45 thoughts on “gdp

  1. I pleased and proud of the progress you have made internationally and nationally with people of some intellect. I will continue to support you pray for you and your platform and stand out front as an advocate for your mission for these United States of America. Thank you Mr. President. Keep the faith

  2. Thank God for you Mr. President, I is an honor to say I am an American because I believe you represent hope for all, and goodwill for whole humanity.
    thanks Mr. Presiden

  3. Thanks Mr. President. It is indeed an honor to be an American in these trying times. I honor you for your courage, love and compassion for the American people, and your desire to make things better for all. Keep up the awesome work and be blessed always.

  4. Thank you Mr. President. Hang in there!. You are doing a great job, in spite of all the odds against you. God Bless and Keep You!

  5. Thank you Mr. President for all you are doing for this country. I am proud to say I am an American. Hang in there!! I love and respect you. God Bless you!

  6. Dear Mr. President,

    We could use you in Canada too! I admire & respect you. Don’t let them get you down.

  7. Get tough and stay tough. The tea partyers and the right wing will do this country in. For the American people veto or do what ever is necessary to keep this country free.

  8. Dear Mr. President.

    Merry Christmas to you and your family. As you have heard from so many, you are loved and respected for all you are. Please continue to live by your ethical and practical center.

    With respect,
    David A. Bruck

  9. There are millions and millions of us who are behind you and respect you. I am one of the many who want you to remember, especially in the darkest or hardest of times… that we are at your back, we love your intellectual brilliance paired with wisdom, your tireless commitment to doing your superb best at the toughest job imaginable….being a good husband and loving father, as well as Mr. President! WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU, and our country for finally choosing the best man. Keep believing in your vision and surrounding yourself with the brightest and the best you can find.
    Donna J. Miller, Portland, Marriage and Family counselor

  10. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Mr President and First Family may God continue to bless you and keep.You are doing a marvelous job trying to bring this country and the people back from a disastrous situation.

  11. Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for a Great New Year! I continue to keep you and your lovely family in my prayers. I watched the recent press conference and was reminded of why I voted for you. Your concern and due diligence for the people (especially in these hard times)when politics would have discounted us was a joy to behold, as well as watching you keep your principles and head about you when all around you are losing theirs – along with their Christian duty a double delight. May God Bless and Keep you in all ways – Always!

  12. Greetings Mr. President:
    I count it a joy and a blessing to address you as “Mr. President” You are doing a splendid job in spite of all the obstacles that get in your way. Keep up the good work. What god has for you, it’s for you.

    Jo Ann Wesson

    Kansas City, Mo.

  13. Thank you, may I also express my gratitude and affection, President Obama. Thank you also to First Lady, Michele and your family. I and my husband and friends remain part of your team. We are bit of ragged team to be sure.

    If you come to Florida, Citrus County, you and your family might enjoy seeing the Manatees. Merry Christmas, and a peaceful New Year

    Please consider the serious oil depletion issue which is still not being talked about realistically, openly, in the media or by the federal government. There are so many problems and fears, this is understandable. People cannot move towards solutions without knowing clearly the extent of the problem. or thinking about, articulating and strategically, steadily, moving towards a positive future that the majority Americans will work towards.

  14. GOD bless you in your indeveres that you have to deal with. May GOD bless you in your tough road ahead,for his peace and mercy is with you at all times. He won’t put more on you than you can stand. Stand firm in your beleives and you will overcome.

  15. The deal he brokered with the evil right (the republicans) shows the real compassionate side he has for the poor people that lost their jobs, by brokering an unpopular deal with GOP. He made a sacrifice to have the checks cuttin to provide bill payment, heat, & meals this Christmas for alot of needy families. white, black, brown, asian, native, whatever! Pres Obama, is a man of all seasons (meaning everybody) President Bush took away my greencard in peurto rico 7years ago over some draconian executive order when I was returning to the U.S from an E.Caribbean vacation – but he can never & will never steal my joy. Thank God for Pres Obama – thank God for immigrants. The whole damn U.S is a country made by ppl of distant lands. Poor Indians….

  16. Merry Christmas Mr. President to you and your lovely famly. thank you for what all you are doing for the peoples. You are doing a tremendous job, despite the uphill battles you face daily. God has your back. Just keep the faith.

    Gussie Dye,RN

  17. Thank Mr. President for all your hard work. You have done more for this country in a short amount of time because you have a tall God backing you. Blessing!!!!

  18. Mr. President, as 4 me and my house we honor you as well as your position. We didn’t expect miracles right away. You never lead us to believe that we should. We feel you are doing a incredible job especially considering the hand you were dealt. One of the many things I admire about you is that even though people have opposing views, you still take the high road to try to bring ALL people together. Our motto for our home is to dream one size bigger, put action behind it and teach others to do the same. We keep you and your beautiful family in our prayers. It is our prayer that we see you in the White House until 2016.

  19. As a public servant and professor, I know what it takes to take these initiatives; decisiveness, informed decision making, courage, commitment, determination and perseverance.

    Would love to work for this man !!!

  20. Mr. President,

    I am proud to call you my president. You have the support of my whole household which consists of me, my husband, and my two daughters. Keep up the fight for what you know is right and just.

    Newport, NH

  21. Dear Mr. President & Family,

    Thank you for all you do and your wife..My sons & I are disabled & hope you both keep fighting for us & SSI/SSA/SSD as Medicare and Social Security as well as yourself are under attack..They are attacking the poorest of this country who can’t afford transportation,care for themselves without help,can’t afford their medication & rent & food all at the same time but you keep reminding everyone in Washington we have a voice, we are worth something including votes, but we have you looking out for us & protecting us against the TeaParty or rightwingers..You have done a wonderful job as you have not been in office long enough to clean up 8 years of right wing damage & all the money surplus when Mr. Clinton was in office & the following 8 years destroyed that,got us into a war that the previous president destroyed our international reputation which you are trying to get back besides jobs that we lost during the previous administration..I & my sons know that in the almost 2 yrs. You have been in office you have tried your best & are continuing to fight for the poor & _nderpriveledged,schools as we lost so much under “No Child Left Behind” as all 3 of my sons are on IEPs who can see how that did not work..There are those of us who know you can’t clean up 8 yrs. mess in 2 yrs. It will take a miracle to clean up the mess the administration before you made but those like me & my sons truly stand behind you, believe in you & we have been demeaned & had things taken away from us standing by you & we will continue standing by you..We need to believe in our country & our administration & President..My family stand with you Mr. President & your family too..don’t give up on us because you do have a lot of Americans behind you & know the truth..May your family have a belated Merry Christmas & The Happiest with Joy & Prosperity New Year for you & your family who we also cherish..May God bless you & give you peace for tough time & give you great strenghth for the very rough hard times even harder ones than now..We ask God to keep you & you family under his divine guidance as we need you Mr.President more than you could ever know..Be strong as my sons admire & believe in you!! One step at a time..God Bless & Have a Very Happy New Year Blessed With All You Need!! Stay Strong! Thank You!

  22. President Obama,

    Before the election in 2008, my husband at the age 64 years,decided to register to vote for the very first time after following your candidancy across the nation. He also watches all of those Sunday morning television debates. I was so very proud to say that my entire family voted for you.

    We sincerely appreciate that you are a man of faith and that you tend to lead my example as a loving husband,father, and a person that genuinely cares about people and the future of this great country and the earth for which we are responsible.

    Please continue to stand by your convictions and do not compromise too often when you know what is right for the people who are struggling every day to live this one life with dignity and hope and the pursuit of happiness.

    May God continue to bless and keep you and your family safe. We pray that the people of this country will recognize all of the great things that you have accomplished in this term and that your re-election will be realized. Thank you for all that you do.

  23. Mr. President,

    I am so proud to say that you are my president. I believe that you are doing the best you can. You believe in all people and thanks for not giving in to those who believe differently. Hang in there and stay prayerful.

  24. Thank you for all you do. Your job is the most difficult one in the world and you are handling it with grace and poise. I am proud to be an American and I am very proud of you. Keep standing tall and keep us hopeful. Yes We Can.
    Very Proud American.

  25. Mr President, I wrote you a letter last year to assure of the prayers and best wishes being extended to you. Don’t know if you received it, but I reiterate that you are loved and prayed for daily(both you and your family). Don’t give up, keep the faith,stay prayed up, and you will overcome. GOD SAID SO!

  26. I have been voting since 1964. This is the first President of whom I have been truly proud. I can honestly say I love this man, his wife, and his family. They model family values and integrity.

  27. Dear Mr. President
    We are praying for you and thank God for putting you there for it is only Him who brought us out on that morning to stand on those lines to cast our vote for YOU and the american people.

    Thank you for your leadership and we will follow you. Again God Bless you on your journey.

  28. When I realize the hole that was dug for this country to fall into, I cannot imagine anyone who could do the heavy lifting of digging us out…except you are doing it. Know that you have the prayers of people who don’t wear their Jesus on their sleeve but in their heart.

  29. Dear Mr. President:

    You have done much for our beloved country. Know it is appreciated, I ask the supreme power to give you the strength to continue.

    Thank you.

  30. Mr President it is a blessing to have you in office. Please kept the Faith I feel you are doing your best. Much Love Peace and Happiness to you and yours for the year 2011.

  31. I am so proud of the work you are doing… I know that they(news) are trying to sway the public opinion of what you are trying to achieve. But I know God put you in the position you now hold for this appointed time. I have faith that God will see you through. I am always reminded that when good men are trying to succeed, there are those who wish him harm and failure. Always remember “If God brought you to it He will see you through it” God Bless and keep you and your family Mr. President. Hope you had a Merry Christmas and have a wonderful Bless New Year!!!

  32. mr.President,we love u.Keep your head up because we are praying for every Wed.moring @7am.Just keep the faith. Marie

  33. Thank you Mr.President for all you have done to the world and your people whitehouse,God bless you and your family always

  34. Amen- You said it simplyand beautifully which would have taken me 5 paragraphs.
    I am a moderate and am proud to have voted for Obahma.

  35. A true ALL AMERICA’S PRESIDENT. We allowed George Bush 8 years to put the country in this mess and only a fool would expect President Obama to fix this mess in two years.

  36. Dear Mr. President ,

    I think you would make a wonderful uncle ,

    or hugging cousin ,because you have wonderful

    smile ,and very friendly manner about you .

    I don’t care if you are president or not ,

    I just think ,as a person you are tops .

    Even though I am older ,I am writing this with

    the thoughts of a 4 year old.That’s were \

    innocense is located ,and he doesn’t want

    anything back ,perhaps a friendly smile, hug.

    His Mommy died last June ,and so he really

    needs someone that he can trust ,and the

    moment he saw you on TV, he said “you’re the one ,

    Issy;s Grandfather …

    Sy Mondschein ..

  37. Mr President, I believe in u n trust u 2 point our blessed country by God in the right direction Please do not let the tea party or republicans tell u what 2 do but use ur own way 2 run the USA “GOD bless u”

  38. Mr. President,

    It is apparent to me and others, that you were ordain for this time in our country’s history. I was chatting with s colleagues yesterday, and they were very appreciate and comforted of your Presidency; give all the challenges our nation and the world faces. But, here’s the clincher, they said, “even thought they did vote for you” they still believe in you and the way you have lead our nation and the world.

    May Lord bless you, Michelle and family, and cause his Grace to shine upon and our country this day, and always.

  39. I am thankful for you Mr. President. God has seen fit to put you in this position. No one promised that it would be easy, but I cringe everytime you are referred to other than your correct title which is ” President Obama “. There is a time for everything under the Sun. This is your time, keep God utmost in your life and he will continue to direct your path. I pray for your entire family and that God will continue to bless you. I pray that God will soften the hearts of those that find it so easy to critize, without allowing themselves to see what is happening. We did not get to this situation in 2 years, it took many years to bring the country to where it is today. It will take just as much to bring it to a better and prosperous situation. You are loved. May God Bless you.

  40. Hello Mr. President,

    Thank you for being such a wonderful President and representative of the African diaspora. I say represntative because although you are everyone’s president, obviously you are aware of the magnitude of your presence in the highest office in the United States of America. I was blessed by Michelle to enter the White House with a group of people who were standing outside the day after the inauguration. The story of how I got there is somewhat long but my entry was due to God, and Michelle reportedly saying “let them in”. After all the walking I did around the Capitol, the Smithsonian, et al it is an experience I will never forget.

    The nation is watching you. The way you deal with controversy, nay sayers, dirt slingers, outright liars, haters, and false friends constantly gives hope and direction to millions of men, women, and children. With Michelle by your side and God at the lead I pray that you will be able to lead us another four years when his term is up.

    May God continue to bless and keep you (and your family) in His care.


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