President Barack Obama greets U.S. troops at Bagram Air Field in Afghanistan, March 28, 2010.

President Barack Obama greets U.S. troops at Bagram Air Field in Afghanistan, March 28, 2010.
(Official White House Photo by Pete Souza)

This official White House photograph is being made available only for publication by news organizations and/or for personal use printing by the subject(s) of the photograph. The photograph may not be manipulated in any way and may not be used in commercial or political materials, advertisements, emails, products, promotions that in any way suggests approval or endorsement of the President, the First Family, or the White House.

11 thoughts on “President Barack Obama greets U.S. troops at Bagram Air Field in Afghanistan, March 28, 2010.

  1. I am so proud of our President and admire his his abilities to keep going in such a hostile environment. He does it all with such grace.
    Thank You Mr President.

  2. The picture actually shows the lengths our president will go to reach those he wants to “touch.”….Take closer look at his reach..his stretch…isn’t that a depiction of his very administration?

    Much more to this photo than at first meets the eye.

    As a former military dependent traveling the world with my family and being surrounded by troops all of my life, I can see their connection with him.

    God bless each one. God Bless our President may God continue to Bless the US.

  3. I cannot express the amount of glory I get from the President. I pray for him everyday. He is going to do his 2 session, still LOOK GOOD, and have an awesome followng. I do not know him personally but if he is ever in Rocky Mount, NC, look me up. I will fix him/her a dinner that they will never forget. Ex. Sweet potato oatmeal bisquits and whatever he wants.
    I love him and her. Be blessed in the Lord!
    Sarah Louise Gilliam Boyd
    Rocky Mount, NC

  4. God bless our President. The man is awesome, and his commitment to the people, his courage in the face of adversity, and his willingness to lead make him great! As the bible says, when the Lord is with you, the world can’t do you no harm.

  5. I am truly grateful, that a Man, who is a caring AMERICAN, can still smile inspite of his adversaries, who dislike him because he is a BLACK MAN.

  6. I believe GOD prepared President Obama for times such as these. He is a GOD fearing man with values he will not compromise. I prayed for him before he went into office and I still pray for him now. There has never been a president like him before he went into office (in my opinion) and after his second term, I doubt there will ever be another like him. May GOD bless President Obama and his family always. Janet DeMar Bailey. South Holland, Il.

  7. Thank you for this e-mail, it says what I feel about our courageous President, and his family. May God Bless him and protect him, and share His wisdom with him, so that we can finally have Peace in our lifetime. Like Jesus, our young President is not a separator, he is a unifier, and an honorable man.

  8. I thank God for blessing us with a President who never forget about the people who are in need. To me he is a down to earth President who don’t mind what people has to said about him. I pray for him everyday that God will contiune to bless this man and his family. He is a perfect examime for the black men of American and his wife for the black women of American.

  9. For God So Loved The World.. .. .. You, Mr. President B. Obama, is so loved that man will try to railroad the great things you do. Hold fast, keep the Faith and Press Toward the Mark ~ We Support You!

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