237 thoughts on “You are beautiful, in every single way (Updated)

  1. Absolutely stunning! Words simply cannot express the beauty that resides both inward and outwardly.

    American royalty, indeed.

  2. While Michelle is GORGEOUS, and HRM & HRH both look classy and elegant as always, POTUS is SMOKIN HAWT SEXY in that tux!

    And while we’re on the subject of tuxedos…… every man on earth looks good in one.

  3. You’re so right – he looked amazing in that tuxedo. When they were waiting for the royal party to come in, I realized all the men were in tails, and that we’d see President Obama in full tails, and I barely survived. He certainly didn’t disappoint – just awesome.

    But I can’t agree with you on the “every man” statement. There are some that will not be helped by a tuxedo at all, because the ugly is on the inside.

  4. Ok, #1, damn but Michelle is smokin!

    And, on to #2. I was wondering if Prince Philip did anything to earn the medals he’s wearing in those pictures. It turns out that he served with distinction in the Royal Navy during WWII. So, probably yes, he did earn those medals. But, in my research I came across this nugget:

    The inhabitants of some small villages in Vanuatu also worship Prince Philip as a god; the islanders possess portraits of the Duke and hold feasts on his birthday.

    How Monty Python never made that into a skit I’ll never know.

  5. These ads by Newsmax are conservative propaganda brought to you by the Heritage Foundation. I know you need money to bring us this wonder blog, but I do not think you want to destroy your message with these Google ads from Newsmax. BWD I love your site and thank you so much for always making my day.

  6. I don’t think BWD has any control over the ads. It’s an annoyance but to be honest, I didn’t notice them. I think people who post here have too much sense to believe what they say.

    Michelle Obama looked absolutely stunning, by the way.

  7. What ads? I use firefox (not version 4) and Ad blocker Plus. Never see the ads.

  8. I don’t see them. You might want to install software that blocks pop-up ads.

  9. I get those ads on my Gmail account. I just laugh at the fact that Newsmax’s ad money is being wasted on us.

  10. Well, it is what it is. I’m not going to actually pay for this blog – there’s a limit to everything and I rather spend this money donating to PBO – and this is the price. I’m sorry.

  11. Absolutely. The Obamas of Moneygall very quickly transformed into royalty at Buckingham…lol. This couple makes America look good!!!!

  12. Gorgeous couple, our POTUS and FLOTUS.

    May God bless them and continue to keep

    them safe on this trip. Love them much.

  13. It’s an indication of how scattershot Google ads are in their targeting. If I were Newsmax I’d be rather pissed that their ads were being displayed on this site. So, in a very big way, Newsmax ads are funding Pragmatic Progressives. I love it!


  15. LOL it looks like POTUS might have had a pre-dinner refreshment up in his room – he’s super smiley compared to his three dinner companions!

    I’m not a fan of white dresses (or white gloves!) but FLOTUS looks breathtakingly beautiful. Tt’s the perfect design for her and I find myself relooking at that first photo as it gets better every look. I think that will become an iconic photo of her.

  16. From a Twitter feed that I follow:

    HunterDK Hunter
    RT by jashsf
    Now that Glenn Beck’s going off the air, we’ll need to come up with our own conspiracy theories. Mine involves chipmunks.

  17. Michell simply couldn’t look better. She will be an iconic First Lady for decades to come, I think; like Jackie.

  18. They look amazing. President Obama looks very handsome in tails – hell, he is handsome, period. Full Stop. I love Michelle’s dress. She’s gorgeous.

  19. Thanks Jovie…

    That’s great to hear!

    I wonder if any of them are owned/partly owned by the Koch Bros. and their ilk?!

    YES.WE.CAN…DO.More, Together!
    YES.WE.CAN…Move America Forward & Win The Future!
    YES.WE.CAN, Again Make History…Obama/Biden 2012!


  20. She is simply stunning. Tall, regal and majestic…lol. Mr. Obama did well!!!

  21. Saw this on other thread, but reading the article it talks about from 2008. I was hoping it would be for speculation over the last year. That would really send a message.

  22. You’re right – they are comfortable in every situation and with every person, because they actually see the people behind the title. This is why the President is so authentic when he speaks about the common elements that bind us all – and that all parents just want a good future for their children and all people want to be safe and free to live up to their potential. Doesn’t matter if you’re sitting in Buckingham Palace or a tiny village in Ireland. What a great juxtaposition of circumstances in a 24 hour period! And what a wonderful and glaring rebuke of racism and bigotry. This man is made up of a little bit of everyone (I love how he threw in his British heritage, too).

  23. What an amazing couple.

    I have to share what zizi shared over at The Obama Diary. “Folks a bit of history here with a tad touch of irony. Today May 24 used to be celebrated all over the British Empire as “Empire Day,” a public holiday, during which school children and all “colonial subjects” of Her/His Majesty would march in parades and sing songs in praise of the British Crown. I am originally from a former British colony and my parents told me about Empire Day when they would pledge allegiance to their colonial masters.

    The irony here is that President Barack Obama’s father and grandfather in Kenya likely had to participate in similarly honor parades tot he British Crown. And now here we are on May 24th 2011, when their progeny is standing shoulder to shoulder with and being honored BY the same British monarch. History is truly funny sometimes. We’ve come full circle. I bet the irony is not lost on Royal historians.”

  24. Beautiful, I’m so proud of our first family!

    Just listened to the video, though. Is anyone else a little disappointed in the Royal speech? It was as generic as I can imagine any speech could be.

  25. You took that right out of my mouth. You can just see that look on the Prez’s face. Buckingham Palace will never be the same again…lol…

  26. The Queen is always general. Protocol precludes her from getting political. She is ceremonial, hence she cannot get specific without getting political or persoonal..

  27. At the 3:15 mark, I think that is Kevin Spacey sitting to the left. Is David Plouffe sitting to the right or is it just an amazing look-alike?

  28. Dumb question. Did anyone notice that pin with the red cross on Queen Elizabeth’s dress? Does that have something to do with “the Cross of St. George” or could it be a momento of her mother who drove an ambulance for the Red Cross during WWII?

    Michelle looked stunning but then she never disappoints. And PBO in full dress tux is to swoon over. Move me to the fainting couch and pass the smelling salts! That man is so hot! Even an old Granny like me can so appreciate that. Every time he grins I just melt!

  29. I don’t think the Queen writes her own speeches. She has to be very careful not to say anything that can be construed as her own political opinion.

  30. That will go over SO well in a key 2012 battleground state. Really, the current GOP leadership is simply divorced from reality.

  31. Your comment is truth. He is always gorgeous but boy is he working gorgeous today. I LOVE HIM.

  32. WBD you are the BEST: Thank you we just love you.
    Stunning, Stunning PBO and FLOTUS just beautiful.

  33. Luckily we all get the chance to drool for the next 5.5 years. I firmly believe that.

    Don’t be perturbed, he is a beautiful human being. Michelle won’t mind us admiring him from afar. Afar being the operative word here. LOL. 🙂

  34. Sometimes I think these repugs truly have a death wish. Their nihilism would be so funny if it were not the dangerous cover the corporate media keeps giving them over and over.

    So at this point they truly believe they’ll never pay an electoral price for outlandish statements like Pawlenty’s. They think as Rove did during George w. Bush’s tenure, that they can create their own reality, and go scot free.

  35. Aren’t they just the most spectacular looking couple anywhere, any time!!! I remember JFK and Jackie…but these two are more regal and spectacular, yet also, as someone else said, are as home in an Irish pub as in a palace. They exemplify Rudyard Kipling’s line: “And walk with kings, nor lose the common touch.” They are real…..and the Queen is crazy about them.

  36. No kidding! First one of their jerks wants to “sell Utah” to pay off the National debt and now another one wants to let the people of Joplin rot in misery.

    Good thing neither one of those unpersons really have any power in either of those scenarios.

  37. Cantor is an idiot. This needs to be played out in Joplin. I understand Senator Roy Blunt who used to represent Joplin has challenged Cantor on this. Still, Repugs are just so heartless. How can he politicize such a heart-breaking tragedy? Cantor is pathetic.

  38. Why are these strings of natural disasters happening mostly in Red states? I know nature does not follow politics, but I just find it very curious.

  39. I’d put our beautiful-in-every-way First Couple up against anyone. And I think the Queen is smitten with President Obama. I just read an interesting bit about the exchange of gifts. It read: A spokesman for the Queen said she has been intimately involved in planning the details of the state visit and spoke of a sincere fondness between the 2 heads of state. “Very warm words have been spoken between the royal family and the Obamas” the spokesman said. “There is a genuine, genuine—and I mean this—a genuine warmth between the 2 families.”

  40. I was thinking, if the libertarians are successful and we get rid of the federal government, if there is a tornado or a flood etc., we can always call Goldman sachs or chevron for help!

  41. climate changes…global warning. The deniers can deny but it is the reality. Here in Canada a number of our provinces are dealing with a lot of rain; lots of flooding and another, a lot of ires…

  42. Now, although Michelle’s 47 and Barack will be 50, a mini-me for Barack will result in that romantic setting…Maybe?! ::clears throat:: lol 😉

  43. Because the red states are in tornado alley.South and midwest. what they don’t seem to understand is, if the Republicans had their way, the states would all be fending for themselves. No FEMA. NO tornado and hurricane monitoring.No help.Add to that that these very same states TAKE more in Federal assistance than they pay in.Blue states take care of the red states…they are so clueless and ugly.
    On a happier note,stunning is the word that came to mind looking at these pictures.Breathtakingly beautiful couple.They are truly spellbinding to look at:)They represent this country so well, where ever they go.I am so proud.So proud.

  44. Thanks Theo67. That is a brilliant summation. This is quienessential Obama. he does not only speak it, he lives it!!!! What a role model!!

  45. Texas, Louisiana, Florida…

    I held my breath for eight years praying that California would not have a major earthquake during the Bush nightmare years. Especially how they treated us during the Electricity crisis that made us lose our Dem governor and they gave us Arnold.

  46. Yep, they always do. The very people who opposed the stimulus were always happy to pose for pics with checks from the Obama Administration. They want the credit but not the critcism…hypocrites.

  47. I ain’t gonna lie – the DVD set that didn’t even play in the UK and the IPOD of his own speeches as gifts were absolutely cringe worthy.

    IIRC whe the DVD set was gifted, he in return recieved a one-of-a-kind pen made from the hull of a slave ship or something.

    I get that PBO was trying to normalize relations, trying to make it seem that the ties were so tight that the US/Britain didn’t need to remain in the wooing phase of trying to impress each other sorta deal, but damn that was embarrassing.

  48. I actually love to see their money being squandered (I meant ‘spent’) here where they will have absolutely no effect.

    I had heard that every time you click on one it costs them money. That true?

  49. i hope the constiuents of these red states being hit realize their eleceted official took away funding for diasters , this needs to be all over the news.

  50. I Looooove seeing Michelle in white — it’s a whole different type of imagery that we don’t regularly enough see of a black woman in the media: pristine, cherished, bridal, demure.

    Just beautiful!

  51. Washington (CNN) — The exact timing of a Senate vote on a resolution to back U.S. military action in Libya is not decided, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Tuesday, adding the vote would not come this month….

    The resolution by Kerry and McCain, which they had been working on for some time but until Monday had not made public, is not a formal authorization of military action in Libya. The resolution makes no mention of the War Powers Act.
    It “supports the limited use of military force by the United States in Libya as part of the NATO mission to enforce United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973 (2011), as requested by the Transitional National Council, the Arab League, and the Gulf Cooperation Council.”…more



  52. The stoopidity and bigotry in the red states are of such magnitude that they necessitate people there voting against their own economic interests just so they can show their dislike of the Prez. They want jobs; they want medicare but they still vote for the bigots who reject them simply because the bigots are white like them. It is sad but true.

  53. I heard afterwards that the queen really enjoyed the Ipod, even though some people thought it wasn’t a good gift at the time.

  54. Tornadoes hit Virginia all the time. Let’s hear Cantor talk that smack when they get hit. <<>>

  55. I have IE and don’t see any ads either… with that said I believe BWD stated the other day that it is WordPress that has the ads.. nothing to do with her.

  56. I wish they would adopt a boy. There are so many older children, especially of mixed race, in foster care.

    I think if they adopted, they would inspire so many more couples to do so. And then Obama could have a ballplayer. You know he wants a little basketball player. And yes, I know the girls play. But it’s a dad thing. We need a little Barack.

  57. I think you have some of the gift details confused. I thought the gift was a little off too but the Obamas got a framed picture of Liz and the Duke so frankly, I think the Brits came out ahead on that little exchange.

    Barack Obama met the Queen at Buckingham Palace today and gave her a gift of an iPod loaded with video footage and photographs of her 2007 United States visit to Richmond, Jamestown and Williamsburg in Virginia. In return, the Queen gave the President a silver framed signed photograph of herself and the Duke of Edinburgh – apparently a standard present for visiting dignitaries.

    It is believed the Queen already has an iPod, a 6GB silver Mini version she is said to have bought in 2005 at the suggestion of Prince Andrew.

    UPDATE: Pool reporter Richard Wolf of USA Today says that an Obama aide told him the President also gave the Queen a “rare songbook signed by Richard Rodgers“. END UPDATE


  58. Thanks for these photos and the video BWD. OMG the President and the first lady are flawless! They are absolutely stunning!

    Oh how I will work so hard to ensure that we will have them for another 4 years in 2012!

  59. Stunning…you took the words right out of my mouth. They are simply stunning and take my proud American breath away! God Save the Queen and God Bless our President and First Lady and family.

  60. I hope the Dems are smart enough not to tough Medicare as they have a huge campaign weapon now. Also the Bush tax cuts not ending would be ridiculous as well.

  61. But it’s written all over her face, in her smile at POTUS & FLOTUS. She even cracked a little joke. She really really likes them.

  62. Yes they are and the Queen is, indeed, crazy about the Obamas. There are 2 state dinners each year in the UK (as I’ve been told by dear friends who are British) and the first of the year happens with our President and First Lady. What an honor and apparently Mrs.Obama and the Queen still correspond in writing, regularly. How charming and sweet!!!

  63. Yeah…

    But, of course, on both our parts, it’s just “wishful thinkin’!”

    And, what would Malia, Sasha, et al think about that?

    It just wasn’t “in the cards” for there to be a little Barack! 😦

  64. Precisely right. Those thoughts were echoed by Michael Moore on LO show and he added that the Dems should say “SS and Medicare are off the table”

    Frankly the best way to fix the solvency issue is to tax on SS and Medicare over the 100k (current) limit. It’s stupid to cap the tax at 100k when so many earning way over can well afford it. I say PBO will get lots done in his second term. He’ll have tons of political capital and no election to worry about!

  65. Corwin camp has said that her areas had higher than predicted turnout! Could be just playing the refs.

  66. “UPDATE: Pool reporter Richard Wolf of USA Today says that an Obama aide told him the President also gave the Queen a “rare songbook signed by Richard Rodgers“. END UPDATE”

    That is so freakin’ cool.

  67. I heard the GOP candidate has asked for a restraining order to not count the votes? I heard she went to court and got a court order. Does anyone know anything about this in NY?

  68. They are not winning. The President had already had a number for the amount of cuts that he had in his budget so really although it may seem like they are “winning,” in the end they are only going to get the amount of cuts that the President was willing to give. Joe Biden is a master negotiator and he is not foolish. There is no way that they will give anything they didn’t want to give.

    It will be just like the tax cut deal. The President got 86% of what he wanted and the Republicans got 13%…

  69. To Michael Moore’s credit, he walked back his bizarre behavior after the killing of bin Laden and threaded the needle perfectly, complete with praise for our President and what it means to have someone with intelligence and true fortitude as POTUS. He was pitch perfect tonight. He could push Democrats without being destructive — do you get it now, Michael?

  70. Republicans know how to vote, especially when it counts. Democrats, hopefully, have finally learned how to grab the future.

  71. Only if Dems take back congress, otherwise it will be for years of what we got now.

  72. OMG!!!!! FLOTUS looks SPECTACULAR!!!! Wow!!! This is some President and First Lady, folks! They are simply regal. So impressed, so proud, so happy that they are in the White House.

    5 MORE YEARS!!!!!!!

    OBAMA 2012!!!!!

  73. I think our Prez actually loves being the only male in the house. He gets a lot of attention and that’s where his comfort zone is.

  74. Because Mother Nature is mighty pizzed at them for thrusting Republicans upon us who deny climate change and encourage profiteering activities that hurt Mother Earth!

  75. I don’t even know if there were ever enough Dems in that district to pull off a win. We will need many Repubs to vote for the Dem or the Repub vote will have to be split so bad that the Dem wins because of the split.

    The Repubs poured tons of money into that district and from what I hear they did a massive GOTV this past weekend so I guess we’ll know soon…

  76. It always boils down to the fickleness and unreliability of Dems. They promise to vote, then come voting day, you knock on their doors and then a nightmare begins…

    I have been frustrated here by voters on the left who refuse to vote in advance polls and then come election day, some one in the family gets sick, they die or some mundane excuse arises. Now this can be very annoying especially if you canvassed this person and cajoled them until you marked them as a 1–sure vote–then the day comes and they do this..I get so angry sometimes on a day like that, I tell them to F..off.

  77. Who will have the victory – the Repub? Either way it still bodes badly for a supposedly solid red district squeaking by with a 2% margin…

    Also, if the Dem wins, be prepared for a Repub clerk suddenly finding an extra box of (R)ballots that was accidentally left out on the porch the night before.

  78. Hochul is up 46% to 42% with a whole 3% counted. I hope this doesn’t end up like the nigth of the Wisconsin SC election.

  79. It’s absolutely scary that with all the horrible things Republicans have broadcasted that they are planning for older people, that ANY PERSON over the age of 50 would vote for a Republican anywhere in the US. That this NY election is even close is depressing. However, I happen to have 6 brothers and sisters who were all A or B students –all 6 of them vote Republican. Depressing indeed.

  80. Hochul , Kathy 48%
    Corwin , Jane 42%
    Davis , Jack 9%
    Murphy , Ian 1%
    with 18% in

  81. Should Corwin win, I hope the GOP takes it as an endorsement of the Ryan Budget.

  82. Talk about a death wish….Henserling
    called Elizabeth Warren a liar on camera in a hearing today! I cannot believe it!

  83. Now that is good news. We’ll keep our fingers crossed. The Buffalo News site has some repugs whose views I cannot stomach,,,

  84. 9:39 PM PT: 45% counted now, and Hochul’s lead stays steady at 48-42. Don’t count any chickens, but things are starting to look tough for Jane Corwin.

  85. I am soooooo proud! Beaming proud of the POTUS and our lovely FLOTUS!!!! They do us all so proud … even those THUG HATERS, yeah, you are done proud by them.

    And yes, the Queen honestly looks like she is beaming and proud too … never seen so many photos of her smiling. I’m sure the Brits are noticing too. She has a nice smile when she shows it … and Obama can draw it out!

    (His smile is radiant!)

    Obama/Biden 2012! I’m in!!!!

  86. 9:45 PM PT: 55% reporting and Corwin ticks up just a tiny bit, but Hochul still leads 48-43. Davis is all the way back at 8%.

  87. Think about that Pic, seen around the word; in Africa, the Caribbean, South America or even in the uk by poor black women and their little boys and girls. It is powerful!

  88. 9:53 PM PT: Our latest canvass still has Hochul up six with 68% in. (AP’s behind at 61% and a five-point lead.)

  89. Outlets are starting to call it for Hochul. she’s close to 50% – no way the GOP can spin this as Davis being the spoiler.

    Hopefully this steels the Dems spine to double down on their medicare messaging.

  90. 9:56 PM PT: Some Hochul-friendly precincts came in, nudging her up to 49-42 with 71% of the vote reporting.

  91. Looking good, but I don’t know where the remaining votes have to come from. The mere fact that in strongly Republican district Hochul is in the 48% range is remarkable.

  92. Bochum won! So now, we gotta get Harry to vote on this in the senate and pray Biden does not touch Medicare in the debt talks.

  93. With 71%, Holchul up by 48-42.

    SR, are you ready for your dinner ?

  94. Senate votes for the Ryan budget this week as well – so far Snowe, Collins, Brown and Murkowski have said they’ll vote against it.

  95. Can’t. I’m a vegetarian. Also if I’m not predicting electoral doom then we’re really in trouble.

  96. I know. I was watching the Buffalo news and they interviewed this older gentleman, he had to be 65 on SS & Medicare, said he always votes Repub straight ticket. He did not care about cutting Medicare because he would still get it, the hell with anyone else.

  97. LOL. If the trend holds good till the end, 6% is an impressive margin, isn’t it ?

    ryan’s curse is already working.

  98. Yaay! This is so good. Boehner is so done, stick your fork in!!!! Ryan set Repugs up so well. Now I can go to bed happy!

  99. I picture Boehner doing a Captain Kirk, looking up into the sky and screaming “Hooooooochul!!!”

  100. via gos, A Democrat can’t win.

    NY-20 – strike

    NY-23 – strike

    NY-29 – strike

    NY-26 – strike

    (I’m unable to do the actual strike marks)

  101. yup. turdblossom can go suck an egg now. I heard that seat hadn’t been won by a dem since late 1800’s. Is it true ?

  102. Nice win.
    ezraklein Ezra Klein
    You know, if not for Joe Lieberman, adults over 55 would be able to buy into Medicare through the Affordable Care Act.
    17 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

    ezraklein Ezra Klein
    It’s almost as if seniors like their single-payer health-care system. #NY26
    19 minutes ago

  103. In other news, another tornado-favorable storm cell is heading for Joplin…

  104. That race is called for the Dem, by 6%. This is an absolute DEVASTATION for the GOP and RyanCare voters. Total devastation.

    Onwards 2012!

  105. and in other news, is Nate saying Palin in running? RFLMAO.

    fivethirtyeight Nate Silver
    by NickKristof
    So looks like Republicans just lost an R+6 district and Sarah Palin is running for president. Worst night for GOP in some time.
    43 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply

  106. They do more to encourage Dem losses than FoxNews. Yet grandstand on victories. Can’t stand that place.

  107. Oh pleasepleaseplease! If La Palin runs, I may have to reconsider my disbelief in God.

  108. I think I want to trust Plouffe on this one. My brother in Buffalo reminded me tonight that Plouffe knows where every 18-22 yrs lives, what they eat, what they think and where every dollar in the federal budget is located. He said not to worry about anything Biden is leaking because it is part of the plan to fake the repugs out of their shoes. I pray he is right. The election tonight is a good start.

  109. As I said some time ago, Plouffe is our Jedi Knight to Rove’s Sith Lord. And remember, the Jedis win in the end.

  110. Fivethirtyeight
    Nate Silver
    To be clear, I have no inside gossip on Palin, just drawing an inference from @realclearscott’s reporting: http://bit.ly/liizaq
    32 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® Favorite Retweet Reply

  111. I think it’s safe to say that the Netanyahu public fellating will be but a wisp of a memory by tomorrow morning. When the GOP loses a district that went for McCain over Obama, that’s a BFD.

    And tomorrow PBO speaks in the Mother of Parliaments.

  112. It’s a day of good news.

    – A judge on Tuesday refused to throw out a lawsuit by two Democratic political consultants who allege that The Huffington Post’s founders stole the idea for the online news website from them.

    Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Charles E. Ramos denied a motion by lawyers for the media company to dismiss the lawsuit, meaning that the case will now likely move to the discovery phase of fact-finding by both sides.

    Consultants Peter Daou and James Boyce sued in November 2010, alleging they had originally come up with the plan for the site’s blend of blogs by prominent contributors, news aggregation and original content.

    Daou and Boyce said they discussed their plans with Huffington Post co-founders Arianna Huffington and Kenneth Lerer in 2004, and believed they were partners. The two consultants claimed they were cut out of the deal after the co-founders raised millions of dollars to launch and develop the site. They seek unspecified damages.


    Rethugs will be rethugs.

  113. I find it amusing that the President looks dazzling in each photo (as does the First Lady), but also “otherworldly.” He always looks so good that he appears photoshopped in – or like the cardboard cutouts of him from the ’08 campaign.

    Of course, he’s genuine and far from any pretense, which is the biggest part of his charm. The same goes for the FLOTUS.

    Pity the poor people that appear in photos with them!

  114. Man, all this good news is making it hard for me to be a good agnostic.

  115. Hochul +6. She kicked ass.

    Percentage may go down a point or two as some precincts come in but Corwin has conceded.

  116. I’d hazard to say that they’re more glamorous than even JFK and Jackie.

  117. In those pics above, as I look at how PBHO interacts w/the Queen, and how he looks at her, she probably reminds him of his Toot (his maternal grandmother)…

    He loved her, and he misses her!

  118. You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.
    Abraham Lincoln, (attributed)
    16th president of US (1809 – 1865)

    Congrats Rep Hochul.

  119. I agree. I think in the past 3 years Obama has taken maybe 3 or 4 bad pictures (the ones on file at FOX and Drudge for every story of him). Seriously, other than people photographed who are so excited to shake his hand or children, most others in the photos are not in sync with the Obamas. Particularly other world leaders.

  120. The Weather Channel is reporting possible tornadoes in Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas.

  121. For Republicans tonight is a really bad night like the really bad night we had in Mass with Scott Brown winning.

  122. And they did it ALL to themselves. Dems did not have to do anything or say the things they did (with all tho these lies about HCR).

  123. As evidenced by over 40% of the vote in NY26 going to the Republican who passionately stated that she most certainly would have voted to end Medicare if she was already in the House.

  124. A bunch of fools. It’s a mystery that this country is still standing after eight years of this pathetic Congress under the presidency of GW Bush.

  125. I see NOTHING in the media as to when PBO will be giving his parliamentary address. They want to keep it a big secret?

  126. Thank you BWD for bringing these wonderful and delightful pictures to us. The first couple has certainly made me proud and I am moved beyond words. Michelle’s entire ensemble reminds me of how we used to dress, especially the gloves. First Lady Michelle is adorable and carries herself with such poise confidence, class and elegance.

    It is amazing how comfortable the Queen appears to be with the First Couple. There is absolutely no doubt that she is fond of them.

  127. Thanks for sharing that. I, too, have confidence in David Plouffe. Thanks for reminding me.

  128. sherijr, as I scrolled down the page and saw the first photo of the First Lady, my breath was taken away. She is absolutely stunning.

    Oh how I wish I were half as beautiful as she. (and as tall)

  129. Ladies and Gentlemen – I’m pleased to introduce you to Congresswoman Hochul!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  130. The President’s statement of Congratulations on the win in NY-26- was on Facebook:

    Congratulations to Congresswoman-elect Kathy Hochul for her victory tonight in New York’s 26th Congressional District. Kathy has shown, through her victory and throughout her career, that she will fight for the families and businesses in western New York, and I look forward to working with her when she gets to Washington.

  131. Has Murkowski’s voting become a bit more moderate since her re-election?

  132. In many ways, she probably wishes/wished her son, Charles, was like Barack…Faithful, anyone?! lol 😉

  133. Yes, Liberal Librarian…..more glamorous and spectacular than JFK and Jackie, and I was a starry eyed young person when they were in the White House. This couple tops them all!

  134. Hahaa, Liberal Librarian! A couple of months ago my husband told me about a site that has Biblical Codes, yeah, I know, but what this particular site says is 2012 will be Obama v. Palin. I told him the site was crazy, that there’s no way in hades the Repubs would allow Palin to become their presidential nominee. Ha, wouldn’t that be a hoot if the prediction came true?!

  135. Congrats to BWD and Chipsticks, they made it onto WordPress.com’s Blogs of the Day – Top 100 Posts! (#19 and #15, respectively) 🙂

    Top Posts

    (via P @ TOD)

    But, I’m definitely unhappy about the #1 post…Grrr!

    Bad optics?!

  136. That’s annoying. They are questioning the President keeping committments made months ago because of a natural disaster. Is this the new normal?

    Bush didn’t get criticized because he didn’ visit New Orleans, but because of the lack of response by the Federal Government.

    Are we going to expect our Presidents to visit the site of every natural disaster or is it just the standard for President Obama? I’ll give you three guesses.

  137. I loved the First Lady’s dress so much I had to look up…WOW Congrats to Tom Ford.

  138. I take it they won’t continue their calls for him to run for President?


  139. Oh, I didn’t want to hear and crazy talk so I turned away during Michael’s spot…now I wish I had watched.

  140. You know, PBHO shouldn’t be showin’ his BIG, beautiful smile, either…

    F* ’em, if they “can’t take a joke!” lol

  141. Is that like: If I don’t watch my favorite team on television, then they win?

  142. All the time…

    You know, after @StopBeck and twitfriends “take down” @Drop_Fox (especially Fox “News”), WE need to go after CNN, FOX Lite…Grrr!


  143. Eric Cantor is pure evil!!! The man is such a cowardly, sneaky, greedy, conniving, ambitious, back stabbing asshole!!!

    His fall will be public, hard and karmic in every way!!!

  144. President Obama does not get to pick out gifts and did not pick out the DVD set.

    That is the job of the State Department and the Chief of Protocol who in this instance is a Clintonite.

    It always amazes me that they do this shit and when things work out well, they’re every where trying to give Hillary credit, but when it bombs, it becomes the President’s and First Lady’s failure!!!

    Hillary has successfully hitched herself to every success of President Obama’s and disappeared when there is fallout!!!

    And the Clinton crowd continue to publicly undermine and sabotage President Obama and this makes me very angry!!!

  145. The British constitution for you in a nutshell: the queen has the right to vote, but it would be unconstitutional for her to do so. That is, she _can_ vote so long as she _doesn’t_.

  146. I won’t get my hopes up. I was praying for Donald Trump to run for the entertainment factor and was sorely disappointed.

    Imagine if she became the nominee. The debates would be hilarious.

  147. She would literally murder downticket races. Not a chance. I do still wonder about Rubio though.

  148. WE have every reason and right to be…

    Now, like I’ve said before, “BHO IS ‘The President of the World’!”

    YES.WE.CAN…DO.More, Together!
    YES.WE.CAN…Move America Forward & Win The Future!
    YES.WE.CAN, Again Make History…Obama/Biden 2012!


  149. Rubio may be a possibility, but not sure how he would do nationwide. His name is so furrin, dontcha know!

  150. Gotta love the “FireFOX” And you’re right, with adblocker. No ads, no pop-ups, just content.
    LOVE IT!

    And Michelle is workin’ that dress! SHE LOOKS AMAZING! And check out our President!! White tie and TAILS?!? Buckingham Palace will never be the same after that stay-over!

    The votes are in. We have the best looking President and First Lady EVER!!!!!

  151. That’s my take, too. The idea that the enablers of the Republican PArty are providing me with The Only Adult In The Room tickles me – I’d be even more tickled if Newsmax could be convinced to pay BWD a significant salary and make her life easier.

    I’m also happy to have instant access to the RW memes of the day without having to go to WaPo or Faux sites.

  152. If I’d been smart enough to get that online divinity degree a few years back I’d be preaching about God punishing evildoers who hurt the sick, starve the poor, and worship idols.

    Actually, that God-is-punishing-us thing has always seemed incredibly disrespectful. Having reworked God in your own image, you assume he’s as hateful and small as you are? That’s gotta be smiteworthy! 😉

  153. One of yesterday’s posts had that precious picture of the little girl smiling with joy at PBO, and downthread the Queen with the same smile. I kept flipping back and forth, really proud that we were smart enough to elect a deeply good, deeply worthy man after years of being taught to be cynical and hopeless.

  154. President Obama has a full-time staff working on making government more efficient, less wasteful, and more carefully regulated and overseen.

    Anything VPB takes to the Congress regarding Medicare cuts will not harm Medicare recipients in any way, but will probably totally piss off the Health Industrial Complex and those who benefit from their fraud and greed.

    I’m hoping it addresses the supplementary insurance and prescription drug issues. That’s was the biggest giveaway of all time to people who deserved it the least.

  155. I love coming to this site, I come here everyday! It’s the first place and the last,and it’s because this site brightens up my whole day.Just wanted to tell you that. Thanks

  156. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!! I am on fire with pride and joy!!!! The Obamas represent the best of America…

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