President Barack Obama meets with Cabinet members and senior administration officials to determine next steps in the ongoing effort to stop the BP oil spill, contain its spread, and help affected communities, in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, May 14, 2010. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

President Barack Obama meets with Cabinet members and senior administration officials to determine next steps in the ongoing effort to stop the BP oil spill, contain its spread, and help affected communities, in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, May 14, 2010. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

This official White House photograph is being made available only for publication by news organizations and/or for personal use printing by the subject(s) of the photograph. The photograph may not be manipulated in any way and may not be used in commercial or political materials, advertisements, emails, products, promotions that in any way suggests approval or endorsement of the President, the First Family, or the White House.

42 thoughts on “President Barack Obama meets with Cabinet members and senior administration officials to determine next steps in the ongoing effort to stop the BP oil spill, contain its spread, and help affected communities, in the Roosevelt Room of the White House, May 14, 2010. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

  1. That’s “my” President!!!! Thank you for all you do, all you put up with, and most of all, for being the “you”….

  2. Through all of the criticism and ruthless attacks, you have shown strength and fortitude to attain goals that are best for the country as a whole and not just a few. If only those few who feel they are speaking on my behalf and many others could see that, what a unified country we would be. We love you. If God be for you than who can stand against you. God bless you and your family. Have a joyous, blessed and happy holiday.

  3. I admire President Obama and his family, and for all that God is using him to do for the nation. The Bible exhorts us in 1Timothy 2 to pray for our leaders: “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.”

    Therefore, I pray for God’s wisdom for the leaders of this nation because “through wisdom is an house builded; and by understanding it is established: and by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.” Prov.24:3-4.

  4. He may only be in office for 1 term but he will be able to say he “did he best” he is a man of honor.

  5. As someone who’s life’s work is youth development, I am so proud to have a president and first lady that our young people can look up to and emulate. Your courage and dignity are an inspiration to us all. You are both shining stars in these troubled times.

  6. Mr. President, with God and a determined mind all things are possible. Keep up the good work you are doing for us. You made us a promise and you are fulfilling it. Please remind John and his Republican friends that the campaign is over.

  7. This is my President and one of America’s greatest President since Roosevelt, Clinton, and George Washington. This President is changing the world while he drags America along kicking and screening wanting to stay the same.

  8. President Obama, Merry Christmasw to you and your family,may God bless you and give you the strength to guide this country and all thisw bunch of ignorant Republicans, Bew certain in the knowledge that you have the support of average americans and we believe in you. God Bless,

  9. I admire you greatly.

    If we could determine the median income for all “working-age” citizens I believe you would most represent their best interest, and that of those less fortunate. They too deserve representation. (I do believe that we should require that those who have able-bodies find a way to participate in their daily upkeep.) I almost NEVER hear people with average income complain about taxes. It is those who earn millions$ who hate taxes so much. They should learn what their fair share is.

    We should end the futile war in the Middle now. We are not going to win it, and it is costing us far too much.

    Thank you for all your efforts.

    A citizen friend,

    Charles Hubbert

  10. I agree completely. Yes, dragging americans along kicking & screaming. I love that.
    Thank God for a president with the strength to do this. It’s not easy in a country still filled with so much bigotry and hatred. If not for people like this we would never change. I get emails wkly from people who try to dog him out constantly, make up things, pick apart everything & my personal favorite, compare him to George W. (as if there is any comparison) These people may never “get it” but our president is doing the work that needs to be done and doesn’t let these hate filled people drag him down. I support my president wholeheartedly.
    I am so proud of our first family.
    Thank you President Obama and Michelle for your sacrifices and dedication to us, for the greater good.

  11. Dear President Obama,
    We are so grateful you are the President. Every day you’ve been in office, we say to each other in our home what a terrific job you are doing, and with such courage and grace. I wish more of our citizens and more of your critics could see the big picture, the global and long term issues you keep in mind at all times as you lead in hard choices. You campaigned on your values & goals, and I see evidence those still guide you. It’s easy for critics outside government to consider every campaign goal not achieved in two years as a broken “promise,” but it’s immeasurably harder to be the head of government, making progress steering the huge ship of the U.S.A. in the direction of the values & goals you articulated. Thank you from both of us.
    Pat & Zoltan

  12. Dear President Obama & First Family,

    Happy New Year!

    Thank you for all you DO!!! I know it’s not the most popular position to be in from time to times; however, it’s where you have been ordained to be.

    God’s strength will allow you to peak the valleys and hills.

    Much Love to you, 1st family & Congress

    Janice L. Roberts

  13. In my lifetime I have never seen so much undermining of a president. He has changed more for the good in the past two years than the two George Bushes did during their combined terms. Yet he is always being maligned by people who refuse to understand his mission. I for one am thrilled that President Obama is my president and I hope the country will be able to see through all the hatred and negative distortions that persist.

  14. How blest we are to have such an outstanding man as our president. I thank you President Obama for all of your hard-earned legislative accomplishments at home and for reaching out to the rest of the world with such sincerity and peace. I admire you so much for your dignity and tolerance while under constant attack from the Republicans. Please keep on working as hard as you have for the past two years. May God always bless you and your family.

  15. President Obama is a mavel to watch. When he speaks you can clearly see his mind racing. This is a guy–with an intellect as sharp as a tip of a spear–yet, now every idiot out there, on the Left and the Right thinks they can tell him how to govern!

    It is amazing how quickly people forget. Every month under W, there was a terror alert–people gripped with so much fear, they did not notice the economy collapse. They were all gripped with such fear, they had no opinion on anything.

    Compare today under Obama with three years ago under Bush-Ceney. America’s honor was in tatters, the economy was in a free fall–shedding off as many jobs as possible and, Republicans hankered down on fear mongering and ratcheting up destructive wars and wiretaps.

    Today America is respected again, jobs are coming back and no one worries about terror codes! America is presently going through the most peaceful Christmas and New Year holiday in a very long time. And yet, the haters and bigots still do not think this guy is the real deal. Thank you Mr. Obama.

    We are all lucky to have this man as the leader of the free world.

  16. I love my president in-spite of all the White Men that is trying to bring him down.The bible says what you do to the least of us,will have to be answered by GOD.So I would like to say to all of those fearful White Men,inculding the White Men in Congress and the White Men in the Senate,you will not bring him down,he will not fail,and you will have to acknowledge one day that he was not one of the greatest, but the greatest PRESIDENT that America had ever had.Now before I leave I would like to leave this message to all of you Fearful White Men, I am very disappointed in you and your poor display of character as-for being men,what you have done to the real White Men is damaging,due to the fact you all resemble,but I have hope that the Decent White Men will separate themelves from the fearful.The Fearful White Man in my perspective is (JUST) a Man that’s not really a Whole Man. I finally will say this to you,I can understand somewhat your proberly; First he is good looking,secondly you would have die and come back three times to be as smart as he is,and last but not least,his character you don’t have enough money in this life or the one that may come after to PURCHASE THAT!
    ,So leave the MAN along and you’ll,and you know who I am speaking about;
    GET. A. LIFE

  17. I thank God for our President & his family. He has made tremendous accomplishments, even though they won’t be recognized until he leaves office.

    How quickly people forget the “Bush” years, where only the RICH matter to our elected officials.

  18. If we truly believe in the power of faith we must believe President Obama will win another term. Our job is to make sure everyone VOTES. I am proud of this president. He understands that everyone deserves a voice in our government. He believes that if we work together we can create a better world. I pledge to do my part. Please stay strong and positive. “Yes we can.”

  19. I praise God for your strength he has given you, like your courage to desire to do the right thing for the whole world and not a few select. I pray that you realize the most High God is in your life whether you know it or don’t want to know it. My prayer is to seek his face like Moses did, have some quiet time to your self early in the morning.

    God Bless you

  20. Thank you President Obama for working to make this country and world a better place for everyone. May you have the strength to continue to meet the daily challenges of being President.

  21. This is a man of strenth trying to un-do eight years of problems with people fighting him all the way. I hope he can keep his strength and vision for all of our sakes!


  23. I pray for President Obama, his wife and children, and Vice-President Biden and his family every day.
    I pray that God give all of you the strength to succeed in whatever is put before you and know that in God all things a possible.

  24. Mr. President,

    I have lived for the day that you became president and served the people as you have, and I thank you.

    America will be a better place , because of you!

    Thank you,


  25. It warms my heart to hear the testimony of so many who know the brilliance and value of our best-ever president.

  26. We the people who elected Barack Obama need to stand behind him and show our support for all of the good he is trying to do.
    Mr.President I applaud you, I pray for you and trust in God that you continue with courage,strength, fortitude and grace to do God’s will for the united States formost but also the rest of the planet.

  27. I agree that He is doing the Best He can. There are so many forces working against Him.
    I believe That God is with Him. and The word teaches that If God is for You, then no force
    will prevail against You. We need to Pray for all of our Leaders, and Pray that they only want the best for Our Country, that includes everybody.

  28. Thank you Mr. President for not running a ‘political campaign’ while you have been in office. We want and need you to make the hard decisions (of course, after getting your expert advice from your advisors) and for maintaining the direction longer that 30 seconds. The problems we are now facing will not go away immediately! It will take hard work and difficult decisions. After all, this is not about popularity and please the people with money.

  29. These Emails are simply comforting and awesome. I hope that President & Mrs. Obama both read them and are equally as comforted by those who do appreciate them and their efforts to lead this people. God knows, we know and we want them to know we understand what they are up against and pray for them daily to continue to lead, while trusting God for guidance and best results. Thank you Americans who are sensitive to the good.

  30. President Obama, You are God’s Special gift to America and the world at this troubled times in history. Be strong and lead on as God has given you wisdom and opportunity to serve America and the world at large!!!

  31. Mr. President, The Honorable Barack Obama
    I’ve never been more proud to be an AMERICAN in the United States of America than I am right now. I am overwhelmed by your cry for working together as a united party coming together for the peace and good for ALL man. Your State Of The Union address has enlighten so many of us who have supported you all along and I pray it will enlighten those who are opposing everything you are trying to put together for us all. Its so unfortunate the incident in Tuscon had to happen in order for us to realize we are all about the same cause with different viewpoints but we can agree to disagree and meet each other half way. MY PRAYERS ARE WITH EACH FAMILY WHO WAS EFFECTED BY THIS TRAGEDY. A “UNITED”Staes of America is what we need to get back to. No MORE Democratic or Republican. Lets make the CHANGE together. UNITED We Stand Divided we Fall. May the Lord continue to bless you and your family and the people of the USA.

  32. Dear Mr President
    May the Lord bless, direct, and protect you. Please seek God’s wisdom when making decisions. May God bless your administration and Members of Congress.

  33. President Obama is the greatest president that this country has ever and will ever come to know. He is concerned about the welfare of all Americans. I admire his courage and his strength to stand when he has so much opposition from those who refuse to move the country forward. He has a peace about him that surpasses all understanding. He is calm under fire and he has taught me the true meaning of humility. He is a true example of greatness. I will cont. to pray for the President and his family and may God cont. to direct his path and protect him and his family in their going out and coming in. I pray that the hedge remains around you because if God be for you… one can be against you….no man can stop the plan of God. The battle is already won. Keep up the great work Mr. President. We are proud of you here and abroad.

  34. A man of God’s own heart!Thank you Doctor King, I see the promise land..I might not get there with you but you will get there. God continue to bless keep and streighten our President. Continue to do your best and God will take care of the rest.

  35. Mr. President, You are doing a fantastic job trying to keep this country afloat and deal with all that is going on overseas. I commend you and your steadfastness and applaud your efforts and those of the Navy Seals in bringing Osama Bin Laden down. Job well done!!!

  36. God Bless you in all that you do. No weapon formed against you shall prosper.

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