he stay grounded? How does swagger not turn into something maniacal and ugly? Somehow, he has tempered all that with humility and the ability to not take himself too seriously. To laugh at himself. To continue to work hard. To think and do for others. It’s a very rare combination of character traits: greatness and humility.

    –his love of family. Much — if not all — of his ability to be grounded and humble comes from his deep love of family (as we witness it). While every family has its ups and downs, and no relationship is perfect, what we can see is a man who genuinely loves and cares for his family. Someone who is in love with his wife and adores his children. Who looks at his wife with both passion and friendship. Who provides protection and expresses adoration for his girls. Who honors the memories of his parents, grandparents, and those who came before him. Who includes a diverse extended family in his circle, and treats friends as family. Just love everywhere!

    All these traits, and many more, are some of the things I love about Barack Obama. I believe that as a human family we are given examples from time to time to show us what living at our full potential looks like. Our President is such an example. He makes me want to be an excellent, passionate, purposeful, loving person and accomplish what I am born to do. I consider myself to be very fortunate to be witnessing this moment in history.

    May he and his family continue to prosper.

  229. PJ, you may have been late to the party, but you didn’t miss a beat! Your heartfelt thoughts were perfect and I echo them with you.Amazing:)

  230. I love President Barack Obama simply because he is a great man that answered the call to be an awesome and compassionate “leader of the free world”. But more importantly because when his second term is over and the history books will have to show the brilliance of his presidency finally, children of color will be able to read about a man (a black man) that was president and how much he did to change the course of this country for the better. How important it will be for children to read about this brilliant man who defies all of the stereotypes of black men that they have been taught and have seen on tv and everywhere else. This is HUGE, it will actually be “our” history and no longer just “his story” written with a slant towards showing the greatness of one race as they diminish all the other races in the history books.
    I love President Barack Hussein Obama for all that he is and isn’t.

  231. PoliticalJunkessa, I second Desert Flower. So BEAUTIFULLY said; particularly describing his humility. How he has that, when he has to know that millions worldwide would consider meeting him the highlight of their life, is just incredible. Yet it is not a feigned humility. I caught a glimpse of that humbleness recently when he was walking into the Westminster Hall and with the first words of his speech. (Before his fabulous Pope, Queen and Nelson Mandela line). To be both humbled and maintain the aura of a President and world leader is something I have never witnessed by any prior president.

  232. Each time I think we all have stated the best of this Great President, then some else write another comment and then you say “OH”

    Your sentiments are worded PERFECTLY and I again second those thoughts.

    (How many second will I second?!?) 😉

    Everyone has given great thoughts . . . this is an idea for a book. . . (although I am sure there will be one of what THEY hate about the President)


  233. I love the fact that he got OBL and showed the world that he is, in fact, a determined, focused leader that isn’t afraid to take risks. His gutsy call has opened doors for him that he could not have anticipated and gives him room to grow even more.

    I just have a sense that he’s only just begun, and that when 2016 comes around, we’ll be sobbing as he leaves the White House in that helicopter, knowing he’s likely to be the greatest president of our lifetime.

  234. I love that he inspires such a thread. I love that all of us are so enthusiastic to write. I love all of the above.

    To add to the list and/or expand, I love:

    His long game. I study and apply it DAILY – his example arrived at exactly the right and necessary time in my professional life.

    His redefinition – his embracing – of inner manliness. Every time a young man praises Obama, or even an older one!, I am thrilled that intellect, cool character, family love and unbridled kindness are part of a new sense of manhood in America. It’s a nice counter to the Judd-Apatow-ization of our men we witness in fiction and Superbowl commercials :).

    His transformation of racial dialogue. For me, this started leading up to election week in 2008, when I was visiting in TX. I volunteered at a phone bank and was one of only two African-Americans in my packed calling room. Everyone else, in Texas, in that room, was white. The giant Texan next to me was wearing boots and a huge cowboy hat and calling with his alarming g-o-b accent to announce it was almost election day and would they be voting for Obama? It was incredibly distracting. I just wanted to take him out for a beer, start at birth, and find out how he personally ended up in that room. But I stuck to the script :). I also remember reading that HuffPo article a young white man wrote called “Fear of a Black President,” which first introduced me to a generation who recognized, understood and owned privilege and entitlement. There was Obama’s speech on race. Then the endless flame wars at DKos. Suddenly, not only were we talking about race, we were doing so openly, constantly, with intensity, raw honesty, difficult anecdotes, confessions…this was not the America I knew until Obama. His election didn’t make us post-racial – it made us post-dismissive of race. Casual conversations I’d grown up having only in ethnic company, I now was having with white online collaborators I may never meet.

    Even today, I see all of the white Americans who are part of this thread, and this extended Obama family. Forget the watermelons and the monkey photos. The real transformation is all of us, openly and unabashedly loving this president and claiming him as our own. I wonder how many people understand the mind-blowing effect that has on some of us ethnic Americans? When tens of thousands of Irish people line the streets to claim a Black man as their descendant…does it register the same for each of us, how shocking it is, how it inspires nervous laughter and crinkled brows… Really, it is so easy to live in the Teaparty version of America. That is the one we have always seen. But now we see the millions of others who are just quietly tolerant and embracing. For all of the non-Black Americans, of every race, who are adjusting to a Black president, at whatever level (from the confused to the inspired to the relieved), there are so many of us people of color who are adjusting to such an outpouring of love towards one of us. It is beautiful. It is culturally disrupting! And for both of those reasons, it is powerful. And what I love about Obama is he literally and figuratively speaks directly to it.

  235. I never saw this before. The tears streaming down his face and the rasp in his voice. He kept doing what he needed to do, but at a cost. Thanks for posting this.

  236. I Love President Obama for his decisive nature, his love for people and country, his giving attitude and his ability to serve others before himself. He is practicing the b attitudes in Matthew chapter 5

    Blessed are those who are merciful,peacemakers, pure at heart…

  237. One does lose count among all the many awards and commendations … ;P

    Suck it, Republican blowhards.

  238. dmitcha:
    Your comment has deeply affected me…I am in tears contemplating the truth you have written here. You have beautifully articulated so many thoughts and feelings that have crossed my mind these last three years. It gives me hope that all of the vicious opposition to Obama may ultimately have some good purpose. Bravo and thank you so much! You need to write about this more, America needs to hear from you.

  239. I just love Your President Obama for using his brilliant intelligence
    giving hope to so many people, and I do think the atmosphere in the whole world has changed for the much better since his inauguration.
    So thanks Americans for electing him, and please, please to it again.
    Landslide for President Obama 2012!
    Oh, I almost forgot his smile – his authentic smile.

  240. Maggy, now I am teary, too. Thank you for your note. I used to write about it, at HuffPo, DKos; for now I just quietly read and absorb. A lot to reflect on from the past 3 years, I so agree.

  241. I hope the President gets to see this entire list, but most specifically, the beautiful words you have put out here today. This was exquisitely constructed and perfectly conveyed. Thanks!

  242. Hmmm. BWD you may be on to something…Ever think about publishing a book with some of these things we love bout obama? Combine these quotes/things we love about obama with photos in a book and I think it would be a best seller.

  243. Dmitcha.., as suggested by Maggy, writings such as yours should not be done quietly. . . We need more of US who can express ourselves in WORDS. Write the newspapers, email the MSM, but if we are quiet, the loud mouth will take over with their lies – example on the talk shows this morning, they are all republicans with their lies and disgusting distortion of the truth! We are do where there and those who are watching WILL believe them.

    You words were beautiful. Thank you and thank G_D you are on our side.

  244. Thank you, too, Marlz. I saved this page for this morning, after a long week, and was so rewarded that I had to go ahead and write! 2012 will be a judgment day of quite a different kind, I think, for our country ;).

  245. My sister (who isn’t a blogger) asked me to share her sentiments, too:

    “Our President makes me so proud every time I see him online or on TV. He shows what it’s like to be a proud American who only wants to make things better for all of us here in this country and abroad. He and his wife, the First Lady, are so elegant as well as down-to-earth and charming. Their children are so well-mannered and not a bit spoiled from what Michelle says about them. He truly wants to make things better for all of us and he reads messages from people all over the country every day. He never loses focus on what he wants to accomplish, no matter how frustrated he becomes. He can claim a major victory against terrorism in the bin Laden incident and we can be so proud of our military who serve under him. He never forgets to bless us and our country in all of his speeches. He will be remembered and his actions will go down in history, starting with his historic achievement in providing health care for everyone, without exclusions for pre-existing conditions.”

  246. I love President Obama’s courage. He gives true meaning to the concepts of bravery and strength.

  247. + 1 more:

    I love that President Obama, by being who he is and doing what he does, has inspired some of the finest people in this country to form a coalition through which we have amassed some truly spectacular pieces of progress, and are joyfully poised to create more. I don’t just love President Obama. I truly love Obamabots, and have been in awe of the spectacular and wonderful people who have gotten together and have created an incredible set of solutions to some of the problems which we were having on a federal level in the decade past.

  248. Ditto – all the markings of a highly conscious spirit, a seemingly rare thing among politicians and now would-be ones who just do bus tours & PR stunts because it’s always about them.

  249. When I think of something, most of you have already mentioned it, so I’ll go with All of the Above. However, my favorite is, I love how the President rises above the fray. He’s a strong leader who doesn’t sweat the petty stuff.

  250. Forus50, That’s another poem that I used to like in my younger days that I had forgotten! Thanks for refreshing the old memory; you are so right, it also describes our President to a ‘T’ just like ‘If’ does.

  251. PoliticalJunkessa, I’m very moved by your brilliant and thoughtful comment. What a beautiful and accurate description of President Obama.

  252. dmitcha, as a white woman, I have never fully understood how dramatic seeing white people embrace this president is for people of color. I responded with adoration of this man from the day I first saw him at the Democratic National Convention making his first historic speech to the American public. I was raised to see a person for who that person is and I’ve always been really attracted to people of color, for no apparent reason. My mother would race after me when I was a toddler and would run to embrace any AA that came near me on the street. So, I guess it’s in my blood but President Obama has truly hit me deep in my heart. I am 60 years old and I have NEVER, EVER loved any president the way I love this president. I think he deserves every bit of love I have for him by his actions, his deeds, his words and his beliefs. He is taking this presidency to new heights, raising the bar for all of us, and that is why I love him. His color just makes him more beautiful to me! xxxxx L.L.

  253. President Obama has now become the frame of reference for my 14 year old son. Whenever he has to make a decision, respond to a situation or even do something he is required to do but dislikes, he asks or I ask him, “So how would the President handle this?”

    We now have a look between us that even in public, he knows that is the pertinent question. Why? In our family we often talk of the calmness, the empathy, the focus and his long view of tangled issues. How many people would make the link of actually using Poland as a model for the Middle East and empower them to be invested in the outcome? Can you imagine McCain seeking that approach? I could go on and on and on. His ability to actually get the job done is remarkable and after 2016 when this is all over, his strategic skills will be studied in Business Schools all over the world. Result? My son has been accepted to one of the most sought after boarding schools in the world and I know to my core that had PBO had not been there as a living breathing example of consistency, focus and who represents the epitome of what it means to be a resilient, smart, elegant man, my darling son would not have that concrete example of the possible. May God Bless Him, always.

  254. Lulu, thanks so much; I laughed out loud – your poor mom!

    It is part of the lesson, I think, for me, that I, too, love him all the more for being all that he is plus being African-American…and here that is true for others, too.

  255. You’ve said it all so well. Though I suppose reams can written about this great man. Yes, he is a great man and will stand alongside the Greats in world history. Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Tenzin Gyatso, Desmond Tutu, Mother Teresa among them. In just a few years amidst unbelievable obstacles, crises, diversions, non-cooperation President Obama raised the bar, returned dignity, intelligence, true leadership to the highest seat in our government. His actions, words and deeds tell a story of a man who is a future global leader the likes of which the world has never witnessed.

    As is written in the Great Law of the Iroquois Confederacy, “(Leaders) shall be mentors of the people…their hearts shall be full of peace and good will and their minds filled with a yearning for the welfare of the people of the confederacy. With endless patience they shall carry out their duty and their firmness shall be tempered with a tenderness for their people. Neither anger nor fury shall find lodgment in their minds and all their words and actions shall be marked by calm deliberation. They must be honest in all things…self-interest must be cast into oblivion…they shall look and listen for the welfare of the while people and have always in view not only the present by the coming generations…”

    (The US Articles of Confederation and the US Constitution are both based on the Great Law of the Iroquois Confederacy.)

    Sounds like someone we know, doesn’t it?

  256. Since you all have said it all…and so brilliantly!…let me put this out here…do you all find yourself wondering, after ’16, what is next? A friend said “President of the World”…I couldn’t agree more!

  257. Hi dmitcha

    I remember your name from DK – perhaps BK in particular? Your post was of of the most exciting, enlightening ones I have read in a long time. Thank you.

    As a white woman, I feel that the playing field has finally been levelled. Thank heaven. I grew up in the sixties. I remember middle of the night musings: this is all because of PIG-MEN-TA-TION?!!!! I could not wrap my mind around it, and felt a loss of innocence. (NOT hyperbole)

  258. You know what I especially love? I love that BWD posted this a day ago and all of us can’t stop posting to it!!

    We just can’t stop declaring our love for this extraordinary man.

    I know we will put this much passion into the work it will take to get him re-elected.

    Because, even though he is at over 50% approval, the GOP legislatures in many states, including my state of Florida, have imposed new restrictions to make both registering and voting more difficult – the League of Women Voters are not going to do registration drives in Florida for this election!! How f-cked up is that? Florida legislature, knowing that Democrats would win seats and we would re-elect President Obama, have made it next to impossible for people to change addresses and for those of us who register voters to do that job easily.

  259. Yes, it’s a rare gift. Thanks, my friend in positivity, FORUS50 :-).

  260. Whatever the question, the answer is love.
    Barack Obama is to me is the personification of love.

    I believe “race” is nomenclature designed to divide….I truly believe there is but one race, the human race.

    Your words have moved me to tears. I love Barack Obama for a million reasons. I admit that the fact that he is African-American is a significant reason. He has broken a barrier that for to long, and wrongly, has been in place. The impact of that is immeasurable and universal. And to my African-American brothers and sisters you deserve to own and celebrate that accompolishment more than anyone else. Barack Obama reminds us of the truth that all things are possible, and that the content of character is the truest measure of man.


  261. Excellent writing. Excellent insights. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and talent with us.

  262. Wow, this thread is just a beautiful read.

    I remember while watching President Obama’s interview on CBS 60 minutes after the killing of OBL… how loved his demonstration of “Quiet Power”!!

  263. Carol- am in agreement mostly with you — except i can’t fully about JFK, i think the time was just different there and how would we even know if people did ‘non-professional’ creative things for him? He was before my time (i was born after he was killed), but from all i know, i *do* think he was the last Pres that inspired on such a grand, and yet personal, scale.

    Thx for the great comments though!


  264. Beautiful – I was thinking about this this topic after the President’s toast to Queen Elizabeth, when he mentioned his British roots on his mother’s side. He really brings the human race together with his international connections – black, white; Irish, British, African heritage; Asian connection from his sister and her father and her children, Hawaiian upbringing, which connects the Polynesian people with the Maori of Australia and New Zealand. He can connect to people right around the entire planet.

  265. dmitcha – what a beautiful post. I have always considered myself as having no prejudice – my son took me to task for that one day when we had that conversation – he said I wasn’t there yet because I always brought color into the conversation when describing a person – he said he doesn’t see color. I don’t know if that can be completely true because when you observe a person you notice certain things about them such as eye color, hair, whether they are asian etc. – my son claimed that he only saw the person. If that is the case I take credit for it because I brought him up that way. He said my generation has to die out before the country (not the world – you only have to travel to places like England and see how many mixed race couples there are and no one even glances their way) to say he might be right. The world will certainly be a better place if that ever completely happens.
    I strongly suggest everyone here read the Rolling Stones article coming out about Roger Ailes and FOX – we think we know everything about that horrible network – not! The article should be spread far and wide – especially to people you know who watch the horror that is FOX – I wonder if they will be smart enough to realize how they have been manipulated.

  266. This is a really great story. Congratulations for your son’s continuing success.

  267. OOOh, I forgot to add, I love how the World leaders can seem to stop hugging President Obama whenever they around him lol.

    I would also like to add where I live there is a huge Polish community and they love President Obama, and was super excited that he was visiting Poland.

  268. I strongly suggest everyone here read the Rolling Stones article coming out about Roger Ailes and FOX – we think we know everything about that horrible network – not! The article should be spread far and wide – especially to people you know who watch the horror that is FOX – I wonder if they will be smart enough to realize how they have been manipulated.


  269. ok – so yeah, this is post #2 for me on this awesome thread….. but I just had to add on to one of the many running WONDERFUL reasons many of us are pointing out regarding our love for our First Family, and how we love how Barack loves Michelle…

    That’s because there’s nothing sexier than a man in love with his woman.

    Well, maybe a man in a kilt, or a sarong…. the right man of course… 😀

  270. I apologize for not sticking to the subject but someone emailed that to me this morning and after reading it I had to send it viral to everyone I know because, even though we know FOX lies about everything, the article points out how it gets done and how everyone has to follow the script that Alies puts out every day and how paranoid this bastard is – for people who watch and believe the garbage, maybe once they read about this guy they will see him like the “wizard of oz” – remember how they pulled back the curtain and he was revealed as this pathetic man? Alies is just that – pathetic – but scary as all get out.

  271. FORUS50 – thank you for that! One of my favorite pieces EVER, and it so perfectly fits Obama.

    ❤ ❤ ❤

  272. ok, back to why I love Barack Obama – lol!

    I LOVE that both he and Michelle are speaking to children about how they loved being smart, loved getting good grades and would never have skipped school.

    I told Michelle the last time I saw her that they would be responsible for lowering the dropout rate. If she does nothing else but speak to young children in poor schools (I saw one in SC when I was there to GOTV that was so awful that I don’t know how kids graduate from there – it will take a Michelle or Barack Obama speaking there to those kids to stop it form happening!) she will have made a huge difference.

  273. It has occured to me that the reason I dont feel the need to post here often is because my thoughts are posted here by others every day. Thanks BWD. Honest to goodness, I doubt you really know how much we appreciate what youve done for us by creating this site for sane people. Im not normaly this corny but what an oasis this place is for me and lately my wife too.

  274. dmitcha! I want to take YOU out for a beer!!! I know my emotions are askew because I’m locked in the Red Tent today…. but this was such an EPICALLY AWESOME post, i am weeping with so much joy!!! THANK YOU for being so eloquent x INFINITY!!!

    ❤ ❤ ❤

  275. Yes!!! It’s his “cool” in every single way and in every single situation. I am proud to say “I’m an American” again instead of “W makes me want to live in Canada or the UK” as if I need a disclaimer.

    I love our President!

  276. I agree that this is the only person I have known about who personnnifies this pooem.

  277. oh, my… thanks to everyone for reading and replying and connecting (the comment was so long when I finished that I hesitated before posting). The conversations will continue, the shift will continue, the healing and the hearing has already begun and will continue and succeed. Thanks, BWD, yet again, for this site. Your pictures have always been worth a thousand words…but wow, look at the picture these thousands of words are painting all on their own :).

  278. CONGRATULATIONS to you and your son! And thank you for such an inspiring post!!! 😀 I LOVE THIS!

  279. I’m a little late to the party, but I love President Obama for all the reasons mentioned above.

    And, because every day we get to say President Obama.

  280. Debra – exactly! For eight years when traveling overseas, when asked where we were from, my man and I would always say, “We’re from California, it’s not our fault.”

  281. “And, because every day we get to say President Obama.”

    That does ROCK!!!! 😀 😀 😀

  282. I love his contagious smile, and his devotion to his family.

    I love that he connects with people from different background from the position of always trying to look at it through their lens/perspective.

    I love that President Obama is graceful and not boastful.

  283. I love that he shows how the good guys do win. That’s all I could think of that night in Grant Park when he won. The bullies didn’t get the best of him.

    He came along at the right time. Now, there is somebody I can show my daughter and say “He always tells the truth. He cares about everybody. And he is our president. No matter what anybody says about him, he just ignores it and does what he believes is right.” It’s the way I always wished I could be, but have never had his self-confidence. I hope he inspires her to do great things.

  284. Truly wonderful – and, as someone said earlier, immeasurable. It is a question I have posed to myself, as well, during trying moments over the past few years.

  285. Hi, gc – yes, we are such a special subset of that DK group here at BWD. While I never wrote for BK or commented much, I definitely read it and still do! For BK and the rest of the site, I have been stunned and relieved to see the shift in attitude since the killing of Osama bin Laden. It has taken the wind, I think, out of many of the angrier and more inflammatory sails there. It is a calmer place to visit now, more thoughtful again, and when people post truthful diaries about the President, that are, of course, positive, they are not flamed off of the site as they routinely were.

    As we struggle to level the playing field, it is my firmest belief that the place to make big changes is at the top. To your point, that is what PBO’s election did and proved. If this extraordinary man can not only be president, but be a great one, then how can others like him automatically be underestimated or disqualified for less intense jobs than “leader of the free world”?

  286. Such lovely words and thoughts here. Now I’m going to go and tacky it up. I love President Obama’s ability to deliver zingers. Especially as seen at :58.

  287. I absolutely love that he has a heart for the people. That is the best leader any country on earth can get, because they will serve the people well. In the case of President Obama, He serves with Humility-
    Proverbs says it is not the man who destroys a city that is the stronger but one who has patience.
    Case in point President BH Obama!

    Usually a Lurker but could not resist 🙂

  288. Jayne – TOD is The Obama Diary – and BWD has a link to it under blogroll on the right side of this page —->


  289. Well I for one am so glad you came out of the shadows because that was an AWESOME POST.

    Serve the people well, and with humility!

    Exactly!!! 😀

  290. And one other reason that I love our President: I’ve never seen him sitting on a TINY MUSTARD SOFA in the middle of his living room!!! 🙂

    🙂 🙂 🙂

  291. HAAAAAAAAA! Wasn’t that weird? Although it did make Michelle look awesome in that dress.

  292. starshine,
    A great sense of humor is a necessity of life I do believe so nothing tacky about it! Barack Obama not only has a great sense of humor but has a great delivery of jokes on par with the best.

    And speaking of humor, I really like your avatar and was almost going to use it myself but would have kept the “more cowbell” words at the bottom. 🙂 That Will Farrell cowbell skit is my all time favorite Saturday Night Live skit.

  293. My best memories of DK is BK. And TIMT and several others have remained part of my life through many ups and downs. God, Goddess and Buddha bless them. A spin on your commment: I feel proud to have been accepted by the Black community online. Offline, my world is multi..well, everything, but online it is more complicated because communication gets compromised. Thank you again for your post. It is possible your name rings a bell, from seeing it as a “reccer” there.

    I’m schmaltzy today 🙂

  294. It’s great to see that so many agree that President Obama is a jewel beyond compare within our lifetime!

    ‘I believe that as a human family we are given examples from time to time to show us what living at our full potential looks like.’

    My only regret is that I didn’t have this example when I was much younger, because while there are some things I can still emulate, there are others I can’t. Nevertheless, I’m pleased for those just starting out who have this example before them, and I can already envision the impact he and Michelle have had, and will have, on family life in America.

  295. Thanks, FORUS50. I, too, believe a sense of humor is essential to life.

    The Will Ferrell skit is one of the best of SNL, imo. I have the avatar saved to my computer and have used it other places. For some reason it was too big(?) for gravatar and I had to clip it to get any of the “more cowbell” in it at all. I couldn’t figure out how to fix it otherwise. Frustrating.

    For the record, earlier today I saved your avatar to my computer. 🙂 O’BAMA. I love it.

  296. Commander-in-chief
    Comforter-in chief

  297. Dmitcha, in addition to loving the way PBO, has empowered us, I love…the ideas shared in your entry.

  298. What a good idea, Nonie! There is more truth and content here than in many a published work. In fact, we probably would all buy a copy, and with the way some works get published quickly these days part of the proceeds could be donated to the campaign.

    Oh please, this idea is well worth following up!

  299. Elsan, I’ve never met
    the ‘Great Law of the Iroquois Confederacy,
    “(Leaders) shall be mentors of the people…their hearts shall be full of peace and good will and their minds filled with a yearning for the welfare of the people of the confederacy. With endless patience…’

    before, but I find it amazing that it describes this President as well as Rudyard Kipling’s poem ‘If’ and tne song ‘Desiderata’ that was quoted earlier on this thread do. As was earlier remarked, President Obama IS a living model of the theories we’ve all had of true leadership, no matter our background. The truth is, we can no longer say that we don’t know what good leadership looks like. 😉

  300. Jayne, everytime I hear mention of this I keep hoping that the President’s team has a strategy to deal with this and are already ‘on the case’. I can’t imagine WHAT they’ll do and HOW they’ll do it, but I refuse to believe that the GOPers will get away with such major disenfranchisement. Especially because they are being so blatant. I’m thinking that determination on the part of voters to exercise their civic right(and therefore making sure they meet the requirements) coupled with the DCC being extremely vigilant should minimize, if not obliterate, any damage these jokers hope to cause. Am I being overly optimistic?

  301. Allan I also applaud the “sexiness” the Obama’s have brought to intelligence, and for that matter government.

  302. I have often thought that any person who wants to be POTUS has to be a little bit mentally unbalanced–power-hungry, attention-seeking, ego-invested, whatever–and I’ve tended to be skeptical about most who seek the office. However, so far PBO seems like a true servant in the role of President. He seems to really want to act in all our best interests, be willing to be a team player, give credit where credit is due, and doggedly keep after the job, to keep seizing the moment to do what he can while he has the job, and hope that what he is able to accomplish will speak for itself in the next campaign. We’ll see whether he can avoid the ego-trip that seems ultimately to overtake most wealthy powerful folks, but so far I’m really impressed by what I’m seeing.

  303. SUGGESTION: If you haven’t read it yet, leave it for another day so that it won’t spoil your positive APPRECIATE-OUR-PRESIDENT mood. I read it a day or two ago, all 13 pages of it, and was just horrified at the revelations – a total confirmation of my previous belief that politicians, and FOX, are not to be trusted.

  304. President Obama is everthing I expect a child of God to be. I love that he is a man of peace for the scripture states ” blessed are the peace makers for they shall be called sons of God”

  305. How people respond to him. how kids seem to find a connection with him.

    How he seems to just fit in, no matter the setting or place.

  306. Not a chance, JO’B…. We are One with Each Other, and have a leader we can trust AND love, who’d have thunk it when we were young?

  307. Beautifully said, dmitcha. I echo those sentiments. I have often said that we, as a country, are “adjusting” to this Presidency. That goes for the positive as well as the negative. As an African American, I give my fellow Americans of all ethnicities so much credit for all the goodwill they’ve shown to Barack Obama, and for putting him in the White House in the first place.

    When you think about it, it was truly miraculous from the jump, and could only happen here. What a beautiful country :-D!

  308. I want us to get to 1000 here so I will add how it both grieves me but I also love how his hair is graying. I have always noticed that being President ages a man (well except for one) It is probably the world’s hardest job, especially for those who actually work at it.

    I bless each of the gray hairs on his head and I think he will still be so lovely when his hair is all white. Which it might very well be after the next five years.

    ♥ Dear President

  309. Your anecdotes also remind me of one of my own. I am a displaced New Yorker, now living in Richmond, VA, which has been a culture shock in so many ways. I had just moved down here the summer before the election. I volunteered that summer canvassing and phonebanking in great part because I quickly wanted to hook up with who I thought would be the most diverse and progressive group I could find here. I was right.

    Anyway, I digress. The day of the election, I driving over to the campaign headquarters and imagine my shock when the good ol’ boy’s pickup truck in front of me had both a small dixie flag bumper sticker AND an Obama/Biden sticker. Perhaps it shouldn’t have blown my mind, but as a Yankee, it did not compute, lol. I am still trying to figure out what that meant, so I’ll just chalk it up to hope, and to the continuing erosion of racial and cultural barriers, for as long as it takes.

  310. Lurker here too, but have to ditto everything wonderfull said about our President. A man with a beautiful face and a beautiful heart.BWD and all you terific people, THANK YOU so much for all the information I use to fight for this great man. It has really made a difference. When was the last time we cried tears of pride watching leaders of this great nation speak abroad? For me, President Obama is the first in my 74 years.

  311. I agree with you 1000%, vcprezofan2. The children of today are so lucky to have this be the president they become acquainted with. He and Michelle are setting the bar high for them for excellence and achievement. It’s a beautiful thing to behold because their frame of reference will affect them in ways they can see, but also in ways they can’t articulate.

  312. I agree!!! I ❤❤❤ the gray!!! I think that makes a man so SEXY, including Obama!

    – George Clooney = hotter with some gray hair
    – Denzel Washington = hotter with some gray hair
    – Antonio Banderas = hotter with some gray

    In fact, I can’t think of a man who DOESN’T look hotter with a little – or a lot – of gray. James Brolin is at his hottest with WHITE HAIR!

    Then there’s Patrick Stewart, who has been smoking hot with NO HAIR.

    just sayin’


  313. I love the way President Obama inspires me to:
    – stand up and fight for what I believe in
    -to speak truth to lies
    -to fight smarter not louder
    -to never again believe that one person or one vote can’t make a difference

  314. I love his intellect, his demeanor, his judgement, his compassion, his spirituality, his athleticism, his honesty, his itegrity, his love for family, God, and his country, his openmindedness, his humility, his ability to adapt to any setting, his pragmaticism, and most importantly I love his DESIRE TO CONTINUE IN HIS CURRENT JOB INSPITE OF THE HATE AND OPPOSITION. We have a very specialy person in the Whitehouse folks. Enjoy it while it last. 🙂 Obama/Biden 2012!!

  315. Well I have to chime in here, late of course, and agree that his smile is a killer. Everyone who likes it says “When he smiles, I smile” 😀

  316. Okay, my 2 cents, though late. I love the fact that this man named Barack Hussein Obama, possesses all of the qualities listed above, that he is the only one on this earth, at this time in my life, that has commanded so much of my time, that I have to play catch up. I really need to get hold of myself, and mind the time I spend checking this site and others, needing to know where he is, how he’s doing, what he’s doing. I confess, I am “addicted to Obama”, and know what? I ain’t ashamed. I’ll shout it from the rafters, for all the reasons stated by all of you. I LOVE MY PRESIDENT!! 😀

  317. I love the way he can post up and sink the 27 foot jump shot when his teams needs it…great clutch player. Fine man.

  318. Yes indeed — Could there be a more complete package??? We get to feast our eyes on top of everything else that is so amazing about this man

  319. Me too. I love that he is relentless, always moving the ball forward, pushing, nudging. That he has a deep seated desire to do good. That he has endured with grace and equanimity what would defeat lesser men. I love that he truly respects women. I love his worldliness. I love that he prays. I love that he loves his family.

  320. Many things have been said about our President.
    In honor and love, I just want to tell him I have his back…because I know he has the whole world in his hands…(literally)

    I love you…and may God Bless you Mr. President

  321. Thank you for that and reminding all of us that love is an action, not just an emotion!

  322. Amen, amen, and amen! Thank you so very much for posting this clip! A perfect way to end a long and busy day! Goodnight everyone! All this love will come right back to you, you know that!

  323. Hilarious! Okay, at this point, if you are in NYC, we should probably go have that beer.

  324. Welcome mchs63, you can take our word for it that our President will avoid the ego-trip! We’ve been walking with him since 2007, AND we have traced his record back for years before that. We have already seen that he’s genuine so he’s no longer on trial/ probation. You are looking at ‘the real thing’ so it’s okay to gush without qualifications. Appreciate! Enjoy! Be impressed! Vote OBAMA/BIDEN 2012! 😆 😆

  325. Theres so much to love about President Obama,it would take a book to record them, so I’ll list just a few,namely:

    His intellect, smartness, listening skills, rapt attention/focus to everyone around him, his precise and clipped communication skills, perfect enunciation with pitch, tone and delivery. His art in analyzing questions and answering them appropriately. His exceptional leadership skills, his strong and gentle determination, his calm yet agressive pursuit of his policies; respect for all, his desire to work in unity by extending the olive branch, and his absolute bi-partisian approach of working with the republicans to achieve the greater good for the nation.

    His love for his fabulous wife, his adorable girls, and respect for his mother-in-law.

    I love that PBO is the leader of the greatest country on earth, that he loves his countrymen (even the most cold-hearted haters), that he works extremely hard because of his vision for America and his burning desire to elevate America to its previous greatness as well as its international status.

    I love how he is not ashamed to publicly declare that he goes down on his knees and ask God for guidance. That he loves God and practices his christian faith.

    I love that the President is humble.. he does not allow the power of the presidency to intoxicate him. He has a special magnetism with people, young and old, boys and girls, black and white. He is multi-cultured and can blend with anyone. Look at his recent trip… the love and respect he enjoyed was astounding.

    I love his million mega wat smile, his stride, the way he carries himself, his laughter and the way he uses grace, poise, humor,wit, facts and dignity to totally destroy his opponents…(think paul ryan, donald trump).

    But most of all, I truly loved the way Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth interacted with President Obama. Her body language, tone of voice, wide smiles, two (2) night accommodations at Buckingham Palace were give-aways that Royalty acknowledges Royalty whereever it is present.

    I also love the fact that PBO is in the highly esteemed company of the Queen, the Pope and Nelson Mandela to deliver a speech at Westminster Abbey. Also the first President to receive 41-gun salute!!!!!

    And lets not forget Moneygall,Ireland….
    thats where he received the thundersous “Welcome Home” invitation, and where the Prime Minister of Ireland told the masses to let their voices of welcome be heard around the world.

    So proud of PBO!!! God bless you Mr. President.

  326. I love that he represents the best of my generation, whatever label they have given the group after the Boomers and before the Millennials. Gen X and Gen Y just don’t do it for me.

    He represents that cool, unflustered nature of my generation – uninterested in extremism and more interested in the pragmatics of Getting Shit Done.

  327. I love that his mere presence in a room appears to have the GOP unable to think and then to commence shooting themselves in the foot. His ability to sense the moment to push for maximum effect and minimum effort. Beautiful to watch.

  328. I love his sense of history, but mostly of “applied history” of knowing that events unfold when they will and there is no forcing them, but there is also no preventing them. His message to Netanyahu was that: the Middle East is changing and you can either recognize that and get ready for change or it will happen whether you are ready or not.

    That is the fatal flaw of all conservatism. It exists only to oppose the inevitable force of change. It expends great energy to, as William F. Buckley said “stand athwart change and dare to stay STOP”. How does that even work? It doesn’t, and PBO has an acute sense of that fact and of the moment he is living in, the instinct of knowing what change is coming and then getting ready for it. I am sure this is the skill that flummoxes the opposition party more than any other. They resist change so much that they are unskilled in recognizing it.

  329. I like the fact he came from family that were Unitarians. (OK, that’s just my personal prejudice showing). I notice the Unitarians are now claiming him as our fifth president. Don’t know how BHO or Michelle feel about that but given what I have seen of him, I find it plausible.

    No matter, he is a person of genuine moral conscience and that puts me at ease about the decisions he makes.

  330. I’m UU and I never thought to bring this out here. Thank you for sharing this.

  331. I love that every time I log on, there are 20+ new comments about what someone loves about Pres. Barack Obama (and Michelle Obama)

    Wherever each of us lives, we HAVE to be the voice that helps to counter the foolishness that is out there. WE JUST HAVE TO.

    Like Barack said to the North Carolina crowd the day his “Toot” died… You don’t need to boo, you need to vote.

    So, along those lines, as we continue this virtual love fest, we all need to contact our local OFA field office. Even if you can’t vote in the US, you can encourage someone who can!

    P.S. One of the suggested mottos is growin’ on me.

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012 – We get sh*t done!

  332. OOps, sorry was in a rush earlier when I posted(household chores)…hence I meant to post; that I love that President Obama is so huggable,that even World Leaders can’t seem to stop hugging him.

  333. I love that Obama has time and again, backed into a political corner, found a way through that changes the game. He did it with abortion, he did it with Pastor Wright, with clinging to guns, with his birth certificate. He does it gently, and reminds us of the better people we can be with out ridicule for our mistakes.

  334. Me too, just today in fact. In this case, it was making friends with his competitors, like Biden and Hillary. He has a rare gift for finding the common ground and seeing a path forward, based on strong moral concepts and understanding. I find when I feel that little bubble coming up that says, stick your finger in someone’s eye, that I stop myself because it’s not how Obama would do it, it might feel good, but it doesn’t get me where I want to be.

    If I keep the goal in focus, it’s easier to find the common ground.

  335. I love that he whips up the youthful but clear-eyed optimism in all of us, young or old.

    I am mystified by how much time I devote to his daily comings and goings. In my dayjob I would frown with horror on that kind of devotion to any one public official, and with a hefty dose of skepticism.

    Yet here I am an unabashed Obamabot. Dear hubby has given up on me regaining my senses.

  336. This thread is such a confidence builder for all of us Obamabots. For all the reasons everyone has said. To know that I am not alone in my love and admiration for this man and his family gives me the strength to go out and fight for him all the more. All the hate will not win. We have love on our side and love conquers all. We are family. I love all of you!

  337. Let’s take this love and make it work for our President!

    Anyone here who isn’t active with OFA today is day to sign up.

    We are Obama’s army – make no mistake about it – this is war! Not by the President’s choosing but by the opposition, FOX, Beck, Rush, Tea Party, Palin, Bachmann etc. They would like nothing better than to consign our amazing President to the dustbin of history – we have got to make sure we get our people to the polls – Florida legislature did everything in their power to make voting impossible with new laws and restrictions – we’re going to have a very difficult time getting our students registered because of the new address restrictions – we will need ALL hands on deck in order to be successful!

    I’M 100% IN!!!!!!!!!!

  338. As I watched the Memorial Service for Joplin, MO, I wept and clapped and cheered for the People who President Obama so lovingly and pragmatically honored: the Dead and the Living.

    Thank you, President Barack Obama, our Comforter/Champion in Chief!

  339. Yes, This is one of the things I love most about our President, his example has made me strive to be a better person. I am more patient, willing to listen, and diplomatic.

  340. Just wanted to tell you what a wonderful group of people you all are. It gives me great joy to know that you are out there looking out for our President everyday and you feel the way that I do about him. Thank you, thank you, thank you. And of course, BWD, you are truly special. I am so glad that you did not give up. The appreciation of this President has grown by leaps and bounds because you stayed with him and help spread the truth. I am extremely grateful.

  341. I love that he analyzes problems by standing in everybody’s shoes, from both side of the aisle and more. I love that he formulates his own plan by taking stock of all sides and making a decision based on common sense and the consideration of what is best for us; the people. I love that he is NOT just a talking head like so many other politicians.

    And, I agree with all the preceding comments…atleast the few hundred I read! I hope someone from his camp sees this. Such a great idea!

  342. The PL has really become marginalized since Osama Bin Laden was captured.

    The Obama is weak mime/usless is shattered.

    We are hearing great reports about progress in the economy. Medicare is starting to create a turning point for democrats.
    2012 is expanding and people turning rage at republicans.

    The only people i see on dailykos that are doom and gloom are teacherken, bobswern, deadman, and angry white democrat.
    The only gay pl out there is john arvosis. The gay community has been really friendly to president obama recently with HRC endorsement.
    Cornell west has been trashed recently by many daily kos members.
    Slinkerwink has become friendy towards the president and has been doing positive activity when wanting to communicate something to president obama. she TRASHED GG in a diary when he went to far with that comment.

  343. BWD, thanks again for doing this and thanks for helping me with my post/mistakes.

  344. hey there Aquagranny. One reason I love this site is the diversity of backgrounds, and religions, and how we seem to all be able to share our experiences and respect each other.

  345. OT: It still is a diseased site. teacherken’s and bobswern’s hate diaries of Obama policies immediately get recc’d to the top. Other than Jed Lewison and DemFromCT the Front Pagers dislike Obama and refuse to write about any of the great work he does. (And even JL and DemCT’s posts appear to be timid and apologetic in support of the President.)

    I don’t think there was one Front Page post about Obama’s trip to Europe. There should have been several because of the huge implications that trip had in the short and long term in improving our relations with the rest of the world since the Iraq bloody fiasco. In contrast, can you just imagine how many front page posts would have been done on Sarah Palin if she had gone to Europe?!? Not in support of her of course but in recognition. Recognition is something Kos and the others refuse to do for President Obama.

    Trust me, as soon as Kos can find a poll that is really bad for Obama (on immigration or something) he will be panting to get it published with his typical sarcastic headline.

    So yes, I would agree with you that there seems to be less vitriol there lately but that’s only because they can’t find much to bitch about; not because they support Barack Obama.

  346. what does OT mean? and true about teacherken and bobswern STILL being rec’ed.

    I wonder why is teacherken so hateful towards President Obama?

    His education policy has been the same since the campaign. There are so many good things in it.

    The NEA has taken steps to endorse President Obama for 2012 and has recently become open to president obama’s testing component.

  347. OT= off topic (of BWD’s thread). No idea what’s eatin’ teacherken but was never a fan of him as his style of writing was a turnoff (sappy and often times condescending) which, lol, is a weird combination.

  348. MANY THANKS go to BWD for providing not only this opportunity, but the site in general. It inspired me to send an OBAMA 2012 newsletter (about once a week) to many on my email lists, using a lot of photos found here, favorable articles from anywhere, always including this link — anything to counteract the NEGATIVITY out there, from the right and the left. It only goes to about 40 people but it’s a little something …

  349. I love the way that Barack Obama has always respected armed forces veterans. He has always spoken up for their health care, and their benefits. He and Michelle and Joe and Jill have always taken the time to speak to veterans and listen to their stories.

    And VP Biden was one of the few senators who actually had a child in the service.

    Oh, yeah, I think someone already mentioned it, but I love that Pres. Obama chose Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr, as his Vice President.

  350. Thank you so much, blackwaterdog!

    I would add his ability to joke around with almost anyone is so refreshing. What a wonderful smile we get from our President!

  351. I agree with everyone’s comments – but most of all I love, absolutely love, that he is our President! I can’t imagine what our nation would be like right now if he weren’t.

  352. I officially joined OFA and made my first donation for the 2012 campaign. Wife and I did our budget to work out our monthly contribution between now and Election Day.

    I do this in honor of all the Veterans in my family, both living and passed on.

  353. To me, President Obama is THE definition of LEADERSHIP. I am filled with awe of a man, whose self confidence & principles to turnaround this broken country, propelled him from “just one of us” to leader of the most powerful nation. I am amazed everyday, by his intelligence, resilience and courage facing hostile Congress, right/left nasty extremism and biased negative media. I am inspired by everything he has achieved, from his strategic killing of Bin Laden to his sheer grit hard-fought healthcare, and especially his brilliant “chess moves” against Repuglicants -just when you think game over, he cooly, calmly and without even a hint of triumph, socks it right back at them!! And I am so,so proud to have an examplary WORLD leader, and also a loving father/husband, as my President.

  354. As a man who has always considered himself a good dresser–I love the way Barack dresses. His suits and ties are always just right, and he wears them well. Even at the gym he looks good. if we had a contest on best-dressed presidents, Barack wins hands down. I also love a lot of other things about him, but his wardrobe and the way he wears it never cease to impress me.

  355. I am just writing to thank our host and everyone who wrote on this thread. It turns out that reading other people’s reasons for their high regard for our President is an important affirmation and will bolster my efforts and resolve as I reach out to potential volunteers this month.

  356. His smile! It warms me, makes me feel proud, and hopeful.

    The way he loves his wife and family. The love he shows for his wife makes me feel proud and hopeful.

    The way he responds and does not respond to naysayers. Everything about him makes me smile, feel hopeful and proud!

  357. I just love the natural confidence–both inward and outward–that President Obama exudes when he is around people. During the 2008 presidential campaign, one writer noted that then Sen. Obama was the only candidate that appeared to have the “it” factor. Since becoming President, that natural confidence has gone to a whole new level. After a recent visit to Ireland, one Irish newspaper defined President Obama’s physical motion as exemplifying “elegant Kenyan movement.” Someone on this blog(BWD) just said when he/she saw the President in person, he appeared to be “gliding” as he was walking. As an observer who’s never had the pleasure of meeting or seeing the President in person, I’ll just add that from afar he definitely has SWAGGER–a natural sense of confidence that is manifested physically. Fortunately, his swagger is neither arrogant or egotistical, but rather it is a type of confidence that seems to be grounded in humility, honesty, and honor.

  358. Thanks to everyone more elequent than I for so very many reasons to love and respect my favorite president of all. I truly believe he commands respect in every of his ways. He is a man of the people, for the people.

  359. EDP4BHO “..addicted to Obama” How true is that for me also.
    What do I love about President Barack Obama? EVERYTHING.

  360. He’s simply a beautiful human being inside and out! He knows his strengths and weaknesses and is fearless in letting both show!

    I LOVE this site and everyone’s post!
    peace, love, justice

  361. The way he works harder than any President I’ve seen in my lifetime, and has dealt with the unprecedented number of catastrophes that faced his administration in ways that turn out to be successful.

  362. I love that he is a so obviously a good man, with a good heart. He does (well, tries to do) what’s best for the American people, not just what’s best for himself. He’s a class act.

  363. I was born in England many years ago, I am so proud when he visits the UK, I know they adore him over there, just as I do, in fact I feel like he is the son any mother would be proud of and wish his dear mother and grandmother could have been here to see him elected President.

  364. I love his and Michelle’s genuine love of children, and did you ever see the wonderful clip where he picked up a crying baby, and it stopped immediately?

  365. He makes me feel the hope he talked about and he is slowly bringing about the change we need. The Republicans are not helping at all..they have stated their objection to this president from day one, but he still tries to meet with them, to be the president of all the people. I have no idea how he can be so patient all the time. I would have knocked a few heads together long ago. I think that he sees the children, and knows that we need a good world, not only for his much loved daughters, but our sons and daughters also.

    President Obama is a once in a lifetime statesman…

  366. Special, Betsy. PBO always provide shistory to springboard any topic into the present. Always the informer/educator.

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