“He is as good as it gets”

Yea, I hate to provide Huff-Crap with a click, but this is a must-read for us here.

Christina Patterson:

Why, in Spite of Everything, I Still Love Obama

Sometimes, you need to go away to keep your love alive. Perhaps it’s the change of air. Perhaps it’s the change of view. Perhaps it’s just the chance to stop and pause. Who knows what it is that melts away the doubts, and the disappointment? But when I gazed at my beloved, at Lake Garda last weekend, I realized that, in spite of everything, my love still burned bright.

Hey, it’s true, looked tired. He’s cut back on the jokes now. He’s cut back on the smiles. But when he stepped out, in my hotel room, or perhaps I should say on the giant flat-screen telly in my hotel room, I felt a stirring that wasn’t like the flicker of excitement you have on an early date, when fantasies blaze, and hopes soar. What I felt was something calmer, but also stronger: the sense that I, or perhaps the 65 million Americans who voted on my behalf, had chosen well.

Barack Obama, it has to be said, looked quite stern. But you probably should look a bit stern when you’re announcing the start of something that will put the lives of some of your citizens at serious risk, and will almost certainly lead to the deaths of innocent men and women. You probably should look a bit stern when you’re spending millions of taxpayers’ dollars at a time when many of the people who paid the taxes don’t have jobs. And when you don’t actually have a clue where it’s going to lead.

Obama, like every other person on the face of this planet, doesn’t know if bombing certain targets in Tripoli, and Benghazi, and Misrata, is going to get rid of Muammar Gaddafi, or if it’s just going to strengthen his resolve. He doesn’t know if the bombs will just destroy machinery, and kill soldiers, or if they’re going to kill men and women who are used as human shields. He doesn’t know if the so-called rebels, who said they didn’t want international help, and then that they did, but might change their minds again, and who are mostly about as experienced in using AK-47s and rocket-propelled grenades as I am, will be able to stand up against a trained army, and highly paid mercenaries, and massive supplies of arms that the West sold them, and now wishes it hadn’t. He doesn’t know if this is the kind of military action that can be done quite quickly and cleanly, or if, like most military action, and even military action that looks as though it can be done quickly and cleanly, it can’t.

It is, presumably, because he doesn’t know these things that he took a while to weigh them up. He may have thought, like David Cameron, that a “no-fly zone” sounded like a good idea, but he probably also thought you didn’t get one just by telling the people who would have flown there that they shouldn’t. He may have thought that what you had to do to stop people flying there may have been too risky, or too complicated, or too likely to lead to things you couldn’t control, to be worth doing. This may be why, when he said he had decided to take action to impose one, he didn’t sound like a hero who was going to save people from a terrible situation, and who expected a round of applause. He sounded like a man who had had to make a very, very difficult decision. And who knew that you couldn’t know whether some decisions were right or wrong, but that you just had to live with the consequences of the one you’d made.

He also sounded like a man who knew that everyone was saying that he’d been dithering, but who thought that there were more important things in life than whether people thought you were dithering. He sounded like a man who knew that, whatever people said about him, and however much the Right might think he was a socialist who was trying to destroy the country, and however much the Left might think he was someone who had promised the sun, the moon and the stars and delivered instead a country that was in the grip of a massive economic crisis, there were certain things that had happened since he’d become president that had made the world better.

He might, for instance, have been thinking about the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which was the first Act he signed when he became president, and which offered basic protections against pay discrimination for women and older workers. He might have been thinking about the healthcare reform bill, which he passed a year ago, and which meant that 32 million Americans who didn’t, in the world’s richest nation, have access to a doctor, now did. Or the Start treaty he signed with President Dmitry Medvedev, which cut, and committed both countries to continue to cut, the world’s stock of nuclear weapons. He might also have been thinking of the $798bn economic stimulus plan he launched in 2009, which almost undoubtedly saved America from greater economic disaster, or the Wall Street reform bill he passed last summer, which aimed to protect ordinary Americans from abusive financial practices, and taxpayers from future bailouts, and which represented a victory over some of the most powerful lobbying forces in the land. He might have been thinking of the fact that he created more private sector jobs last year than George W. Bush did in eight years.

The 44th President of the United States, and first black leader of the Western world, who has, arguably, done more for the majority of Americans than any president since Roosevelt, and who has been careful to send out the message that America is no longer seeking swashbuckling adventures on the world stage, and who has done more for gay rights than any president in history, may well have been thinking that politics is a difficult, and complicated, and stressful business, and that it means you have to make impossible choices, while working with people you don’t like, and whose political views you abhor. And that the results are unlikely to set people cheering, because people tend not to look at politicians who are in office, and cheer.

I’m not sure that when I see Obama, I want to cheer. I want, instead, to say that in the very imperfect world we live in, with the vested, and opposing, interests that make any kind of change a compromise, this thoughtful, pragmatic and sometimes irritating politician is probably as good as it gets.

151 thoughts on ““He is as good as it gets”

  1. I liked the titl better than the article itself but thought about sending it to you anyway. Of course, you are way ahead of me!

  2. I think it’s a very good article, very sober, very realistic and written with a real sense of love to this man. This is terrific:

    I felt a stirring that wasn’t like the flicker of excitement you have on an early date, when fantasies blaze, and hopes soar. What I felt was something calmer, but also stronger: the sense that I, or perhaps the 65 million Americans who voted on my behalf, had chosen well.

  3. Love it! One of the things I truly appreciate about this President is that, even when I disagree with what he’s doing, I recognize that he’s thought it out and has carefully considered the facts. I’d rather have that, than knee-jerk reactions and bombast.

    It’s easy for others to criticize, they’re not the ones who have to make the decisions, or live with the consequences.

  4. This article moved me so much, I had to get up with tears still flowing and do something good in this world today. I can truly say, thank you for posting it BWD. Also thanks to the writer. Very thoughtful!!!! God Bless our POTUS!!!

  5. Love this part….lol
    take that P/L

    He also sounded like a man who knew that everyone was saying that he’d been dithering, but who thought that there were more important things in life than whether people thought you were dithering. He sounded like a man who knew that, whatever people said about him, and however much the Right might think he was a socialist who was trying to destroy the country, and however much the Left might think he was someone who had promised the sun, the moon and the stars and delivered instead a country that was in the grip of a massive economic crisis, there were certain things that had happened since he’d become president that had made the world better.

  6. thank you for this bwd. Norbrook, I totally agree with you. Our president never makes a decision without deliberation. Most issues are not black and white.

    I always find it interesting when those who respond in a knee jerk manner don’t have a clue as to how difficult many of these decisions are.

    I am sure the president “suffered” over the decision to get involved with Libya. The country is already agitated over Afghanistan. It would have been so easy for him to say, they will have to go it alone. As usual, he steps up to the plate and does what he thinks is correct.

    That is what I truly admire about him. Well, actually there are many qualities I admire. I have yet to really feel he has made a major decision based upon his reelection chances.

  7. In time, once thousands of people have had the opportunity to reflect and offer their reasons for what they did in their quest for freedom in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen …, I suspect, as some have already noted, that what President Obama proclaimed in his Cairo speech about the rights and aspirations of all people, about a “New Beginning” will be recounted by many as motivating for them.

    I certainly never expected to see a picture like this …

    … in my lifetime. Defacing an billboard image of Bashar al-Assad and protesting at Baath Party HQ as per Al Jazeera reports:


    Here’s President Obama’s Cairo speech – good viewing on a rainy Spring Saturday afternoon:


  8. I need your help guys. This was posted in our local newspaper.We want to construct a clear response, caloutl the lies, misinformation. Any help will be appreciated. Carla
    Here is the article:
    Since President Obama took office we have a $14 trillion debt, up from $3 trillion from Bush’s administration. We have a disastrous health plan that was pushed through by the Democrats unconstitutionally, which includes death clauses for the elderly and abortion on demand for the unborn. Welfare has risen 54 percent, and domestic spending by 41 percent. The economy under Obama has lost 9,432,000 jobs. During the BP oil crisis, it took Obama 20 days to respond to the problem, while he was entertaining Paul McCartney who publicly disparaged President Bush.
    The list of Obama’s overspending, socialist agenda and broken promises is beyond the scope of this letter.
    There is a myriad of good reads and sources on this draconian current administration. A good start might be Dick Morris’ book, “Revolt,” which heavily documents and footnotes all his data with government sources and statistics, not CNN or MSNBC.
    The problems in our country are us, the voters who allowed this atrocity to happen because we have become dangerously complacent, and perhaps just too lazy to become informed about the most basic modus operandi of our government that affects our everyday lives.
    Marie , Rancho Bernardo

  9. Lovely article. Was all crying like Boehner. Yes, what a guy! I still my PBO and always will be behind him. I know exactly what he has to deal with, with all the Just say NO repugs, hate from the baggers and the PL. Sir, you have done way much more inspite all the road blocks you habe to drive thru. That is, IMO.

  10. Regarding my posting above…
    I really do know how to spell. I was typing too fast…need to calm down.

  11. What an amazing article. It makes me feel great that there are people out there–like the author of that piece who appreciate and adore this president the way many of us here do. T
    hank you BWD and thank you Christina Patterson–whoever you are, I love you.

  12. He’s not “as good as it gets” but as a caller on Ed Schultz show recently said, “a miracle” that we neither appreciate or deserve. He said “yes WE can ” and a lot of the WE left him to face the slings and arrows alone. Some even joined in. WE left him to do the heavy lifting alone and when he asked us to have his back in 2010, we left him. Well WE better wake up and realize that he’s not just ” as good as it gets” but a miracle that we better work to keep before it’s too late.

  13. Thanks for the article. Sometimes I imagine myself as the generic person asked to turn a dial on a meter in a debate or in a mock jury to give those interested feedback on how comments, etc. affected me. This morning I did that and concluded that anyone who maligns the President makes my meter go completely into the negative reaction category. I don’t mean questioning a decision, openly disagreeing, trying to make a case for another policy. I mean if someone starts off from something like, the President is a sell out, the President is weak, the President is incompetent. I don’t care how positively I have felt about that person before, I react involuntarily. I thought about it today when I received an email update from Anthony Weiner. In the past I have admired his grit, thought he was very capable, and though he isn’t from my state, donated to help him out. Though I agreed with the premise of the email, I would no longer donate to anything he sent me because I have now experienced him maligning the President. So for those watching those meters for the reactions of generic voters like me, I realized they may not have woken up to the facts. For those of us that justifiably support the President, we won’t be able to help how we feel when someone takes cheap shots at him. For what its worth, I also was thinking about my current involuntary and strong negative reactions to other groups that used to be fairly neutral for me. For example, the Tea Party raises the same reactions as the KKK. The term Republican feels like a threat to my well being. The Chamber of Commerce used to be something innocuous (remember I’m talking about my reactions)and now the name affects me like the mention of some despotic dictator and his henchmen. Corporations that I know support these other groups are giving me a feeling of revulsion and their products as well. I didn’t get this way by listening to tv or radio or some pulpit. Its just my own observations and conclusions. Anyway, just wondering what those people who study these kinds of things know about the change in reactions among people like myself.

  14. I agree that he’s a real miracle, but I think that in the sea of ignorance and hate – It’s really good to read something like this from someone who is probably not that “invested” in PBO as we are. 🙂

  15. is that a reader op-ed posted by the paper?

    Honestly the only response you need is that anyone who suggests that a book by Dick Morris is based on facts should not be taken seriously. The problem in this country are indeed voters, ignorant voters like Marie.

  16. I can understand why you are so upset Carla!

    What a load of crap that letter is. And sadly, people will read it, believe it, and pass it on.

  17. In response to the awful article (or was it a letter) in your paper, I would say pick out one or two things and rebut them, like the health care stuff.

    Be simple and direct, don’t be sarcastic or ironic.

    And do it as soon as possible.

    You can say something like: “In response to Marie from Rancho Bernardo, I want to say that I think President Obama’s health care reform act is exactly what we need…..[then go on to describe a couple of positive things, like your neighbor with a chronic illness who won’t be denied health care. Or your child who can stay on your policy until they get insurance after college.] Get personal.

    Keep it short.

    Don’t get bogged down on researching your positions, just write down what you feel and know already.

    Don’t use any of the negative phrasing of the writer.

  18. “the sea of ignorance and hate”. So true. I could add “fear” in that sea.

    President Obama is trying to make America grow up and it’s a very very difficult task.

    Thanks for the article, BWD.

  19. Gail’s right, and so are you, BWD. There’s no mistaking the Prez’s genius. Not to mention is utter willingness to break his butt for Americans.

  20. OT-I just read the best quote: “Cynicism was such a cowardly form of superiority.” (Just now getting around to reading Bonfire of the Vanities)

  21. I really stop getting mad at what the msm says about President Obama, because each time he proves them wrong. When I hear someone just making up stuff I say a little prayer to counter them. Then God makes them look foolish. Newt was one of those and the Speaker Rusty. I just roll over laughing these people are just like something on Saturday Night Live. I was once getting so mad and upset and now I just enjoy the comedy of all the new characters to laugh at Scott Walker, Scott Brown and the Koch Brothers. I can’t wait for the book it should go straight to dvd. Who is going to produce this new reality show, maybe Oprah?

  22. He wrote a very nice letter about Geraldine Ferraro. they read on MSNBC.

  23. I agree. It is actually very good to see someone who hasn’t been always on board with the president and who let the media sway their opinion in the past write something like this. It tells others to stop and think a minute about the presidency really entails and how this man has approached the job. It gives people who don’t necessarily support him now a reason to rethink what they have been hearing and use a little critical thinking to perhaps reshape their opinion. It is calm and clear and very supportive but without the sort of praise that gets called uncritical or idol worship or whatever else those who bash first and think later like to use.

  24. Hello Everyone,

    If in addition to here (and other places) you are a blogger at OFA they are doing a Conference Call for bloggers today at 4:00. Check your email to see if you got a notice with a Pin# and phone number to call.

    I believe this Conference Call is to get our input on how to improve the blogging on that site.

    Now back to your regularly scheduled programming 🙂

  25. A small quote of what was in the letter:
    “President Barack Obama calls Geraldine Ferraro a political trailblazer who broke down barriers for women and Americans of all backgrounds.
    Obama says his daughters – Sasha and Malia – will grow up in a more equal country because of Ferraro’s career and her ideals.”

    Read more: http://www.heraldonline.com/2011/03/26/2940097/obama-ferraro-blazed-trail-for.html#ixzz1HjnDks7I

    He is such a classy guy. So many would have avoided saying anything after her comments during the election but he always seems to rise to the occasion in spite of past differences.

  26. Well said, Gail. The pl aka tea baggers from the left knee capped this president from day one. And yet he is still standing tall and determined. Frankly, americans, both left & right, don’t deserve him.

  27. As soon as I saw Anthony Weiner name I hit the delete button. and moved on to the next email.

  28. Yes, BWD, this is, indeed, my favorite part. It was all well said and very thoughtful. We have absolutely “chosen well” And, for sure, my light still burns bright for our President.

  29. Very well-said cuphalffull.

    I am open to a good and fair debate. But Weiner, Kucinich, Gingrich, Boehner, the members of the perpetually perturbed left are not even trying to have honest, fair, respectful discussions when it comes to this President. The lack of respect is a huge problem with me.

    I was giving Dennis Kucinich the benefit of the doubt for being consistent, until several posters here pointed out that while he opposed the U.S. role during the humanitarian mission in Bosnia, he never called for Clinton’s impeachment as he did for President Obama.

    That bothers me profoundly, particularly when he knew there was nothing impeachable and then gave some weasley backtrack after he had already sent out fundraising letters that pivoted off of his “impeachable offense” comments.

    I get that people want to avoid any military commitment if at all possible. It would be great if all revolutions were as relatively smooth and textbook perfect as Egypt.

    But the truth is, while Egypt inspired ordinary citizens everywhere, it also panicked entrenched dictators everywhere.

    In fact, because of Egypt, we are likely to see more dictatorships act quickly, pre-emptively and occasionally murderously in order to postpone the fate that Mubarak received.

    Given the new and constantly changing realities in the region, the President is wise to reflect and deliberate, then act on a case by case basis.

    This is so obvious to anyone who cares and is paying attention, that it does not reflect well on the chorus of perpetual Presidential critics who talk first, think later and never admit they were wrong or underinformed.

  30. Carla,

    For the most part you can ignore most of what was said in that letter to the editor because it is so full of unsubstantiated rhetoric. You can address this by focusing on three key points that show the letter is over-the-top. Make certain you don’t focus on ‘responding’ to the letter; don’t say anything personal and don’t call out the person’s intelligence (or lack thereof).

    You can focus on jobs (using real live government statistics) with a paragraph like this:

    The Bureau of Labor Statistics 2/5/10 shows the majority of the jobs that were lost were shed during the Bush Administration and the very beginning of the Obama Administration. The Recovery Act that was signed at the beginning of Obama’s term has added more jobs from the private sector in the first year than Bush created in eight. Now that the economy is in recovery, hundreds of thousands of jobs are being created every month all across the Nation.

    Regarding the Welfare increase:
    A quick search to find the source of the figures to illustrate the rise in Welfare spending in this Country shows one unsubstantiated source: Dick Morris. And even he admits that welfare spending is mostly Medicaid.

    The $14 Trillion Dollar debt:
    Total Public Debt Outstanding (gross public debt), the difference being that the gross debt includes funds held by the government (e.g. the Social Security Trust Fund).

    Stay reasonable and not alarmist and people will more likely listen to your comments. Remember, that letter was published to stimulate controversy. Don’t rise to the bait, and hope your reasonable response gets published. Good luck

  31. *Christina Patterson–whoever you are, I love you*

    As do I! And I love BWD for bringing this to us!

    Oh, and President Obama and everybody here who “gets it”!!!

  32. I have been away from my computer, email, and home for a week and this is the first email I have opened since arriving home. I was unable to read this or get MSNBC/Rachel and only able to access FOX (which I never listen to or watch)and CNN (which I normally do not watch). I also had a few minutes each day of the Progressive radio station in the area. The local paper where I was printed Conservative opinion columns.

    Thank you for making my life more comfortable. I get the impression that the whole world is against our President when I only have access to so few media sources.

    I heard all the complaints about all that President Obama was doing wrong. My only consolation was it was either coming from the far Right or the extreme Left. I am hoping that middle America understands what kind of actions and decisions are needed from a President. I hope they don’t fall for the false arguments and comparisons of the past mistakes.

    I also heard Sarah Palin speaking about her trip to Israel and Donald Trump acting like the next great dictator. I pray we are not so stupid to vote for either of them. I missed reading all the posts on your site and will catch back up and feel at home again. Thanks for helping us all find a place for like minds to exist.

  33. I loved this and agreed until the last sentence – I have never found the President “irritating”.
    I have had two blips since the very first time I heard him speak at the 2004 convention.

    The first occurred during the primaries when he was getting destroyed in the debates and was about 30 points behind Hillary. I happened to attend a small luncheon where Michele Obama spoke and she came around and talked to and took pictures with everyone in the room – I suggested to her that his speech writers should come up with 30-60 second answers to questions he might be asked and her response was “Barack isn’t a 30 second guy!”. I loved it – also have always loved the fact that he was and still is the smartest guy in the room but I did think at the time he should have figured out a way to come up with short answers so he could get his licks in – but it never changed my mind that he should be the President.
    The other time wasn’t a blip – it occurred during the debate about tax breaks for the rich and it looked like he was just going to cave – I had my one and only moment of upset with him – the next day the compromise was reached and even though I disagreed with the tax breaks for the rich I totally understood why he took the deal – if he hadn’t, the new Congress would never have agreed to all our side got in that compromise.
    I say it every day – I can’t even imagine anyone else being President at this time in our history – just think of all those who ran and picture them – it’s impossible isn’t it?

  34. cuphalffull – Hope you don’t mind, but I’m sharing this part of your comment with some friends (it says it all!):

    *For example, the Tea Party raises the same reactions as the KKK. The term Republican feels like a threat to my well being. The Chamber of Commerce used to be something innocuous (remember I’m talking about my reactions)and now the name affects me like the mention of some despotic dictator and his henchmen. Corporations that I know support these other groups are giving me a feeling of revulsion and their products as well*

    I feel the same way. You are right – maybe some anthropologist could tell us why!

  35. Amen.

    You make a very interesting point on how what happened in Egypt is having an influence on other dictators.

  36. I use to say the same thing about Nelson Mandela. I just could not understand how this man could be so nice to the people made his life a living hell. I couldn’t do it, i just could not.

  37. I just read the article in the e-mail that BWD sent out, and so far have resisted any temptation to return to HP. It really annoyed me the way HP would post the most controversial garbage, sure to get a rise out of progressives, then moderate it heavily so an objection (as with Andrew Breitbart recently) never sees the light of day. After a few days of not going there, I’m beginning to wonder why I kept returning for that type of abuse…lol.

  38. ok – first sentence – Bush didn’t pay for the prescription drug bill, the wars or the tax breaks for the rich! President Obama, on the other hand, included all of those things in his budget because he felt the American people were smart enough to figure all of that out. In that, he made a big mistake – because, a lot of the American people just aren’t smart! Also, it gave the GOP talking points that are bs!!
    The cbo has said that it will add hundreds of millions to the deficit if the ACA is repealed.

  39. I have to share a very cool thing that happened yesterday. We were getting our taxes done at HR Block. The tax preparer was going over our return and saying as a result of the Obama stimulus, we would be getting an 800 tax credit under Making Work Count for 2010.
    She said it would just be for this year unless the President changes his mind and includes it for 2011. I said, ” you mean if Congress passes this as the President cannot do this himself and he has said he wants to keep that in place.”
    She said, ” yes you are right”.

    So thanks to President Obama, we have that much needed money from a much larger tax return this year. I was so excited and happy.

    Thank you President Obama. For all of those struggling to make ends meet, this has been such a gift, a blessing.

  40. I’m so happy for you! This is what was meant by a second Stimulus.
    Throw in a little love for the 111th Congress and the great Nancy Pelosi. They kinda had something to do with the tax cuts, too.

  41. Yes – yes – yes and yes!!!

    I love coming on here because I agree with so many people and don’t feel so isolated in my total admiration for my fabulous President who is indeed a miracle!

  42. I just read it and started crying as well. I especially liked this part “and that it means you have to make impossible choices, while working with people you don’t like, and whose political views you abhor. And that the results are unlikely to set people cheering, because people tend not to look at politicians who are in office, and cheer.”

    As the PL cries out how he’s Republican lite, people forget that sometimes you have to compromise to get things done even with people you dislike.

  43. I did the same thing! Once he said President Obama had no values, it was over for me. Now I just find him obnoxious and untrustworthy.

  44. Yes Tien – sometime in the future Nancy Pelosi will be given the credit she so richly deserves for being one of the truly great Speakers!

    We need our side to let these things be known by the general public

  45. If you are on the call I would encourage them to moderate the site. I stopped going because of all the trolls although I read the blog enties.

  46. Or just say that if obama enjoys 75% personal approval, 70% support on Libya, and a job performance matching that of Reagan at the same point in his administration that any description of PBO as”draconian” or “atrocity” says there is a deeper reason for the letter writers obvious hatred than the facts support. Ask her who should be president and all will be revealed.

  47. Great links, bob. Indeed there’s a huge realignment taking place right now. Glad to be living through it and witnessing it first hand. And as I’ve said before, bwd is quite the tour guide!

  48. But it wont lose us any votes, just intensify the pressure they exert on the lever in the voting booth. I think t is natural to find this bile offensive but I think we imagine it changes more minds than it actually does. Stay positive. Presidental campaigns are won by the person who presents the most optimistic view of America. Not the guy who only sees gloom and doom.

  49. I have emailed people like Wiener in the past a simple message. “I you don’t have the Presidents back, don’t expect me to have yours.”

  50. Couldn’t agree more; there it is:
    President Obama is trying to make America grow up and it’s a very very difficult task.

    Birthing pains IMO. I’m just hoping that we’re at the tail end of the period of intense anger and rage (like a baby pissed that she’s about to have to leave the comfort of a womb even though it’s time; I actually was born with the cord wrapped around my neck apparently fighting that departure {yeah I know, that explains everything about me: oxygen deprivation at birth lol}, before the days of automatic c-sections for babies like I was).

    But I hope that this time of confusion and anger is somewhat winding down within the next year or so, as people catch on to just the sheer level of quality in the WH; the newness and freshness of his ideas.

  51. I was talking about president Obama to my husband (he knows that I adore the president), telling him how he is the only adult in the room. I can’t stand all the extremes from both left and right. He is not that into politics as I am. I was getting mad talking to him about all the crazies from both sides, people not realizing who we have and wishing he was the president of the world but I love this president to wish that on him.

  52. I too have a soft spot for Nancy Pelosi. She is a real fighter and classy lady. She was a historic Speaker of the House and hopefully will be again soon:)

  53. I feel the exact same way. There’s always the possibility with me that my feelings will change with new information, new behaviors, etc., but there are some folks who have just completely turned me off to the point at which my response to just seeing their names is automatic and I have to force myself to listen at the off chance that what they’re saying currently makes sense.

  54. POTUS bears more than a passing (spiritual, political) resemblance to Nelson Mandela IMO. Bishop Tutu as well. For everyone still upset and concerned about the Libyan intervention for good reason, Bishop Tutu’s support of President Obama’s actions should make you take pause. He is not someone who is in support of imperialism, and although soft-spoken, he cannot be bullied…by anyone (I just love him).

  55. Yeah I also raged that I will never for republicans and I am not thrilled with some democrats but I am strong supporter of the president

  56. Annnd, it’s now on your blog, too. Just would like to say that I REALLY like your perspectives and efforts and, BWD family, as she is on the blog roll, MAKE SURE you check out Ms. “Smarty Pants”, here.

  57. I am sure this must end up being a good read cause I have confidence BWD wouldn’t post it if not but Sorry, being a supporter that has never wavered from this amazing President, the words at the beginning is making me more angry than driving me to precede reading the rest. Good for her if she has “found” the “smiling, joking, not tired “obama” SHE lost. *rollingmyeyes* Its people like her and how fast they were to turn their backs on this exceptional POTUS, that is making the GOP feel like they are omnipotent.

    For me President Obama has consistently been the man I voted for and tbh surpassed my expectations. He has never disappeared imo, thus I don’t need to read about HER rediscovery since its obvious SHE disappeared not him.

  58. I’m a little incensed that you posted a backlink to one of the sites that are the mortal enemies of sites like this IMHO and therefore should not be assisted in traffic generation.

    Unless there is some rule where you have to provide the back link when you copy their content?

  59. Important news I am sure we won’t hear from our disgraceful US media. *sigh

    Libyan rebels have pushed on westwards after recapturing the key oil town of Ajdabiya from Colonel Muammar Gaddafi’s forces.

    Reports said they later seized the town of Brega, 70km (44 miles) away.

    The eastern towns along the coast had been lost one-by-one to advancing pro-Gaddafi forces before coalition airstrikes started last week.


  60. x 4 …. Until he publicly apologizes to President Obama for his slur, he’ll get zero attention from me.

  61. Gail…you are so right. That is what angers/saddens me the most. WE on the left (some) deserted him when he needed us the most. He said it won’t be easy in 2008. We need to regroup, and this time have his back instead of all this back stabbing.

  62. She’s absolutely wonderful and a class act. Her session of congress is headed for the history books IMO. First black POTUS, and he’s superlative, yet doesn’t get his full due. First female Speaker, and she’s superlative, yet doesn’t get her full due. I think that future generations are going to look at us like, “wtf was wrong with you, that 90% of the country wasn’t out on the streets celebrating these people every day.” Unbelievable leadership. Boehner does not look very good in comparison IMO. He just doesn’t work as hard as Nancy, and I don’t think that he’s as much of a leader as she is.

  63. yes Fred, I vaguely remember reading something about there is some net blog rule that you should not post more than a paragraph and you have to link source. I am sure BWD would not have linked that disgraceful place unless necessary. 😀

  64. Good for her if she has “found” the “smiling, joking, not tired “obama” SHE lost. *rollingmyeyes* Its people like her and how fast they were to turn their backs on this exceptional POTUS, that is making the GOP feel like they are omnipotent.

    I’ve got a good friend like this writer. They are fairweather fans of the President and sort of went with the momentum and historical nature of his win, but did not really study who he was and don’t consistently pay attention to what he is actually up against.

    They throw their hands up with disgust during the sausage-making part of getting legislation pass and claim their all the same, then when final legislation is passed they check into see what the general buzz is and wonder what happened to all the hopeful feeling of inauguration day.

    My friend, this columnist, Velma “I’m Tired of Defending You” Hart did not deeply embrace his oft-repeated message that change will not be easy, we will have plenty of false starts, but if everyone stays engaged we can achieve the change we seek.

    That entire message went in one ear and out the other for many of the 65 million people that voted for him.

    Their commitment lasted up to and on Election Day, through the inauguration. The rest was up to him.

    By November they were flabbergasted that we were still on fossil fuels, the economy wasn’t back to the irrational exuberance of the 90s and congress wasn’t working together in blissful harmony looking for new ways to pass progressive legislation.

    It’s annoying and childish to not pay attention to the staggering achievements of the man at home and abroad, that are unprecedented even in the midst of disciplined opposition from the media, his own party and the opposition party.

    So yeah, I’m glad she noticed finally, but my thing is: why haven’t you been paying attention to the most amazing Presidency in my lifetime every week since this man has been in office?

    This guy is a legend and we’re beyond privileged to have him and that is not an overstatement.

  65. “I happened to attend a small luncheon where Michele Obama spoke and she came around and talked to and took pictures with everyone in the room – I suggested to her that his speech writers should come up with 30-60 second answers to questions he might be asked and her response was:

    ‘Barack isn’t a 30 second guy!'”

    I love that comment, too, Jayne.

  66. From my twitter timeline:

    RT @BorowitzReport: Michele Bachmann on Ivory Coast: “They are both excellent soaps. What’s the problem?”

  67. I had a bit of a different read of the article. I’m sure we all infuse it with our own points of view.

    I had become pretty steeped in political junkie cynicism over the years. Sometimes its hard to let go of that and believe again. I don’t know if that makes any sense, but its the lens through which I read it and why it was so powerful for me.

    As much as I appreciate President Obama, I still seem to be in the process of letting go of that old baggage that tells me to be wary of politicians.

  68. It is irritating when you run up against that sort of attitude. But I look at it this way. Even if they weren’t paying attention to the man they voted for before the election and even if they checked out right afterward and expected miracles, at least someone like this is now looking realistically at what is going on and what needs to be done. It took them a long time, that’s true, but maybe some of them are finally waking up and learning to appreciate the president and his work on their behalf. Maybe with that awakening will come renewed efforts on their parts to help or at least to stop hindering. That is my hope anyway when I read or hear something like this.

  69. Thank you kelly i was just on Al Jazerra english to find the updates. I hope this guy just give it up. Im so worried about that woman who came from helped.

  70. Yes, your site can actually be taken down if you are seen to be taking to much material from other sites and/or not linking to the original site. Whether people choose to actually click on the links is up to them but they have to be there and no more than 3 paragraphs from the original can be reposted even with a link.

  71. ‘But I hope that this time of confusion and anger is somewhat winding down within the next year or so, as people catch on to just the sheer level of quality in the WH; the newness and freshness of his ideas.’

    I second that hope with all my heart!

  72. I agree too! She is also well-researched and calm in her delivery – 😉 like our president.

  73. Carla, where are you located. If you live in deep red country, then it might be a waste of time. If it is not teabagger territory, I agree with the others who suggested you just give a follow up about what the president inherited and a couple of great things he has done for you and your family.

    I am thinking this was planted by Dick morris or one of his henchmen to shill his book.

  74. Tigerfists88, I just love all your twitter updates. The thought of Michelle Bachman running for President is as crazy as Sarah Palin. That these women think they even have anything in their being that would qualify them is beyond understanding.

  75. Gail, yours is indeed good news. I am glad that redheaded bully at least let him/her say it. Big eddie needs to hear it.

    Did Ed respond Gail?

    I am amazed that you can listen to that buffoon. He makes me soooo angry.

  76. What’s really sad is that there might be two women running for President that haven’t the least bit of credibility. Bachman and the tundra twit make a mockery of even running for the position, and discredit the very concept of a female President in this country.

    For all my differences with Hillary, I didn’t question that she could do the job and firmly believe she was the first truly credible female candidate for the office.

  77. I wrote both aTony and Dennis and said take me off your mailing lists. Raise your money in your own state. Anthony whiner.

    The fact that the man wants the supreme court to overrule HCR, so we can then proceed to have a public option. The man talks like a moron.

  78. I do not remember a whole lot of that book, but I can say it was 1,000 times better than the movie. HOpe you enjoy.

  79. Yup, he is a good as it can get – and better than most of us deserve. I feel we really let him down by allowing the Repub. take-over last Nov. And look what has happened since we gave them back the keys…..

  80. BWD the article was awesome and should give us all the power to push on.If only He could stay as long as Roosevelt did who lead us through the war years. Because we need His steady hand on the ship of state right now. We all should pray that He will always get the wisdom to make the right call for us all.

  81. You are right. I shudder to think of the damage to women candidates either Palin or Bachman would do if they run seriously. Hillary wasn’t my first choice for President but it had nothing to do with her gender or her qualifications for the job. As a woman I would have been proud to vote for her if she had won the nomination. But to have an idiot like Palin or Bachman on the ticket in the lead role would be horrendous. They would knock back women’s chances to be taken seriously for decades.

  82. The rebels in libya has claimed they captured a general of khadaffy army. Well know for caring out his atrocities.

  83. I am sorry she died, but calling Obama a racist and sexist. Geez. The Man really does have class.

  84. Thank you BWD, Yes it’s a great article I just watched a Clip fron the BBC the rebels are taking over and they are celebrating.
    PBO keept his promise whe he said tha NATO will take over, and just remember when he said, he was NOT oppose to wars, but DUMB wars lime IRAQ. He is extremely smart man and he just show his opponets how to execute foreign policy specially when it cames to war.

  85. “This guy is a legend and we’re beyond privileged to have him and that is not an overstatement.”

    HEAR HEAR!!!! I agree so much.

  86. Priseless PL,and let’s stay positive let’s not pay attention to the other side just stay focus on PBO about all the good things he is doing for our country, we will have his back.

  87. Like I said I am sure it is a good read or bwd wouldn’t post it. I will take the comments word for it but the writer rubs me the wrong way from the beginning and I can’t get past that.

  88. The potential clout of Latino voters has become as familiar a story line as the gender gap. But what might make 2012 different is the edge Latinos could give President Barack Obama and the Democrats in battleground states which aren’t thought of as immigration portals or left-leaning strongholds.

    The 2010 Census revealed that in the past decade the adult Latino population has nearly doubled in Nevada, Virginia, and North Carolina. Also, it’s increased by 60 percent or more in two Midwestern battleground states, Indiana and Ohio.

    Obama won all five of those states in 2008 — two of them by very narrow margins — and they are likely to be decisive in next year’s balloting.

    “What the Census figures suggest is that the road to White House in 2012 may well go through the Hispanic community” said Frank Sharry, executive director of America’s Voice, an advocacy group that favors allowing illegal immigrants to work toward U.S. citizenship.


    The Republican Party can offer Latinos of this country absolutely nothing but a hard time. I hope we can rally their support to help us win these states in 2012.

  89. Tien Le, I too had my differences with Hillary but none had to do with her qualifications. It is sad that what these Repub women are doing towards equality. Even though I disagree with Kay Baily Hutchinson, she is much more qualified than either of these women.

  90. Thanks GN for referencing Bishop Tutu’s support of U.N. intervention to try to save lives in Libya. Both Bishop Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandela are my heroes. They are courageous and principled men. But they are also very pragmatic men. I also wish African leaders would follow the example set by President Mandela who readily relinquished the Presidency of South Africa after serving his prescribed term.

  91. I co-sign your statement V C.! She also writes beautifully and with great insights.

  92. What seeking a true international coalition and consent begets

    Uganda will freeze Libyan assets worth $375m (£230m), mainly in the telecommunications, hotel, banking and oil sectors, the government says.

    The BBC East Africa correspondent says this is not aimed at putting pressure on Col Muammar Gaddafi but rather to comply with UN sanctions.

    Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni has previously called for an end to the Western air strikes.

    Oil-rich Libya has used money to buy influence across Africa.

    South Africa has already announced a freeze of Libyan assets, although its president has also condemned the military action.


    Mind you this is coming from the african countries what still sympathize with this despot, who has over the years, bought the influence in that continent when he realized that he does not have much support from fellow arabs.

  93. Makes me miss the gravity and sense of providence that was the Gary Coleman campaign for governor. Godspeed to him.

  94. My husband and I,75 this year, worked on President Obama’s primary campaign for the presidency, never having worked on any political committee or campaign ever before. We did it for this man because we saw in him a very special person with very special personal qualities. He is intelligent, educated, farsighted, knowledgeable and truly comfortable on the world stage. He made us proud to be an American several years ago and he still does. What’s more important is that his ego does not dominate his decision-making.
    Now how rare is that? I agree that he is as good as it gets but, also, he never stops trying to make it better, whatever “it” is.

  95. I so agree, FiredUp. I have NEVER lost faith in my President and I never will. He has achieved in two years what no other president has achieved in eight. And he has done it in spite of an amount of opposition unheard of. The attacks have been relentless and from the gutter. Yet, he moves on with the purpose of making this country a better place for all Americans, even those who have come against him.

    And he’s done it with grace, eloquence and calm.

    I love him. I support him. I think he is doing a phenomenal job.

  96. Thanks for pointing this out Amk. It is a truly amazing coalition, put together in a very short time. It makes you wonder why the U.S. hasn’t taken this route more often.

    The fact that Uganda doesn’t agree with the military strikes, yet is willing to freeze their patron’s assets, shows that we don’t always need agree on absolutely everything. We can move forward on initiatives where we have common ground.

    In this instance, key countries agreed that the imminent humanitarian threat Quaddafi posed was more important than their differences.

  97. Fantastic that you sent Wiener that e-mail tao. If more people did that he may get the message.

  98. I hate it just as much, but i had to bring this article and i should provide the link – It’s just the way it is. However, it’ll probably be another year before they publish one more positive piece about PBO, so…:)

  99. We haven’t had this level of benevolence in office here before, and the whole world knows it. President Obama is truly a departure from the past on so many levels. I think people overseas started planning these protests and gambits for regime change on November 4, 2008. Because with no cowboy in the WH, they know that this is pretty much their only chance too. Dems and liberals love POTUS to pieces, for a reason.

  100. Thank you so much Caroline for this comment. The same qualities of President Obama that attracted you and your husband to work for his election were the same qualities that attracted me to work for him. I am a little younger than you, but not by much, and President Obama is, by far, the best president I’ve lived under.

    I am also very thankful that we have this lady, BWD, (who I assume is much younger than both of us) who is wise enough to recognize the greatness of President Obama. Unlike the fly by night supporters of the President, BWD’s passionate and dedicated support of the President is so powerful and inspirational. The result of her passion and dedication to support this President, without equivocation, has created this powerful community of young and old people of all races and gender.

    After the congressional elections of 2010, all my enthusiasm and optimism of 2008 were deeply shaken. I began to have real doubts about the political judgments of of most Americans. I kept searching for answers at to why most Americans did not realize, as I did, that we had indeed elected an exceptional person as our president.

    However, finding this space, and many other sane and pragmatic spaces that support the President, has re-ignited my optimism. I now know that there many dedicated and decent people, like you and your husband, who believe in, and respect, President Obama, just as much as I do. So, every time I read comments like yours I feel so energized to do every thing to ensure that we re-elect this President for another term.

  101. Soldier. OMG. I am stunned. It was beautiful and powerful. Thank you for sharing that.

  102. I love you FiredUpInCa – I am just as fired up in Florida!

    Our state was completely turned over to the GOP – our Gov is a criminal and we have a veto proof legislature also in the hands of the GOP – it’s a horror!

    I hope the people of Florida will learn that elections have consequences – those who have been disappointed in the President I say wake up!! The guy is just amazing!!

  103. Was that a LTE to the Union Trib? Or a comment on the UT website?

    I’ll reply to that mess of misinformation.

  104. Here’s an excerpt from an article that explains how the deficit became so large…under the Bush administration.

    “Some commentators blame recent legislation — the stimulus bill and the financial rescues — for today’s record deficits. Yet those costs pale next to other policies enacted since 2001 that have swollen the deficit. Those other policies may be less conspicuous now, because many were enacted years ago and they have long since been absorbed into CBO’s and other organizations’ budget projections.”

    “Just two policies dating from the Bush Administration — tax cuts and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan — accounted for over $500 billion of the deficit in 2009 and will account for almost $7 trillion in deficits in 2009 through 2019, including the associated debt-service costs. [6] (The prescription drug benefit enacted in 2003 accounts for further substantial increases in deficits and debt, which we are unable to quantify due to data limitations.) These impacts easily dwarf the stimulus and financial rescues. Furthermore, unlike those temporary costs, these inherited policies (especially the tax cuts and the drug benefit) do not fade away as the economy recovers (see Figure 1).”


    Without the economic downturn and the fiscal policies of the previous Administration, the budget would be roughly in balance over the next decade. That would have put the nation on a much sounder footing to address the demographic challenges and the cost pressures in health care that darken the long-run fiscal outlook.[7]

  105. Here’s a good response to an article on the subject, which provides an excellent break-down of events.

    “Mr. Franks, it’s convenient that you left out what the national debt was in 2001 the year President Bush took office—or for that matter in 1981, the year Reagan took over. If you recall, in 2001 the rationale Bush gave to cut taxes was because there was a surplus. Later as the economy suffered, he proclaimed that tax cuts were needed to help the sagging economy. Seems like tax cuts cure all ills.”

    “You might want to do some research before you accuse others of not knowing the facts or lacking an education. The national debt tripled under Reagan’s watch, and before you start saying it was due to spending maybe you can explain why he rolled back the tax increases over 40 percent afterward saying it was to reduce the deficit. There was an excellent op-ed piece, on-line in the New York Times by his former budget director David Stockman last weekend, titled “Four Deformations of the Apocalypse” that gives great insight on this subject. And no, Stockman is not a liberal, but a staunch conservative, and a realist.”

    “So before you criticize President Obama for trying to fix the mess he was left, and I believe most Americans remember what a disaster that was thrown in his lap, maybe you should do a little research of your own and not rely on the usual cast of characters you see on a particular news channel.”

    “If you remember:”

    “First there were the tax cuts because there was a surplus.”

    “Then we were attacked and the Afgan war began.”

    “Then Bush cut taxes. Cheney declares that ‘deficits don’t matter.'”

    “Then we invaded Iraq. Bushes says ‘he tried to kill my Daddy.'”

    “Then Medicare part ‘D’ was signed into law right before the election with no way to pay for it.”

    “More tax cuts in 2005 and 2006.”

    “2008 Bush pushed through a 700 billion bailout the rescue the sagging economy.”

    “Don’t blame President Obama for trying to fix our country. We’ve already tried it your way.”

    Steven Perry


  106. “George W. Bush, despite all his recent bravado about being an apostle of small government and budget-slashing, is the biggest spending president since Lyndon B. Johnson. In fact, he’s arguably an even bigger spender than LBJ.”


    “Discretionary spending went up in Bush’s first term by 48.5 percent, not adjusted for inflation, more than twice as much as Bill Clinton did (21.6 percent) in two full terms, Slivinski reports.”


    “Including costs for fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, defense spending under Bush has gone up 86 percent since 2001, according to Chris Hellman of the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation.”

    “Current annual defense spending — not counting war costs — is 25 percent above the height of the Reagan-era buildup, Hellman said.”

    “Homeland security spending also has soared, to about $31 billion last year, triple the pre-9/11 number.”


    “But Bush’s super-spending is about far more than defense and homeland security. Brian Riedl, a budget analyst at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative research group, points to education spending. Adjusted for inflation, it’s up 18 percent annually since 2001, thanks largely to Bush’s No Child Left Behind act.”

    “The 2002 farm bill, he said, caused agriculture spending to double its 1990s levels.”

    “Then there was the 2003 Medicare prescription drug benefit — the biggest single expansion in the program’s history — whose 10-year costs are estimated at more than $700 billion.”

    “And the 2005 highway bill, which included thousands of “earmarks,” or special local projects stuck into the legislation by individual lawmakers without review, cost $295 billion.”

    “He has presided over massive increases in almost every category … a dramatic change of pace from most previous presidents,” said Slivinski.”

    “Diana Furchtgott-Roth, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, a conservative research group, blamed a ravenous Congress that was eager to show constituents how generous it could be. (Republicans ran that Congress until January. Bush never vetoed a single GOP spending bill.)”


    “Now, near the end of the seventh year of his presidency, Bush is positioning himself as a tough fiscal conservative.”


    “Eventually, Bush said, ‘they’re going to have to raise taxes to pay for it.'”


    “Bush is getting tough on fiscal policy — after running up a record as the most profligate spender in at least 40 years.
    ‘The spending did happen,’ said Keating, ‘and a lot of it shouldn’t have happened.'”


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